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Contemporary art当代艺术
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~Managing one African-American artist’s career经营好非裔美国艺术家的事业
Sep 24th 2016 | From the print edition2016年9月24日|来自印刷版
The smile is real
NJIDEKA AKUNYILI CROSBY, a young artist based in Los Angeles, is currently the talk of the art world. Dozens of wealthy collectors want to buy her latest works, yet none is for sale—at least, not to private individuals.如今公司总部位于洛杉矶的年轻艺术家NJIDEKA AKUNYILI CROSBY成为了艺术界的话题女王。许多富有的收藏家都想买到她最近的作品,然而至今没有一幅作品可供出售——至少没有卖给私人收藏家。
the talk of ...... 非常流行的东西;热门话题;风靡; Ms Crosby’s first European solo show will open at the Victoria Miro Gallery in London on October 4th, the week that Frieze Art Fair starts. Now 33, she moved from Nigeria to America at the age of 16. Her “Afropolitan” identity has forged a highly distinctive visual style. She works mostly on paper, creating large-scale interiors that combine serene human figures with dense areas of collage and image-transfer that subversively evoke her Nigerian heritage. “Her paintings have a distinct vocabulary,” says Glenn Scott Wright, a director at Victoria Miro, which represents Ms Crosby. “You can go around an art fair with 10,000 works and you would know hers immediately.”10月4日,Crosby 女士的首个欧洲个展将会在伦敦维多利亚米罗画廊开放。这一周也正值弗雷兹艺术博览会开幕。她十六岁时从尼日利亚搬往美国,如今她已经33岁了。“非洲大都会”的这一层身份打造了她这种非常独特的视觉风格。她大多在纸上作画,并创造出庞大的作品内核——把平静的人物形象和密集的图画拼接、图像转移结合在一起,这*了她的尼日利亚文化传承。“她的画有一种独特的韵味”,Crosby 女士的代表、维多利亚米罗的理事Glenn Scott Wright如是说。“你能在参观艺术博览会时,在10000幅画作中一眼看出她的作品。”
Afropolitan非洲大都会;Forge 锻造Serene 宁静的、平静的Subversively*地; In June, at the Art Basel fair in Switzerland, the gallery sold Ms Crosby’s “Super Blue Omo” (pictured), a painting from 2016. The buyer was the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach, Florida. Having held the first major museum survey of the artist earlier this year as part of its “Recognition of Art by Women” series, it was at the head of a queue of more than a dozen public institutions waiting to buy Ms Crosby’s painstakingly crafted works. Victoria Miro has pitched the prices at below $100,000, enabling museums to buy with their own funds.在7月瑞士的巴尔塞尔艺术博览会上,画廊卖出了Crosby 女士2016年的画作“Super Blue Omo”(如图)。买家是位于佛罗伦萨的西棕榈海滩的诺顿艺术博物馆。今年早些时候,诺顿博物馆就已经开始首个主要的对艺术家的博物馆研究,并将其作为“对女性绘画艺术的认可”这一系列的一部分。数不胜数的公共机构等着买Ms Crosby女士花费很大心血手绘的作品,而诺顿博物馆就是这里的领头羊。维多利亚米罗已经开出了少于100000美元的价钱使得博物馆们能用他们自己的专款买得画作。
In March at the Armory Show in New York, Victoria Miro offered a self-portrait diptych, showing Ms Crosby seated on a wooden chair, that was bought by the Whitney Museum of American Art. Displayed, at the artist’s request, unframed and suspended from metal clips, it can currently be seen in the museum’s “Human Interest: Portraits from the Whitney’s Collection” exhibition in New York. Other works have been acquired by Tate Modern in London, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Yale University Art Gallery读者试译句。应画家要求,这幅画并没有镶框,并用金属夹悬挂在空中,现在你能在纽约“人情趣味:惠特尼自画像藏品”展览中见到它。伦敦泰特现代博物馆、纽约现代艺术博物馆、洛杉矶郡艺术博物馆和耶鲁大学美术馆已经得到其他的作品。
self-portrait 自画像; “Super Blue Omo” will be one of ten works in Victoria Miro’s Crosby show, “Portals”. About half of these will be new paintings that will be for sale, but only to public museums (private museums also cannot buy her work). “We don’t want her art to become all about money and reselling,” says Mr Scott Wright, who estimates that it will take another two years before Victoria Miro begins to offer the artist’s work to private collectors.维多利亚米罗Crosby个展“Portals”将展出十幅作品,Super Blue Omo将会是其中之一。大概一半的作品将会是待售的新作,但是仅会出售给公共博物馆(私有博物馆也不能买她的画作)。“我们不想她的画充满了铜臭味,被一再的倒卖” Scott Wright说到。但他估计不到两年维多利亚米罗将会开始把艺术家的画卖给私人收藏家们。
Meanwhile, the waiting list of museums has risen to 18. For all Victoria Miro’s attempts to keep the stopper in, though, the resale market for Ms Crosby’s work may be about to be released from the bottle. On September 29th, at Sotheby’s, a private New York collector is selling “Untitled”, a painting from 2011, at an estimated price of $18,000-$25,000. With its pair of bare feet in front of a mirror, this might not be the most alluring of her compositions. But it is the first to appear at auction. Food for the impatient.与此同时,等着购买的博物馆数量已经上升到18个。Crosby的作品就像是一瓶酒,虽然维多利亚米罗尝试把酒塞盖上,但是酒香不怕巷子深,Crosby女士作品的倒卖市场依旧能从瓶子散发出来。在9月29日苏富比拍卖行,一个纽约私人收藏家正在卖2011年的画作“Untitled”,估价18000—25000美元。光滑的双足站在镜前,这可能不是她最魅惑的作品。但是这是它第一次现身竞拍。看样子收藏家们已经饥不可耐了。
Lexicography unbound
Dictionaries have found their ideal format
Oct 29th 2016 | From the print edition
THERE is something comforting in a dictionary: right angles, a pleasing heft, reassuringly rigid covers. A new one is tight, a bright sheaf of discoveries yet to be made; an old one is a musty but trusted cosy friend. A good dictionary is the classic school-leaving gift from ambitious parents to their children. A great dictionary might even be passed on through several generations.
