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【#英语资源# 导语】《长津湖》讲述了1950年,中国志愿军部队与美军在朝鲜长津湖地区交战,中国人民志愿军第9兵团将美军1个多师分割包围于长津湖地区,歼敌1.3万余人,扭转了战场态势。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  "Changjin Lake" revolves around the two brothers Wu Qianli and Wu Wanli, which truly restores the passionate history of fighting against the United States and aiding Korea and defending the country more than 70 years ago, which still makes our blood boiling today.

  New China has just been established, wu Qianli family just eat a reunion dinner, a military order on the battlefield again. When Thanksgiving comes, American troops enjoy delicacies in the camp, Chinese soldiers are under the cliff, can only eat hard as stone potatoes; Lei Gong for comrade-in-arms safety will identify the bomb transport, but their own sacrifice; Yang Gensi to defend the camp picked up the explosive bag and the enemy perish together; The unwavering faith of the ice Company's soldiers inspires respect from an American officer. These soldiers, many of whose names we do not know, are all heroes.

  What is a hero? This is 19 square recruits Wu Wanli had doubts. He felt a little far-fetched when he heard that hitting 20 enemies was a hero. MAO Anying touched me by saying, "He is a hero when he goes to the battlefield." Countless Chinese volunteers on the Korean battlefield with the light of ideal and faith, to defend the country's national integrity and the enemy to fight, they have a belief in their hearts: "do not believe that there is an impossible task, do not believe that there is an insurmountable difficulty, do not believe that there is an insurmountable enemy. Each of the Chinese volunteers to fight against the United States and aid Korea showed their heroic qualities with the ordinary. Ordinary makes great.

  The final victory of resisting the United States and aiding Korea was inseparable from these ordinary heroes. They traded their lives for the present era without smoke. "Chojin Lake" is 176 minutes long, but it still leaves me wanting more.

  The great spirit of resistance to the United States and aid to Korea is still fresh. The great martyrs of the Chinese People's Volunteers are immortal.

  Pay tribute to the volunteers fighting for our happiness.


  Today, MY mother and I went to the cinema to watch "Changjin Lake", my heart has been very heavy.

  Long jin lake is an adaptation of a real event, mainly tells the story of the winter of 1950, the American troops crossed the 38th parallel, matches the yalu river, and dynamic planes bombed our country northeast border, while China is facing the urgent task, but the Korean people please help aid, central held many meetings, chairman MAO's thinking repeatedly, finally decided to send our volunteers to support.

  The ninth Regiment of the Chinese People's Volunteers was ordered to fight in Korea, and on the way they encountered several American raids. At the battle of long jin lake, China's volunteer army regiment soldiers, 9 to weed to appease hunger, with snow and ice when drink, in frozen soil for seats, positive hard bar U.S. Nemesis, even if they are ill-equipped, also dare to American ace forces into hell and death even though they were frozen ice sculptures, also do not forget the direction of the aim the steel in the hands of the enemy, the brave heroes, to cast steel wall of life, With blood dyed monument will, with no fear quench blood loyal soul. Their spirit has turned into a blue blood, congesting soil, Fertile castle peak, seven frost and snow, swing the enemy crown, purge the heart, plastic national soul, the hero dies, haoqi qianqiu, martyrs forever, mountains and rivers in mind.

  See here, I have tears, can not help but think now grow in peace we have a good stable life, is not those heroes with fresh and life for it? The picture that impressed me the most was: American aircraft dropped from the sky a missile, can point to the location of the army, tripterygium wilfordii use both hands to pull up the logo, to the car, drive, take it away from the position of the army, that he will become a target, the U.S. military aircraft kept on shooting bullets, but he even though scarred, or previous missile out of the army, but also hurt the grenade tripterygium wilfordii, After the plane left, the soldiers around lei Gong's side to cry, Wu Li he hid in the side, took out the book, holding the pen slowly moved to lei Gong's name, crying while drawing a circle, each circle symbolizes the passing of a hero. Then Mei Sheng comforted him and said these words: "This is a battle we must win. If we don't fight it, our next generation will fight it. If we risk our lives, our next generation will live a life without smoke."

