【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语文章短小精悍,语句幽默诙谐,语法全面系统。适合各个阶层的人群学习参考。相信有了新概念英语,你也可以成为“大神”级别的人物!还在等什么?快来加入学习吧!®文档大全网小编与您一起学习进步!
1.If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it.
语言点1 此句主句和条件状语从句可以互换位置。可变为:A traffic policeman will soon find your car if you park it in the wrong place.
语言点2 wrong placc不要翻译成“错误的地方”,应该译为“不合适的地方”,wrong place相当于 unbefitting / improper place
语言点3 wrong的反义词是right。
翻译练习:他就是你要找的人。He is the right person whom you are looking for.
他就是你要找的人。—He is the right person whom you are looking for.
2.You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.
语言点1 此句包含if引导的真实条件句,位置位于主句之后。 .
语言点2 very lucky = quite fortunate / providential 非常幸运的
语言点3 let sb. go让某人走:Let’s go !让我们走(此处’s非名词所有格,而是let us的综写。)
语言点4 without没有,实际上表示条件:Fish will die without water.鱼离开了水就会死。/1 will die without you.没有你我活不 了。/ Life will be meaningless without love.生活缺少爱将是无意义的。
语言点5 此句包含双重条件:if he lets you go, 一重条件;without a ticket, 二重条件。
1)if+句子:I shall come if I am not busy.如果我不忙就会来的。
2)without +名词性词或短语:Baby will cry without milk.宝宝没有奶喝就会哭的。
3.However, this does not always happen.
语言点 however意为“然而,但是”,经常可以和but互换,但要注意however是副词,常在后面加一个逗号,而but是连词,不需要加逗号。此句还可改为:But this does not always happen.
4.Traffic police are sometimes very polite.
语言点1 police是集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式。
语言点2 polite: refined or elegant客气的,文雅的
polite的反义词:impolite,discourteous, unpolished, inelegant
5.During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: Sir, we welcome you to our city.
语言点1 during后经常加表示时间的词汇,意为“在 期间”:during the summer在暑假里;during the weekend 在周末
语言点2 this note on my car,请注意此处所用介词是on而不是in,因为违章罚款单一般贴在车身或车窗上,所以用on。in the car 一般指开车或坐车。
语言点3 总结对男士、女士的尊称:
1) sir为对男士的称呼,一般单独使用。(前不可加姓,后可以加姓名。)
(×)Wang sir, Zhang sir (两个错误表达)
Yes, sir.是的,先生。
dear sir亲爱的先生
Sir Bill Gates / Sir Bill 比尔•盖茨先生
2)Mr. +姓,对先生的尊称,意为“……先生”
Mr. Zhang张先生;Mr. Wang王先生
May I help you, miss?小姐,我可以为您效劳吗?
Miss Liu刘小姐;Miss Baili白丽小姐
4)Mrs. / mistress / madam对已婚女士的尊称。可单独使用,也可后加姓名。
May I check your ticket, madam?尊敬的女士,我能看一下您的票吗?
Madam Li李太太;Mrs. Zhou周夫人
6.This is a "No Parking" area.
语言点 ‘No Parking’ area 禁停区;‘No smoking’ area 禁烟区;‘No Shouting’ area 禁止大声喧哗区;‘No Flying’ area 禁飞区
7.You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs.
语言点1 Enjoy your stay here.玩得开心。
I have enjoyed my stay with you.和你在一起我很开心。
语言点2 stay在此处作名词。
语言点3 pay attention to对…加以注意
8.This note is only a reminder.
语言点1 only意为“仅仅,只不过”,表示强调,需要强调什么就放其前面即可。
此句稍作改动:Only this note is a reminder.仅有这个条子是提醒物。再如:
Only I love you.只有我爱你。(强调我)
I love only you.我爱的只是你。(强调你)
语言点2 表达“仅仅,只不过”
1)nothing but仅仅,只不过
This note is nothing but a reminder.这个字条只不过是个提醒罢了。
2)nothing more (than)仅仅,只不过
He is nothing more (than) a small officer.他只不过是一个小芝麻官。
9.If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!
语言点1 a request like this这样的恳求
翻译练习:你见过一个像这样的人吗? Have you seen a man like this?
你买过一件像这样的衣服吗? Have you bought a dress like this?
语言点2 cannot fail...不会不,双重否定表示肯定:You cannot fail to learn English well.你们肯定能将英语学好。
1.My aunt Jennifer is an actress.
语言点1 构词法总结:以-er,-or,-ce结尾表人的名词常指男性,而以-ess结尾表人的名词常指女性: waiter男服务员 waitress女服务员 actor男演员 actress女演员 prince王子 princess公主 lion狮子 lioness母狮子 god神 goddess 女神 policeman 警察 policewoman 女警察
学习小贴士: teacher(教师)、doctor(医生)、professor(教授)不分男女。
语言点2 注意actor, actress前不定冠词用an,并且需要连续。
2.She must be at least thirty-five years old.
