[新东方新概念英语第三册 百度网盘]新东方新概念英语第三册笔记第5课(1):生词和短语

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Lesson 05 The facts 确切数字

  New words and expression 生词和短语

  Editor n.编辑
  Edit vt.编辑
  -- edit magazine, edit newspaper
  Edition n.编辑
  Editorial adj.编辑的, 主编的 n.社论, 评论
  extreme n.极端
  go?to?extreme(s)?to?do… 做某事走极端
  -- He went to extreme to say that the play was the best one.
  -- He went to extremes to say that his girlfriend was the most beautiful in the world.
  go from one extreme to the other 从一个极端走向另一个极端
  statistics n.统计数字
  journalist n.新闻记者
  reporter n.(电视台)记者
  correspondent n.(电台)记者, 通讯员
  president n.总统
  palace n.王宫;宏伟的住宅
  publish v.出版 = print(vt.), go to press(vi.)
  -- The book has already been published. = The book has already been printed.
  -- The book has gone to press.
  -- They have already published the magazine.
  Fax n.传真 (-- send a fax)
  impatient adj.不耐烦的
  patience(n.耐性) patient(adj.有耐心的) patiently(adv.有耐心地)
  impatience(n.不耐烦) impatient(adj.不耐烦的) impatiently(adv.不耐烦地)
  fire v.解雇(口语)
  -- He was fired from his job
  dismiss vt.解雇(正式)
  -- The manage dismissed him from his company.
  Sack vt.解雇, 辞退(俚语, 口语)
  -- If you do it wrong again you will be sacked.
  Originally adv.起初,原先,从前 / original adj.最初的, 原始的