  After watching the movie, the most impressive thing is the fierce war, the bad environment, the strong will and determination to die, as well as the faith of the Chinese people to pursue peace and happiness. I also have a deep understanding of this, until now, the history of those heroes is also remembered in my heart, as the Chinese, we must remember the history, remember those heroes bring us a better life.

  How fortunate to be born in China.

  Hail to the heroes!


  Through watching "Changjin Lake", I have a deeper understanding of the history of the struggle against the United States and aid Korea, and also further realize the difficulty of the revolutionary ancestors. There are many scenes in the film that make you cry. Not only did they have to march with little food, in harsh conditions of 30 or 40 degrees below zero; More to march on the way, to defend the enemy air attack.

  I was moved by the spirit of the characters in the film. In the film, They successfully destroyed the enemy's communication tower, when they were cleaning up the battlefield acquired equipment, suddenly heard the sound of aircraft. It was not long before the enemy succeeded in dropping marker bombs on the spot. As marker bombs continued to burn, enemy aircraft followed. Then the enemy dropped bomb after bomb. Lei Gong in order not to let more soldiers sacrifice, he resolutely tried his best to pull up the logo bomb on the car, and then a person drove the car to the other direction. He managed to divert the enemy's fire, but he was killed in the operation.

  Yang Gensi's platoon held its ground and repelled the enemy many times. To the last platoon left him alone, he took the charge of the fallen comrades, resolutely rushed to the direction of the enemy. Although he died in the battle, his spirit was immortal in the battle. Why did the volunteer soldiers not recoil in the face of the enemy's advanced weapons, but rather march forward?

  Not only because of the United States aid Korea, is a just war to defend the country, but also because they know the pain caused by the war, so their hearts germinated a wish - hope the next generation, can grow in an era without smoke. They in order to protect the country, in order to let the next generation grow in the era of no smoke, they work hard for it, and even sacrificed their precious lives. "I hope the next generation can grow in an era without smoke." That's what brought tears to my eyes. I want to say: we can now grow in an era without smoke, is the revolutionary ancestors with blood struggle. We should remember this period of history, so that the fine tradition of the revolutionary ancestors passed on from generation to generation!


  It is another golden autumn season and another National Day. In this national celebration of the festival, "Changjin Lake" as scheduled, and we meet on the 72nd anniversary of the National Day, to bring us an invisible education class, a shocking spiritual edifation.

  The film is based on the 1950 Changjinho Battle in the War to resist the United States and aid Korea, the greatest extent of the restoration of the revolutionary martyrs in the face of all kinds of difficulties. At that time, The Chosin Lake encountered the worst cold in 50 years. Under the circumstance of over 40 degrees below zero in the middle of the night, our ancestors dressed in thin clothes and held the weapons that lagged behind the American troops, but they still marched forward in an environment of great armed contrast. I can see thirty dead men smoking cannon balls under the enemy tanks under a hail of bullets; I could see hundreds of volunteers crawling in the snow, holding their positions, pinned to the snowy mountains. Whose son, whose father, whose mother, whose wife are waiting at home for their loved ones to return.

  We were born under the red flag, long in the spring breeze, eyes everywhere for China, five stars shining for faith, people have faith, the country has power, the nation has hope. We have revolutionary martyrs to bring us a stable life, there are people of lofty ideals to create a bright future, to borrow Mr. Lu Xun's words "let the Chinese youth are off air conditioning, just go up, do not have to listen to the flow of self-abandonment. Those who can do things do things, and those who can speak speak." Now, we don't have to worry about chaos and war, but we can't take it lightly. With the eyes of foreign powers, we will try to suppress China's development. The series of injustice suffered by Huawei is enough to make the Chinese people know that as Chinese youth, we must care about the motherland, shoulder the heavy responsibility and serve the motherland.