语言点1 must be很可能是,一定是
1)must be对一般现在事实的推测:He must be an actor.他一定是一个演员。
2)must be doing对现在正在进行事情的推测:My sister must be watching TV.我的妹妹一定是在看电视。
3)must have done 对一般过去事实的推测:They must have arrived at the railway station. 他们肯定已经到火车站了。
4)must have been doing 对过去正在进行事情的推测:Last year he must have been learning GRE.去年他肯定是在学GRE。
5)must have been doing 对过去正在进行事情的推测:Last year he must have been learning GRE去年他肯定是在学GRE。
语言点2 比较学习:“at +最髙级”表示“最……,至……”
1)at least 至少:You must read this article at least three times.你必须把这篇文章至少读三遍。
2)at most至多:I can stay here for at most an hour.我最多只能在这里待上一个小时。
3)at first 首先:At first it was very cold, but then it got hotter. 一开始天气很冷,但后来变热了。
4)at last 最后:I had to give all my dollars to the robber at last.最后我不得已把所有的美金都给了抢劫者。
5)at best 最有可能,充其量:We can not arrive at the Capital Airport before 10 o’clock at best.我们无论如何十点之前也到不了首都机场。
6)at worst 最坏的情况,最差:At worst we still have one train ticket.作最坏的打算,我们仍然还有一张火车票。
3.In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl.
语言点1 in spite of = despite意为“尽管如此”,后面经常接名词(短语)或代词(短语)。
Despite old age, my grandfather still works hard every day.
In spite of terrible weather, we arrived at the office in time.
语言点2 扮演……角色:appear on the stage as sb, / perform in the role of …
Because he looks very young, he often performs in the role of little boy.
4.Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon.
语言点 1 take part in a play = perform a play 演戏
Last night the pupils performed a good play.昨天晚上,小学生们演了一场好戏。
语言点2 have to take part in a new play 指詹妮弗作为一个职业演员因为工作需要,客观上不得不出演。对比主观上“必须” :Must we study hard every day?我们是不是每天都得努力学习呢?
5.This time, she will be a girl of seventeen.
语言点 表达年龄的短语(以17岁的女孩为例):
1) a girl 17 years old (s 不可省)
2) a 17-year-old girl
3) a girl of 17
4) a girl aged 17
6.In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings.
语言点1 关于穿着的表达:
appear in...:I often appear in white shirt.我炫常穿白衬衫。
dress in... :My sister dresses in a blue skirt today.今天我姐姐穿着一条蓝色的裙子
has / have sth. on:He has a nice suit on.他穿着一件漂亮的西装。
wear sth.: The English teacher wears a light gray coat.英语老师穿着一件淺灰色的外套
be in +颜色/衣服:This girl is in dark jeans.这个女孩子穿着深色的牛仔裨。
语言点2 long +black + stockings, long和black两个形容词都用来修饰stockings。多个形容词作前置定语举例:
spare old clothes 多余的旧衣服; dark red new socks 深红色的新短袜;high smart little girl 高个的聪明小女孩
7.Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress.
语言点1 last year是过去时间状语,所以句中用have to的过去式had to。
1)“had to (have to的过去式)+动词原形”表示过去不得不做某事:had to wear (过去) 不得不穿;had to finish(过去)不得不完成
This morning I had to wait for him for 3 hours.
2)have to的否定形式:don’t have to。注意:haven’t to是错误的表达。
You don’t have to go there.你不是必须要去那儿。
3)had to的否定形式:didn’t have to。注意:hadn’t to是错误的表达。
语言点2 bright, orange-coloured dress中有一个逗号,在此没有实际的意义,两个形容词都用来修饰dress.
8.If anyone ever asked her how old she is, she always answers, ‘My dear, it must be terrible to be grown up!'
一旦有人问她有多大年纪,她总是回答:“亲爱的,长大成人真可怕啊! ”
语言点1 此句中if引导真实条件句,主句用一般现在时表示将来。
语言点2 grow v.生长;grow up长大;grown up长大成人(grown为grow的过去分词)
1.After I had had lunch at a village inn, I looked for my bag.
语言点1 此句中“after +过去完成时”构成时间状语从句。
语言点2 有关国家行政区划的表达:
village 乡村;town城镇;county县;city市;province省;country国家
2.I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there !
语言点 wasn’t there是be there的过去式,意为“存在于 地方'
3.As I was looking for it, the inn-keeper came in.
语言点 此处as相当于when,意为“当……时候”;came in = entered,意为“进来”。
4.‘Did you have a good meal ' he asked.
“您吃得好吗? ”他问我。
语言点 对于吃饭的提问,大部分采用“did + have”结构:Did you have your supper?您吃过晚饭了吗?
5.‘Yes, thank you,' I answered, ‘but I can't pay the bill. I haven't got my bag.'
语言点 1) pay for one’s dinner为某人的正餐买单
2) pay the bill 买单,付账
3) treat sb.请客
4) go Dutch各人付自己的账
5) AA均摊(聚餐、外出、购物、旅游等发生集体费用时)
6.The inn-keeper smiled and immediately went out.
语言点 and在此连接并列谓语,避免重复使用主语The landlord。
7.In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.
语言点1 a few minutes不可译为“一些时间”,而应译为“很短的几分钟”、“片刻”
语言点2 give sth. back = return sth.意思是“返还某物”
When do you give the money back to me?你何时把钱还给我?
8.‘I'm very sorry,' he said .
语言点(口语) I am so sorry. /I am really sorry.实在对不起。
(书面语) I apologized / apologised to sb. for sth. / doing sth.我因 ……向……道歉。
9.‘My dog had taken it into the garden. He often does this.’
语言点 此外用he表示“狗”,是拟人化的表达。