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【#雅思# 导语】为了方便大家的学习,下面是©文档大全网整理发布的2019年1月26日雅思机经真题回忆,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!


  Section 1






  1. introduce breathing techniques in water

  2. focus on the safety

  3. improving the diving

  4. intermediate level course are for adults

  5. 课程开始时间: 13th/30th January (有待确认)

  6. each learner should bring a towel

  7. aim to improve speed

  8. bring change to rent locker

  9. required to swim with a hat

  10 improve in confidence



  Section 2






  11. A (几天后就会开展节约能源的工作)

  12. C (switch off appliance)

  13. B (可以网上付款,用户满意度高)

  14. A (装双层玻璃)

  15. A (不适合房子)

  16. 暂缺

  17-18. C (只烧够用的水) E (换掉漏水的管子)

  19-20. 暂缺



  Section 3






  21. material background: relevant information about the history of a village.

  22. history of age

  23. house’s planner work out ground plan

  24. go to library to get large-scale maps

  25. investigation must focus on the: take drawings of staircase and fireplaces

  26. reasons for choosing this topic

  27. for example at university: taking piece of wood sample

  28. essays should describe problems fully and honestly

  29. pay attention to occupancy

  30. finally she should mention: unanswered questions



  Section 4






  31-33)multiple choices

  31. recently, a fast growth of construction of new airports

  C. deserves close attention

  32. one noticeable fact is that construction of new airports is

  B. more important than other buildings (more significant)

  33. What are the airport, cities and town in common

  A. respond to change

  34-38)Matching: scenarios(红字为关键字)

  34. S1-there are more expensive flights because the economic depression causesfuel shortage

  35. S2-there are emerging new airports

  36. S3-there are also new transports pattern appeared

  37. S4-people’s interest in flying is declining in Western countries

  38. S5-airlines can not hold business because the cost of maintenance

  39-40)Completion: the disadvantages of travel

  39. if the environmental problems continue, airport must be imposed on the “green tax”

  40. flight will close down if a trip does not get an insurance






  题目来源:Part 1


  1. Do you have anything to share with others recently?

  2. Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?

  3. What kind of things do you like to share with others?

  4. What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?

  1. Do you have anything to share with others recently?


  第一个问题为经历类型,使用正确的时态至关重要。题目提供了share with sb.的表达方式, 照搬来用就会重复问题内容,但是我们可以稍加改变:share it with sb.很多同学可能在回答此类题需要思考一下,与其自己尴尬思考,不如说点什么,争取时间,填充语就有用啦! (well, let me think. / give me a moment. / that’s a good question)再采用经典3步思路来回答(铺垫+答案+解释)


  Do you have anything to share with others recently?

  Well, let me think. Yes. Last week we had a presentation in one of our courses, each of us needed to give a presentation, my friend Yuanye forgot his remote for slides, he was stressed out. When I told him I could share mine with him, he heaved a sigh of relief. I have to say it is satisfying to brighten people up.



  give a presentation 做展示

  remote for slides 幻灯用的遥控器

  he was stressed out 他很紧张

  he heaved a sigh of relief. 他舒了一口气

  brighten people up 让人们开心起来

  2. Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?




  Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?

  Of course, yes, as I could remember, when I was in primary school, my mum said that I should always put others first, sharing is caring. People will remember when I reach out. I mean they act as model too, my mum showed me she shares her experience on working with young colleague so their efficiency could get improved



  put others first 先人后己

  Sharing is caring 关爱来自分享

  reach out 伸出援手

  they act as model too 他们也以身作则

  colleague 同事

  3. What kind of things do you like to share with others?




  What kind of things do you like to share with others?

  I share different things with my friends if it is necessary, from food to taxi, or even my clothes. It is a way for us to show our love or care. Like one time my friend Cindy forgot her umbrella, and it was raining, I walked her home from school under my umbrella



  It is necessary 如果有必要

  from food to taxi, or even my cloth 从食物到出租车,甚至我的衣服

  like one time 例如有一次

  4. What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?




  What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?