  Coldest night, hottest blood. The loveliest of men, the strongest of souls. Back in time, more than 70 years, the war of blood and tears in the snow and ice still makes people can not bear to recall. This is an eternal pain, but also an eternal glory. History cannot be forgotten, heroes must be remembered. The upcoming Changjin Lake recreates this thrilling battle. However, no matter how clever the film narrative is, it will not be able to say the magnificent and solemn of this epic.

  For a long period of time, the Battle of Changjin Lake has become a legend of war and a totem of belief. Even if the ice body frozen bones, never give up a point. Even if condensed into "statue", also do not shake a cent. In this battle, the Chinese People's Volunteers conquered the extremely harsh environment, beat back the most elite Ace troops of the United States army, recovered the vast eastern area north of the "38th Parallel" and reversed the battlefield situation with their amazing ideas and heroic fighting spirit. This battle became the turning point of the Korean War.

  The balance of the war was turned by the refusal of the volunteers to yield any ground and the enemy's "longest retreat" on the other. And behind this feat, there was a heavy price to pay. The volunteers on the 1081 heights stood firm in the freezing temperatures of minus 40 degrees Celsius. In the end, the whole company died in a prone trench fighting posture, becoming an ice sculpture that never fell and stands tall. Steel of consciousness, cast steel of defense. It is a great "Great Wall" built by men of flesh and blood in a cold and bitter land to keep out the enemy and retreat thousands of miles, to keep the peace of the country at home and to keep the peace for a long time.

  Winter has arrived, and the burning youth has given up his life to die. After the bloody battle, finally fight a way out, finally grab back a glimmer of life. Ice and snow have frozen the bodies of the soldiers, but not their immortal souls. The soul of the army is the most clear love for the country and nation; The spirit of the army is like a mountain of military discipline and a mighty iron stream. "Snow and ice! I will not yield to you, even if I freeze to death, I will stand proud in my position!" Chosin Lake, also stretch ice, also used to be still water deep. Years can prove, running water sound. That is the horn of the great warrior, that is the roar of the soul of iron.

  Changjin Lake battle, vigorous desolate, moving. Even seventy-one years later, this tragic, heroic and bloody battle has become a monument, bursting with surging power. There is no time static good, but someone for us to carry on. Only by advocating heroes can we have heroes. Only by striving to be heroes can we have heroes in large numbers. Remember the ice of Chosin Lake, and the loveliest people and their immortal souls in the ice.


  "Changjin Lake", let the audience have a deeper feeling: these home martyrs, may be a stubborn, never give in to the ring-headed youth, may be a hope and family reunion veterans, may be a heavy feeling heavy justice, always thinking of others good brother...... They were not so far away from us, just like the lovely young people around us today, as if they were our friends and brothers.

  They are very "ordinary", but in the country and the nation in the face of the critical moment of challenge, they can not hesitate to come forward, with flesh and blood to protect our hard-won happy life. The greatest heroes are also the most lovable human beings, which is why audiences are so red eyed.

  From "tall and complete" heroes to the depiction and shaping of complex human nature, it is not only the transformation of film narrative language, but also the continuous updating of the aesthetic style of Domestic films. The art of the film can be truly moving, and the grand narrative and great times should be projected on specific characters and lives.

  In one detail, Wu qianli stops his brother from killing an American commander who has no ability to resist in the deadly battlefield. He made it clear: There are guns you can shoot, but there are guns you can't shoot. The Chinese people are peace-loving. China has never, is never, and will never initiate a war. This truth does not need too much explanation, hidden in the film's lens language.

  "Changjin Lake", together with an increasing number of excellent Domestic theme films, tells the "China story" and "Chinese spirit" more and more wonderful and vivid.


  After I saw the movie "Changjin Lake," tears filled my eyes, tears have been rolling in my eyes, but they have not fallen. "Changjin Lake" tells the story of the war against the United States and Korea. Most of the soldiers in the movie are young people.

  The war was fraught with difficulties. The young volunteers had to climb the high snowy mountains, where temperatures dropped to minus thirty or forty degrees, and covered dozens of kilometers each day in their thin clothing. They don't have good weapons, but they have to fight American planes, artillery and tanks. They could eat only one potato a day, with a few left over for the wounded, while the American soldiers spent Christmas in their comfortable and warm positions, eating roast chicken.

