Lesson 06 Smash-and-grab 砸橱窗抢劫
New words and expression 生词和短语
smash-and-grab n.砸橱窗抢劫
smash vt.打碎, 粉碎(= break sth into pieces violently)violently adv.猛烈地
-- Smash the car.
Smash vi.打碎, 粉碎(-- The dishes smashed on the floor.)
smash?into 撞击到某处 (-- The bus smashed into a tree.)
grab v.抢夺, 掠夺, 夺取(= seize suddenly)
-- He grabbed me by the arm.
-- He grabbed the coin and ran off. 他抓起硬币就跑了。
snatch vt.抢, 夺取(= catch sth/sb suddenly and violently)
-- The big bird snatches the hen from the ground.
Seize v.抓住, 逮住, 夺取(强调抓住、抓到的结果)
-- Fear?seized?her. 她突然感觉很恐惧。
catch vt.捕获, 赶上(车船等) (= get hold of sth/sb moving)
-- catch mouse / catch bus / catch a thief
Grasp 强调“掌握”
-- We have already grasped six thousand words.
Hold 强调抓牢、抓紧(catch hold of 抓住)
-- He is holding an umbrella.
arcade n.有拱廊的街道(两旁常设商店)
Piccadilly n.皮卡迪利大街
Jewellery n.珠宝(总称)
Necklace n.项链
Ring n.戒指
Background n.背景 (on the background of sth.)
-- background information 背景资料
-- a man of excellent background 有很好的背景的人
velvet n.天鹅绒,丝绒
headlight n.(汽车等)前灯
blare v.发嘟嗜声,吼叫
staff n.全体工作人员
raid n.偷袭 / raid vt., vi.袭击, 突击
scramble v.爬行(= creep quickly)
-- The two thieves scrambled into their car.
Climb vt.爬上(-- climb up the tree)
Mount vt.登上(-- mount the hill)
Fantastic adj.?非常大的
1> = very great / very large 非常大的
-- a fantastic sum of money = a very large sum of money
2> = strange adj.奇怪的, 奇异的
-- a strange dream = a fantastic dream
3> = wonderful adj.极好的, 美好的, 极妙的
-- a fantastic play.
ashtray n.烟灰缸
owner n.所有者, 业主
admire vt. 以赞赏的眼光看着
busily adv.忙碌地
arrange v.安排, 排列, 协商
horn n.(牛、羊等的)角, 喇叭
roar vi.吼叫, 怒号
jeweler n.珠宝商, 宝石匠,钟表匠
wheel n.(汽车的)方向盘
iron n.铁 adj.铁的
furniture n.家具
diamond n.钻石, 菱形
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