  There are things better I do not want to share with people, mostly have potential risks. Like the PIN of my credit card, I won’t feel secure. I won’t share my bike or car with people, as if they get injured, partially it is my responsibility.



  There are things better 有些事… …

  Potential risks 潜在风险

  PIN of credit card 信用卡密码

  They get injured 他们受伤了


  题目来源:Part 1


  1. Were you patient when you were young?

  2. How do you feel when other people are not patient?

  3. Were you less or more patient when you were angry?

  1. Were you patient when you were young?


  第1 题需用3步回答法,逻辑会清晰,不会跑题。


  Were you patient when you were young?

  Actually when I was little, I had a really short temper, I could lost my patienceeasily, to be honest, it was not good at all, like once I was waiting for my friend for watching movie, he was 20 minutes late and I shouted at him, it is just naïve and selfish.



  Have short temper 有急脾气

  Lost sb’s patience 失去某人耐心

  Not good at all 根本不好

  Shout at sb. 对某人喊叫

  Naïve and selfish 幼稚和自私

  2. How do you feel when other people are not patient?


  第2 题,用例证法表达,会更方便和有逻辑,金句好词又有积累的好机会!


  How do you feel when other people are not patient?

  When I see people getting anxious, I would try my best to calm them down. While, I’ve learned my approach to deal with people losing patience, if they want to throw a tantrum, it is fine, as this situation calls for it.



  Getting anxious 变得焦虑 适当改写

  Try my best 尽我所能

  Calm them down 让他们冷静

  Approach 方法,手段

  Deal with 应对

  Throw a tantrum 发脾气

  Call for it 需要特定动作,质量

  3. Were you less or more patient when you were angry?




  Were you less or more patient when you were angry?

  Of course when I was angry, it is more likely I can’t focus on one thing for a long time, I still remember one day I couldn’t wait for my dishes get served in restaurant after I had a fight with a guy who did not apologize me after he stepped on my foot. I could easily get influenced by adrenalin.



  Focus on one thing. 关注于某事

  Dishes get served 上菜

  Easily get influenced by adrenalin 轻易受肾上腺素影响





  Passage 1







  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE


  4. FALSE

  5. specialists

  6. European

  7. radiocarbon

  8. 296

  9. race

  10. gender

  11. Australia

  12. archaeologists

  13. shipwreck

  可参考真题:C7T3P2:Population movements and genetics

  Passage 2


  文章题目:Coral Reef (珊瑚礁)





  14. 待补充

  15. A

  16. C

  17. A

  18. F

  19. C


  21. TRUE


  23. FALSE


  25. TRUE

  26. C. economic importance about coral reef

  可参考真题:C8T2P2:The Little Ice Age


  Coral reefs

  Coral reefs are underwater structures made from calcium carbonate secreted by corals. Coral reefs are colonies of tiny living animals found in marine waters that contain few nutrients. Most coral reefs are built from stony corals, which in turn consist of polyps that cluster in groups.

  A Coral reefs are estimated to cover 284,300 km2 just under 0.1% of the oceans' surface area, about half the area of France. The Indo-Pacific region accounts for 91.9% of this total area. Southeast Asia accounts for 32.3% of that figure, while the Pacific including Australia accounts for 40.8%. Atlantic and Caribbean coral reefs account for 7.6%. Yet often called “rainforests of the sea", coral reefs form some of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. They provide a home for 25% of all marine species, including fish, mollusks , worms, crustaceans, echinoderms, sponges, tunicates and other cnidarians. Paradoxically, coral reefs flourish even though they are surrounded by oceanwaters that provide few nutrients. They are most commonly found at shallow depths in tropical waters, but deep water and cold water corals also exist on smaller scales in other areas. Although corals exist both in temperate and tropical waters, shallow-water reefs form only in a zone extending from 30° N to 30° S of the equator. Deep water coral can exist at greater depths and colder temperatures at much higher latitudes, as far north as Norway. Coral reefs are rare along the American and African west coasts. This is due primarily to upwelling and strong cold coastal currents that reduce water temperatures in these areas (respectively the Peru, Benguela and Canary streams). Corals are seldom found along the coastline of South Asia from the eastern tip of India(Madras) to the Bangladeshand Myanmar borders. They are also rare along the coast around northeastern South America and Bangladesh due to the fresh water release from the Amazon and Ganges Rivers, respectively.

