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【#雅思# 导语】为了方便大家的学习,顺利通过雅思考试,®文档大全网为大家精心整理了2018年9月8日雅思机经真题回忆,供大家参考!®文档大全网将为大家发布最新、最专业的雅思考试机经及解析,欢迎参考阅读。








  Section 1

  场景: 酒店预定



  1. what type of holiday: surfing (he said he likes costal trip, but his
friends choose surfing)

  2. the package prize is cheap, this package price include breakfast (but it
covers no lunch includes breakfast, international air travel, insurance,
domestic transport)

  3. the original package includes a gym

  4. discount from 360 reduce to 315 (mentioned 360, then 10 reduction in ***

  5. you have to share room (you three have to share room)

  6. one week of rent for equipment (surfboard) 75 Euros

  7. insurance type: the basic cover

  8. The insurance premiere’s price: 47.5 Euros

  9. go to London airport, what is the cheapest transport: the taxi
(generally, coaches are inexpensive but group of 3 person can choose taxi,
cheaper; and mentioned the train, student’s card get a discount, yet train is
far too expensive)

  10. if you pay by cheque, no extra fee, credit card should pay extra

  Section 2

  场景: 培训学校介绍



  11-16)Multiple Choice

  11 most popular-B (photography)

  12 Latin dance cancelled-C (because teacher unable)

  13 different timing because-A (short term)

  14 what to focus tonight-B (talk to professor)

  15 who deals with queries-A (a specific teacher)

  16 discounts are given to-A (who recommends a new student)


  17 MS-C (on a TV programme/channel five)

  18 TC-G (successful book/novel)

  19 CF-D (taught for 25 years/quarter of a century)

  20 TH-E (raised money for charity/donated to charity be selling)

  Section 3

  场景: 两学生讨论选课



  21-26)multiple choice

  21.choose electives immediately because B some fill up quickly

  22. compulsory course is C math

  23. comments about Statistics A useful

  24. how to know about a course A ask other students

  25. comments of advisor about Art and Design was A surprising

  26. both unsure about A how to register a course


  27. Metallurgy harder than expected

  28. Fluid Mechanics professor good at explaining thing clearly

  29. Computing improved as it went on

  30. Energy Economics involves a lot of practical work

  Section 4

  场景: 小岛的生态保护



  31. We cannot construct things when birds are nesting

  32. Through collecting feedback from the public

  33. This project is outstanding because the farming

  34. 1930s: fishing

  35. 1950s: mining

  36. Remove gas from ocean

  37. Convert plants to a liquid

  38. Noise form ocean in Australia

  39. Turtles attract predators like crocodiles

  40. Personal pets will have impacts: especially rats



  附上一篇part 1 话题的高分语料,大家可以拿出笔记本开始写语料了哦。

  1. What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?

  People in my hometown love to take subway because it is the fastest way to
travel within the city. It is not affected by traffic jams, which means that you
can still get to work on time during rush hour. This is very important for
people in modern world.


  traffic jams堵车

  rush hour 高峰期

  be affected by 受…影响

  2. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

  The biggest advantage of train is that the price of train ticket is more
reasonable. It doesn’t cost as much as plane ticket. So if you need to travel
for a long distance without spending too much money, train is the best option.
As for the plane, I think it stands out for its great service. Not only does it
provide decent food and drinks, it also has friendly cabin crew to offer you
help at any time.


  reasonable 合情合理的

  option 选择

  stand out 突出,杰出

  decent 体面的

  cabin crew 航空服务人员

  3. Is driving to work popular in your country?

  Yes, many Chinese prefer to drive to work because they don’t want to wait
for public transport. They can leave for work at any time they are ready. So
it’s more convenient. Besides, owning a car also means that this person is
living a good life. So many people choose to drive their own car to show their
financial status.


  convenient 方便的

  live a good life 生活过的不错

  financial status 经济地位

  4. Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

  Yes, because it’s really an eco-friendly transport, which doesn’t lead to
exhaust fumes or traffic jams. In addition, riding bikes to work can really get
me away from the sedentary lifestyle, which is a good work-out to keep fit.


  eco-friendly 环保的

  exhaust fumes 尾气

  get away from 远离

  sedentary lifestyle 静止不动的生活方式

  work-out 锻炼

  5. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

  Actually, I go for private transportation, because the bus is too slow
moving in the city. During the rush hour, it barely moves in the traffic and I
may be late for study. And what I couldn’t bear most is the fact that the bus
needs to stop at every bus station, which really drive me nuts.


  rush hour高峰期

  bear 忍受

  drive sb nuts 让某人抓狂





  TASK 1




  TASK 2

  Nowadays people always throw old things away, What causes this problem?
What effects does the phenomenon lead to? Give reasons for your answer and
include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.




  People are likely to use products only once instead of keeping these items
for a long time. It is important to understand why this throw-away culture has
developed and how to reverse this trend.

  Consumers today do not keep many goods for a long period of time because
these products are not as expensive as before. Technological innovations and
mass production have reduced the cost of products and improved the productivity
of the workforce. Some electric products such as mobile phones and computers are
now sold at low prices, and this is why many people would purchase the newest
products instead of fixing broken items. Young people, in particular, prefer to
purchase the latest mobile phones with up-to-date features and throw old ones

  Another reason is that people lack environmental awareness. People have not
yet realized that their ways of life will lead to energy consumption and cause
waste as well as pollution. They do not know that household appliances can end
up in landfill sites and these non-biodegradable products can have a destructive
effect on the environment. If they are aware that recycling can make their
lifestyles more sustainable, they will possibly try to reuse products.

  As the overconsumption of consumer goods is pervasive, it is important to
take some measures to mitigate this problem. Raising environmental awareness is
important, because this can change the ways people use and dispose of different
products. Environmental groups can disseminate the knowledge of how to recycle
disposable goods and household appliances. Governments can also enforce some
laws to deter consumers from throwing away good. For example, the tax penalty
can be imposed on the use of some disposable products, including plastic bags,
thereby encouraging people to use eco-friendly alternatives.

  To summarize, people’s attitude toward consumption and the increase in
disposal income are main reasons behind excessive consumption of disposable
items. To address this problem successfully, the top priority is to raise
people’ s awareness of environmental protection, which can lead to a change to
their lifestyles.

