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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假一到人欢笑,投入自然最开怀,溪水潺潺谱欢乐,鸟儿欢唱幸福曲,林间山路散散步,一抹惬意入心怀,暑假,愿你欢享美好时光,幸福无限!®文档大全网为大家准备了《暑假见闻英语日记》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.暑假见闻英语日记 篇一

  With the arrival of summer vacation, the barrier of summer has been lifted!

  The early morning of summer is beautiful. When the eastern sky is not yet clear, running to the balcony and taking a breath of fresh air can make people feel relaxed and happy. When the sun rises, take out a book, a tape, read and play to your heart's content. There is no loud noise or the strange sound of car horns in your ear, only the gentle morning breeze whispers in your ear. No one will disturb you, and you will feel comfortable doing anything. After a while, the sound of car horns and people's laughter came from afar, and the day began

  Summer is rainy. Look, a strong wind is howling, rolling debris on the ground and approaching us. The sky suddenly darkened, and then the rain began to fall with a patter. The leaves in the rain were blown by the wind, beaten by the rain, and tearing and moaning; People in the rain, holding umbrellas, walk rapidly in the rain, mischievous children play on the road, they play, jump, sing in the rain, let the rain hit them, they are so innocent, carefree, playing with such joy and joy. The sound of rain outside the window is getting louder and louder. At this moment, open the speaker, put on a few favorite songs, pick up a pen, and put on a few words; Or open the piano cover, play a few beautiful famous songs, and bring yourself into another artistic conception, feeling a bit isolated from the world.

  After the rain, a bright rainbow quietly hung in the sky, like a rainbow bridge built on two tall buildings, competing with the scorching sun, adding a new color to summer and adding some vitality to the students' summer vacation. Even the trees were happy to move and appreciate this beautiful struggle.

  Oh, should we go out for activities now? Don't disappoint this wonderful time. Driving to the beach, a landscape of sea and sky was revealed in front of me. In the distance, several fishing boats were swaying in the wind, and the sea was filled with clusters of microwaves. Barefoot, stepping on the beach, walking towards the beach, the waves argue and approach you, the tips of the waves licking your little feet like millions of tongues. Hire a bamboo raft, support it towards the center of the sea, plunge into the water, swim for a hundred meters to your heart's content, and then float up to the surface, gazing at the blue sky and white clouds, bathed in the beautiful sunshine. Everything is gone, and all that surrounds you is seawater, sky, sunshine Enjoying the warmth given by nature! The sky was getting dark, and the red sunset was falling into the sea bit by bit. The waves were shimmering with red light. Dinner time is up, find a small hotel nearby and have a seafood feast. Wow, it's delicious, it's great!

  As night falls, why not turn on your computer, browse the internet for news, and chat with friends! On this wonderful summer night, the stars outside the window are blinking at you, and the bright moon shuttles through the clouds, reminding you of the story of Chang'e running to the moon and the fairy tale of Cowherd and Weaver Girl. Suddenly, a dull thunder interrupted my thoughts, and a shining light pierced into my eyes. I gently closed my eyes. I know that tomorrow will greet me with a brilliant dawn!

2.暑假见闻英语日记 篇二

  The most unforgettable part of my colorful summer vacation life was the topographical survey.

  After the rain, it cleared up. My father, Uncle Chen, Uncle Wu, and four others received the task of conducting topographic surveys in Chenjiatuo. Before leaving, we all rubbed our hands and were energetic, ready to go on a big fight.

  After arriving at Chenjiatuo, I saw a series of undulating mountains and valleys. In the distance, there were cliffs cut by knives and cliffs cut by swords, while at the foot, there was a vast abyss. It seems that today's measurement is a bit difficult.

  We started surveying along a small path. Under the command of Uncle Wu, my father fixed points on the measurement object with a benchmark, obtained accurate coordinates through a satellite receiver, and then told Uncle Chen that he would use a pencil to record the coordinates and draw a sketch. After returning to the office, he would input the data into the computer to accurately draw the terrain map.

  Initially, our measurement progressed smoothly and achieved twice the result with half the effort. Dad fixed one point after another, Uncle Wu collected data one after another, while Uncle Chen recorded the data and drew sketches with a swish. Within an hour, we measured a total of 200 points and drew a sketch of a mountain. Faced with the extraordinary speed of surveying and mapping, our faces are filled with joy of harvest.

  In a moment, our measurement arrived at the edge of the cliff. As I walked, I stepped on nothing and leaned forward, thanks to Uncle Chen's quick and quick grasp of my wrist, lifting me to safety. The stone I had just stepped on rolled down from the cliff and disappeared without a trace. A few seconds later, there were dull echoes coming from the valley, which was truly breathtaking. We even walked cautiously on the edge of the cliff, slowed down the pace of work, and halved the effectiveness. In this hour, we only measured 100 points.

3.暑假见闻英语日记 篇三

  The town, which had been scorched by the scorching sun for a whole day, finally felt a hint of coolness during the midnight night.