  B Coral reefs deliver ecosystem services to tourism, fisheries and coastline protection. The global economic value of coral reefs has been estimated at as much as $US375 billion per year. Coral reefs protect shorelines by absorbing wave energy, and many small islands would not exist without their reef to protect them.

  C The value of reefs in biodiverse regions can be even higher. In parts of Indonesia and the Caribbean where tourism is the main use, reefs are estimated to be worth US$1 million per square kilometer, based on the cost of maintaining sandy beaches and the value of attracting snorkelers and scuba divers. Meanwhile, a recent study of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia found that the reef is worth more to the country as an intact ecosystem than an extractive reserve for fishing. Each year more than 1.8 million tourists visit the reef, spending an estimated AU$4.3 billion (Australian dollars) on reef-related industries from diving to boat rental to posh island resort stays. In the Caribbean, says UNEP, the net annual benefits from diver tourism was US$2billion in 2000 with US$625 million spent directly on diving on reefs. Further, reef tourism is important source of employment, especially for some of the world's poorest people. UNEP says that of the estimated 30 million small-scale fishers in the developing world, most are dependent to a greater or less erextent on coral reefs. In the Philippines, for example, more than one million small-scale fishers depend directly on coral reefs for their livelihoods. The report estimates that reef fisheries were worth between $15,000 and $150,000per square kilometer a year, while fish caught for aquariums were worth $500 a kilogram against $6 for fish caught as food. The aquarium fish export industry supports around 50,000 people and generates some US$5.5 million a year in SriLanka along.

  D Unfortunately, coral reefs are dying around the world. In particular, coral mining, agricultural and urban runoff, pollution (organic and inorganic),disease, and the digging of canals and access into islands and bays are localized threats to coral ecosystems. Broader threats are sea temperature rise, sea level rise and pH changes from ocean acidification , all associated with greenhouse gas emissions. Some current fishing practices are destructive and unsustainable. These include cyanide fishing, overfishing and blast fishing. Although cyanide fishing supplies live reef fish for the tropical aquarium market, most fish caught using this method are sold in restaurants, primarily in Asia, where live fish are prized for their freshness. To catch fish with cyanide, fishers dive down to the reef and squirt cyanide in coral crevices and on the fast-moving fish, to stun the fish making them easy to catch. Overfishing is another leading cause for coral reef degradation. Often, too many fish are taken from one reef to sustain a population in that area. Poor fishing practices, such as banging on the reef with sticks (muro-ami),destroy coral formations that normally function as fish habitat. In some instances, people fish with explosives (blast fishing), which blast apart the surrounding coral.

  E Tourist resorts that empty their sewage directly into the water surrounding coral reefs contribute to coral reef degradation. Wastes kept in poorly maintained septic tanks can also leak into surrounding ground water, eventually seeping out to the reefs. Careless boating, diving, snorkeling and fishing can also damage coral reefs. Whenever people grab, kick, and walk on, or stir up sediment in the reefs, they contribute to coral reef destruction. Corals are also harmed or killed when people drop anchors on them or when people collect coral.