  One scene in the movie impressed me:

  When the American troops charged with dozens of tanks and dozens of aircraft, a Chinese soldier, Yang Gensi, picked up a burning charge, rushed to our enemy, and some of the enemy died together. He was willing to sacrifice his life to accomplish the task.

  In the end, our volunteers defeated the Americans. I want to learn from them this love of the motherland, not afraid of sacrifice, courage. We should also cherish the happy life now, because it is paid for by their sacrifice.


  Arguably one of the most important events of the 1950s in China, the War played a key role in maintaining peace in the People's Republic of China for decades. Figuratively speaking, the fight against the United States aid Korea to go abroad to fight is like a flare or a signal flare, rose on the night sky of The Times, lit up the future of the country.

  In the eastern front of Korea, there is a huge mountain range called The Wolfrim Mountain Range, which is basically uninhabited, and the Battle of Jangjin-ho is in this largely uninhabited place, the volunteers and the United States launched a bloody battle of life and death. The battle of Jangjin-ho changed the dynamics of the Korean War and gave our troops a foothold on the Eastern front.

  Jangjin Lake is intended to convey the spirit of revolutionary martyrs. A war movie, in the end, is about people. A good war film must start with the characters. If there is not enough affection for a character, it will be difficult for the audience to follow him to the battlefield and experience such a test of life and death, showing great concern for him. Under such conditions, the film could succeed; Otherwise, it's just combat, and if you only see combat, it's very tiring.


  War must be brutal. But the war of resistance to the United States and Aid to Korea was a just war. What we saw was the dedication of the volunteers to fight bravely and defend their country.

  I used to be a soldier myself. During my years in the army, I have a strong feeling that the PLA is unique in the world. It is armed with ideas. The army knew what it was fighting for, and they had the spirit to fight on as long as there was one man left. Spirit permeates every soldier's words and deeds. This is the "people's army" that we ordinary people are very familiar with. When the country is in trouble, they come forward to defend their country and people.


  This National Day, I watched the movie changjin Lake. The story is based on the changjin Lake Battle during the period of resistance to the United States and assistance to the North as the background, the soldiers fought bloody battles, heroic and fearless, achieved the success of the battle story.

  After watching this film, can not help but sigh: living in such a powerful motherland, full of pride.

  In the film, there is always a memorable place for me.

  In the snow of minus 40 degrees, the soldiers struggled to eat potatoes, hard potatoes can knock teeth off, that is how painful ah! But the soldiers only smiled. Black potatoes, raw and cooked, were prized. That's all they'll have left to eat. A turn of the picture, the American troops are spending Christmas, wearing trench coats, eating a good meal, talking and laughing. Facing heavily armed American troops, the soldiers did not know how to win, only that they had to win!

  "Why do we have to fight?" asked a soldier. Instructor Mei Sheng said, "If we fight the wars we need to fight, our descendants won't have to." As he said this, he repeatedly stroked the photo of his daughter. I saw how much he loved me. It is the courage of a father to protect his daughter, and the determination of a soldier to defend his country. I think Instructor Mason had a hard time re-enlisting! One side is the family daughter's worry, do not give up; On the other side is the national security. But he chose to focus on the big picture because he was a patriotic soldier. He was also a good father. When he saw his daughter's photo about to be burned, he did not hesitate to reach into the fire, dig out the photo, and put out the flames. Half way through the photo, he said in a trembling voice, "It's dad's fault!" I think his daughter will be filled with pride and joy when she sees this scene.

  MacArthur saluted when he saw three Chinese soldiers in the snow, frozen into ice, waiting for battle. This just proves the saying: on the battlefield, the greatest respect for your opponent is to fight as hard as you can. Even if it is cold, but there is a raging fire like fighting in the burning. Who wouldn't see this light, who wouldn't be shocked by it? Admire it? The soldiers did not die at that moment, but inscribed themselves in a new chapter of history. Hats off to them!

  This is the soldiers in return for the golden age, this should be their wish!

