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  Section 1 买房咨询,10填空

  Section 2 骑马俱乐部,7 单选,3匹配

  Section 3 论文讨论,1多选,3单选,4填空

  Section 4 关于昆虫的演讲,10填空


  Section 1



  1-10) Note Completion

  1. Address: 59 Franklyn Avenue

  2. Post code: TY12 6OS

  3. Telephone number: 019488536

  4. Preferred type of house: traditional

  5. Facilities inside: central heating

  6. Facilities outside: garage

  7. Preferred location: village

  8. Bank loan: $120,000

  9. Branch bank: Park Square

  10. To collect details in person


  备考建议: 买房租房的常规场景,单词拼写无难度,问题都是在考点内。

  Section 2



  11-17) Multiple choice

  11. The speaker said the club: A meets the demands of customers

  12. The club does not provide: A individual classes

  13. The speaker said the customers must: B deposit of equipment

  14. When the customers do the registration, they: C can cancel two days in advance without charges

  15. The nervous customers may: A watch a lesson

  16. The shop in the horse riding club sells: B footwear

  17. The Equs Club is for: B riders who are preparing competition

  18-20) Matching

  18. Cafe - D

  19. Booking office - C

  20. Waiting area - E



  Section 3


  题型: 1多选,3单选,4填空

  21-23) Multiple Choice

  21. What is causes for low score on the term paper?

  A. submit delay

  E. lack of accurate information

  G. writing style

  24-26) Multiple choice

  24. What further information should be covered?

  A. technical support

  25. The salary has greatly increased by:

  A. 3 times as average

  26. She needs to include more:

  A. farming method

  27-30) Sentence completion

  27. the students were asked to write for library the reference document for library

  28. Eight products need to be mentioned

  29. Coffee producer contributed to communities, donated part of the revenue on equipment such as computers

  30. There is a so-called program: knowledge sharing



  Section 4



  31-40) Sentence completion

  31. vitamin

  32. bacteria

  33. antibiotics

  40. marketing





  1. Describe a city or country that you would like to live or work

  2. Describe a website that you often visit

  3. Describe a leisure facility you would like to have in your hometown

  4. Describe a thing you own that you want to replace

  5. Describe a magazine you enjoy reading


  Describe a city or country you would like to work or live in

  You should say

  Where it would be

  How you got to know this place

  What do you know about this place

  And explain why you like to work or live there

  The Netherlands will be my first choice when I have a chance to work there for a short period of time. I first heard about this country in Geology class but later in 2000, I got to know more about it as it was the co-host country of 2000 European Cup. Beyond football, I have been fascinated by its greatness in art and economy and of course its spectacular landscape. Amsterdam is the capital city of The Netherlands, and it is known far and wide for its cultural vitality and inclusiveness of multi-ethnic. And it creates a bouncing atmosphere that I really enjoy. When it comes to job opportunities, many top 500 countries headquarter in this city, which provides its citizens with abundant job opportunities. If I would start my new venture in this country, then my future career would be promising, that’s what I know for sure. Apart from that, there’re a long list of places for fun in this country, from all types of bars to grand shopping malls and wonderful theme parks, so it’s just like a paradise to youngsters. In order to fulfill this plan, I should firstly get in touch with my best friend Jason who is now working in a Dutch non-profit organization, because he would refer me to some of his business partners. That would be a great plus to my job hunting. And then, I should learn to speak its language thought it’s pretty tricky to me. But I am confident that I could live a decent life there one day.





  Passage 1:

  题目: 中美洲球类运动



  Passage 2:





  Passage 3:

  题目: British Woodlands

  题型: 段落细节配对 7+选词填空 7





  27 a description of careless working practices that harm woodland F

  28 details of landscape prior to human intervention B

  29 arguments against cash rewards H

  30 a botanical source of evidence for the appearance of primitive woodland B

  31 reasons for reduced economic importance of woodland E

  32 a reason for recent improvements of woodland management G

  33 an implication for people of unhealthy tree A


  Evolution of British Woodland

  When woodland started to grow after last Ice Age. certain 34. species naturally dominated certain regions of Britain. People then intervened to reduce the woodland by using grazing animals and methods such as 35. burning and coppicing. An increasing number of trees have been grown to meet the demand of 36. Industry

  Situations of woodland in Britain deteriorated due to the use of 37. I and the rigid 38. planting patterns of woodland. Such practices also destroyed the 39. habits G of animals and other wildlife.

  However, in the twentieth century, the state of woodland in Britain has been improved. 40.grants available for fund encourage people to plant trees in good quality.


  TASK 1  


  The chart shows the average class size in 6 countries in 2006, and compare them with world average class size.

  (Word counts: 156)

  The bar chart illustrates how the average number of students in primary school and lower secondary school classes varied in 6 different countries in the year 2006 and the figure for the global average.

  It is apparent that on average, the approximately 23 students constitute a class globally both for both types of schools. Overall, lower secondary schools had larger class size than primary schools, except the UK.

  The average class sizes in South Korea, Japan and the UK ware much larger than the world average. South Korea had the largest class size, with around 32 and 29 students for primary school and lower secondary school respectively. The pattern was similar in Japan and the UK, but with smaller class sizes, at about 27 students.

  The rest of the six countries had fairly similar number of students in a class to that of the global average. The figure ranged from 22 to 24 in Mexico, Denmark and Iceland.

  TASK 2




  These days, an increasing number of people in many cities know little about their neighbors and do not have a sense of community. What do you think are the causes and what solutions can you suggest?

  (Word count: 457)

  The significant rises of the population, fast paced life, crime rate and dependency on technology in the urban areas make more people become unacquainted and unfriendly to their neighbours. However, there are measures that can be taken to alleviate this issue.

  In today’s technology dependent era, people are mostly busy with their own work. Major streets in the cities are filled with busy people walking fast to reach their office or business place. They are even busy talking to their office colleagues and family members over the phone. After they return home late evening, they watch television, use computers and the Internet or spend time with family members. They scarcely have any time to socialise with neighbours. In some scenarios, people do not even know who live next door in city areas. These are the everyday scenarios in the cities where social interactions could be rarely seen as individuals have no time to socialise and much focused on their own work or personal interests.

  Again, the rampant acceleration of crimes in the urban community makes individual become unnecessarily cautious and suspicious about other people, especially with the people they meet for the very first time. Even trusting their own neighbourhood would be tough for them as they are in constant fear of being harmed. As a result inhabitants of cities tend to become isolated as they are afraid to mingle because of undeveloped acquaintance. Unlike rural areas, where comparatively fewer people live together, city areas are highly populated and it is not unlikely that several thousands of people live in a block. Maintaining social relationship with all of them is this thus quite impossible.

  On the other hand, considering possible measures to improve a sense of community in the neighbourhood, community officials must organise programmes regularly to encourage camaraderie. Secondly, building more parks, social gathering places, community centres and children’s playground in the community could be a good measure to let people socialise and know each other. This is also helpful for meeting friends, bonding with family and neighbours. As a result, people living in the community would develop a sense of friendship. Positive news and events among community members should be highlighted in media to eradicate the fear people have about unknown people. Finally, organising different community groups to help people find others with same interest and to share common passions is a very effective measure to help people enhance their neighbouring bonds and relationship in my opinion.

  To sum it up, city life and overwhelming population should not be hindrances to our sense of community and our relationship with our neighbours. It would be nicer for the community to develop a friendly environment to create a better place to live in with all the neighbours.