  F To find answers for these problems, scientists and researchers study the various factors that impact reefs. The list includes the ocean's role as a carbon dioxide sink, atmospheric changes, ultraviolet light , ocean acidification, viruses, impacts of dust storms carrying agents to far flung reefs, pollutants, algal blooms and others. Reefs are threatened well beyond coastal areas. General estimates show approximately 10% of the world’s coral reefs are dead. About 60% of the world's reefs are at risk due to destructive, human-related activities. The threat to the health of reefs is particularly strong in Southeast Asia, where 80% of reefs are endangered.

  G In Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, and is the subject of much legislation, including a biodiversity action plan. Inhabitants of Ahus Island, Manus Province, Papua New Guinea, have followed a generations-old practice of restricting fishing in six areas of their reef lagoon. Their cultural traditions allow line fishing, but not net or spear fishing. The result is both the biomass and individual fish sizes are significantly larger than in places where fishing is unrestricted.

  Passage 3


  文章题目:Flexible Work





  27. C

  28. A

  29. D

  30. B

  31. 待补充

  32. F

  33. H

  34. I

  35. C

  36. A

  37. B

  38. satisfaction

  39. email

  40. tasks

  可参考真题:C13T2P3:Making the most of trends


  TASK 1

  题目:The table below shows the improvements in medical care in three different European countries between 1980 to 2000.



  1. 时态:过去时;

  2. 该题数据很多,可以先看总体趋势,基本上病人的数量和医院床位都呈上升趋势,住院时间呈下降趋势;

  3. 其次可以进行各项之间数据的趋势比较(max/min/倍数/分数),英国的病人数量是三个国家中最多的,在2000年刚好是澳大利亚的三倍;

  4. 三个国家住院时间下降的趋势相似,值得注意的是在1990-2000年期间,美国的医院病床数量增加的趋势最快,其次是澳大利亚。


  The table provides information about changes in the number of patients, average stays and beds in England, the US and Australia, as a result of improvements in medical system over two decades (1980-2000),

  It is noticeable that because of the improvements in medical care, all three countries had shown a decrease in the number of patients over the 20 years. The same trend could be found in the days of staying in hospitals. Meanwhile, there was an increase in the number of hospitals beds in the three countries mentioned above.

  When comparing the number of patients, it is clear that the UK held the highest figure, while the number was the lowest in Australia. By the end of 2000, there were around 260,000 of patients staying in the hospitals in England. However, in Australia, the figure was just one third that of England in the same year. Though the number of patients in the US was smaller than that of UK, the two figures both showed an upward trend from 1980 to 2000.

  Another noticeable change is that in both the US and Australia, the number of beds increased dramatically by 5000 and 3000 respectively from 1990 to 2000, comparing to the change in England, with only a growth of 1000 in the same decade.

  (215 words)

  TASK 2

  Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country’s police force or military force, while others think women are not suitable for these jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.




  TA/TR(key words):








  Gender inequality is still a defining aspect of law enforcement, even in today’s world of slowly increasing employment fairness. Women comprise only a small percentage of the local law enforcement in agencies across the all nations, and most of them hold clerical positions.

  In fact, women play an important role in the national force. For starter, the society requires female army to demonstrate its equality in gender issue, providing citizens with all prospective opportunities in personal choice of career. This given law also improves the social balance in relationship between male and female employees and sets a role model for other jobs as well. Secondly, modern warfare has now filled with advanced devices so that we are no longer worrying about the physical incapability of women in comparison to men. Thus, higher education and training allow them to master theses skills as well as men. In addition, some particular jobs are better done by women, including nurses and doctors in the battle field. They are proved better in caring injuries and treating the wounded.

  However, we have to admit that there is a gender difference between male and female soldiers in the actual warfare, where males perform more active and efficient in combat with enemies. The rule that women are not allowed in the frontline is never a discrimination or gender inequality but is a protection to women. Similar conditions apply when we consider men with different levels of combat abilities, because we always choose the strongest for the battle field and the notion of gender is never an issue.

  In conclusion, I believe that it is surely reasonable for females to play a role in modern army but in actual combat, we use the best without gender consideration.

