
时间:2023-07-18 06:06:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】暑假到来开心笑,轻松自在乐逍遥。生活惬意实在妙,品茶赏景心情好。朋友情谊不可少,聚会多多笑声高。愿你暑假远烦恼,快快乐乐每一秒!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《暑假见闻英语日记》,欢迎阅读参考。

1.暑假见闻英语日记 篇一

  Today is the first day of running. I got up early at 5 o'clock in the morning. After washing up, my mother took me to Qili Street to meet my friends.

  There are many people exercising in the morning. Some play play badminton, some play Taijiquan, and some do aerobics. Upon seeing this scene, my friends and I eagerly took action.

  At the beginning, I was still full of energy. I couldn't run anymore, my calves were swollen and painful, and I couldn't move anymore. My hair and clothes were wet with sweat. My mother saw that I was almost ready to leave, so she quickly cheered me up and said, "Persist until the end is victory." With my mother's encouragement, I completed the morning running task assigned to me by the coach!

2.暑假见闻英语日记 篇二

  Today is a sunny day, and my mother took me to visit the water plant.

  The water plant is like a big garden, with tall trees and various flowers and plants. My mother's colleague took me to visit the water production plant and explained the production process of water. The first thing we visited was the sedimentation tank, where the water was constantly boiling. Then we arrived at the filter tank, where the water slowly flowed into the disinfection tank through the small hole, then into the pump room. Finally, they entered thousands of households.

  I originally thought that water would just flow out of the faucet, but today I visited the water plant and realized that "tap water" does not come naturally. It needs to go through processes such as pumping, sedimentation, disinfection, and water delivery. In the future, we must save every drop of water in our lives.

3.暑假见闻英语日记 篇三

  My aunt took me for a haircut today.

  The older sister took care of it first, and then the aunt took out two large clips and grabbed the hair in front of her. Then she took out a strange comb with a knife and a bottle of water on it. She sprayed the water on her head with a bottle and didn't miss every corner. In a few minutes, her hair got wet. Then she used the comb to brush it, and a large amount of hair fell off, like a black hair rain. In less than ten minutes, the ground had turned into a black ocean. That's all. Auntie, where to cut it, here to cut it, and soon her hair was cut.

  Next, I washed my hair. My sister lay on the sofa, her hair in the sink, the faucet turned on, and splashed it over my head. With a little shampoo, I saw a lot of bubbles coming out, just soak and rinse.

  That's it, the hair is cut.

4.暑假见闻英语日记 篇四

  Today is my first time going to a dance class on my own, and I have an indescribable feeling.

  I changed my dance clothes and prepared to go to dance class. My mother repeatedly reminded me afterwards, 'When crossing the road, you should take the traffic lights, don't cross the road, be careful on the way.' I thought, 'Mom is so verbose, but it's all for my own good.'. I said, "Got it

  I got on the bus, strange. Why is it so cold in the bus? Oh, I turned on the air conditioning! I chose a place where the sun wouldn't shine and sat quietly. Okay, I admit I'm bored, so I opened my phone and watch to chat with my mother. Before I knew it, I arrived at the station. Oh, I really don't want to get off the car. It's not as comfortable outside as inside!

  Getting off the car and walking on the road, I thought, 'Tomorrow, I have to walk by myself.

5.暑假见闻英语日记 篇五

  These past few days have been scorching sun, scorching like fire! I have nowhere to go even though it's hot.

  I don't know if it's too hot or if Xiaobai and Xiaohuang are sick, they both died at the same time. Xiaobai and Xiaohuang are koi fish raised by their mother, and they are really friends! There are so many small fish in the fish tank, but my favorite ones are the two of them. Whenever I have time, I feed them, play with them for a while, and then quietly stand by to watch them perform. For a moment, they are competing for fish food, for a swim competition, and for a while, they are forming a group to play in the clear water. How happy they are playing!

  I am so sad, I will never see them playing happily again.