  The fan was spinning weakly above my head, and I was lying in bed dozing aimlessly when the door suddenly "squeaked" open. My father was wiping his sweat with a wet towel while shouting, "Hurry up, come with me to the farmer's market to wholesale loofahs." I reluctantly sat up and looked up, it was already midnight.

  When I gathered my things and walked downstairs, my father had already tied up the goods on the car. Seeing me, my father didn't speak and got into the car directly. Sitting in the car, the midnight wind blew through the car window, making me feel that the scorching summer finally has a refreshing time. When I was in a daze, my father shouted, "Fasten your seat belt." I muttered, "Late at night, you're an old driver again. What kind of seat belt do you wear?" My father glanced at me and said, "Why, don't fasten your seat belt in my car!" I had to pull it over and fasten it. The car continued to drive on the road, and my father and I remained silent thereafter.

  When I arrived at the market and was busy unloading loofahs from the car, the nearby vendor sometimes asked, "Is this your son, There are many mosquitoes at night, hurry up and wipe some. "Then he went to contact the truck that came to load the goods.

  In the early morning, the dull sky suddenly saw raindrops as big as beans, and dense raindrops formed a rain curtain. At that time, my father was delivering goods at the other end of the market. Just as I was sheltering from the rain in the shop behind me, my father rushed back through the rain curtain. He wiped the dripping rain from his head and glanced at me, unsure if it was meant for other vendors or for me. "It's okay if the loofah is wet, you're fine if you're not." The raindrops continued to hit the ground heavily, and the previously stuffy air suddenly became cooler.

4.暑假见闻英语日记 篇四

  During the summer vacation, my grandmother and I came to our hometown in Zhenjiang - a beautiful small village. Because it has been a long time since I came back, I feel particularly fresh in my heart.

  As soon as I entered my grandmother's house, the little dog Coca Cola quickly ran towards me. It kept circling around me and licking my feet with its tongue, just like seeing an old friend. I haven't seen Coca Cola for a long time, and I didn't expect it to remember me. It really surprised me. I put down the bag in my hand and sat on the chair to drink water. Coca Cola simply lay down next to the chair, nibbling on my shoes with its teeth, and occasionally looked at me as if saying, "Little master, welcome back! I miss you so much!" Its cute appearance made me laugh.

  There is a vegetable garden next to my grandmother's house, where many vegetables are grown. There are purple eggplants, chili peppers like lanterns, winter melon wrapped in white gauze, green cucumbers... When I come to the garden, I will touch the round pumpkin for a moment, and then look at the chili peppers, but I feel like I haven't seen enough. My grandmother took me to a melon rack, and I saw yellow flowers blooming on the rack, some of which produced delicate cucumbers. Grandma found two long cucumbers among the green leaves and handed them to me. I saw cucumbers wearing green clothes with many small thorns on them, and they felt rough to the touch. I took the cucumber home, washed it clean, and quickly stuffed it into my mouth. Wow, this cucumber is sweet, crispy, refreshing and thirst quenching, and has a particularly good taste. "Grandma picked two more cucumbers and made me cucumber scrambled eggs at noon, which is really delicious.

5.暑假见闻英语日记 篇五

  My summer vacation life was rich and colorful, and even more joyful. The most memorable and unforgettable thing for me is the long awaited trip to Qingdao.

  When my mother and I embarked on the journey to Qingdao and boarded the train, my mood was surging and I was very excited. Looking out the window at the scenery that flashed by, I eagerly hoped that the train could arrive in Qingdao faster and earlier.

  After a long day of traveling, we finally arrived at Qingdao Railway Station. Qingdao is a beautiful city with exceptionally fresh air, and a variety of buildings are presented in front of me. There are Chinese, European, American, and some unnamed buildings. Every time I go, I have to stop and take a good look, which quickly makes me fall in love with this city.

  Ignoring the fatigue of the journey, we arrived at the seaside and stood on the rocks, looking into the distance. The endless sea was like a huge blue gemstone, shining brightly; The white waves one after another seemed like little dolls bouncing out of the sea, running towards us, playfully splashing the seawater towards us, and gradually disappearing away from us like a hide and seek.

  Waves of sea breeze gently caressed my cheeks, like a beautiful song, telling the beauty of the sea and welcoming us. Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the waves. With such warmth and romance, your mood feels incredibly calm and broad. We danced and laughed at the beach, playing until it was dark and unwilling to leave.

  Qingdao's "food" is also very famous. There is a paradise for gourmands - the Pichayuan, where there are various delicacies, exquisite and dazzling, making me drool over them. Everywhere are my favorite big sea shrimp, soup dumplings, ice cream, and many other foods I haven't seen before. After eating this, I try that, but in the end, I can't even taste it. Feeling my bulging belly, I can only look at "food" and sigh. Qingdao's beer is also famous from afar. I brought a bottle of it to my father when I came home, and the pure taste kept him in constant memory.

  Sea Fairy Mountain - Laoshan is a scenic area. Mount Laoshan is surrounded by the sea on three sides, towering and majestic. We climbed one of the fox fairy mountains near the sea, reached the top of the mountain, and looked around. The breeze was gentle, and the sea scenery was panoramic. The mountains, sea, fishing boats, and tourists formed a wonderful and unparalleled picture.