Lexicography :字典编纂
heft :重量
pass on: 传递 ,继续
But maybe the most reassuring thing about a dictionary is its finite nature. A small dictionary contains all the words you need to know, and a really big one seems to contain all the words in existence. Having one nearby seems to say that the language has boundaries, and reasonable ones at that.
at that: 而且
It might surprise dictionary-owners to know that most lexicographers do not think of their subject in this way at all. The decision to impose a page-count on a dictionary is in fact a painful one. Definitions can almost never cover the full complexity of a word, even in huge dictionaries. And even more painful is leaving words out simply for reasons of space.
Many readers think that something is a “real word” if it’s “in the dictionary” (raising the question of which of the hundreds of English dictionaries they mean). But lexicographers don’t like to regard themselves as letting the trusty words in and keeping the bad guys out. Erin McKean, who left traditional lexicography to found an online dictionary, Wordnik, explained why she chose a format that could allow virtually limitless entries: “I don’t want to be a traffic cop!”
许多读者认为如果这个词出现在字典中,它才真正算是一个真正的词(人们的问题会在数以百计的字典中找到答案)。但是编纂者并不想成为一个只让可靠的词纳入词典,忽略不好词汇的人。艾琳 麦基恩辞掉了传统的字典编纂工作,创立了网上词典——Wordnik。艾琳还解释了她选择这种形式,是因为它实际上对词目,词条无限制,说道:“我可不想做一个词语交警!”
Lexicographers prefer to think they are a different kind of cop: the kind in the title of John Simpson’s “The Word Detective”, published in October, a memoir of his time as editor-in-chief of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). Mr Simpson’s lexicography career began in the 1970s, scouring books for example usages and writing them down on notecards. (The original OED was published in alphabetically consecutive volumes between 1884 and 1928; Mr Simpson worked on the supplement of new words and meanings.) In 1982 a new boss shocked the then-editor with a plan to computerise the dictionary’s ways: both the lexicographic work itself, with digital research files, and its outcome, an OED on compact disc. But that wasn’t the final shape either: by the end of Mr Simpson’s tenure in 2013, the OED’s flagship product was a website with entries richly linked to one another and updated at regular intervals.
字典编纂者倾向于认为他们是一种特殊的警察,就是约翰 辛普森所说的“ 文字侦探”, 这本书于10月出版,记录了他当牛津英文词典总编辑的岁月。约翰的词典编纂生涯始于19世纪70年代,他过去常常从书中找出惯例用法,然后记录到笔记卡上。(传统上的牛津词典在1884到1928年间出版了按字母顺序的连续卷,约翰增补了一些新的单词和新的意思。)1982年,新上任的领导准备用计算机处理的方法来编纂词典,这让那时的编辑很是吃惊:编纂与数字研究文档结合起来的结果就是把词典做成便于携带的光盘,但这还不是最终的版本。2013年,辛普森任期结束的时候,《牛津词典》的旗舰产品是一个词条丰富,和其他网站链接,定期更新的网站。
cop: 警察
alphabetically :按字母顺序的
A dictionary is really a database; it has fields for headword, pronunciation, etymology, definition, and in the case of historical dictionaries like the OED, citations of past usages. Its natural home is one that allows the reader to consult it in any way that makes sense. Look up a single word. Or look up all the citations by a single author. Or those which share a root: only such a tool can tell you that the OED knows of 1,011 words ending in –ology, against 508 with –ography.
database :资料库
etymology :语源
consult :查询
When a new word like “grok” appears or the word like “marriage” expands, as it has recently, readers need not wait for years for a new print dictionary. Once the new word or meaning seems here to stay, it can be added in an instant. The OED is conservative: a rule of thumb is to wait until a word has hung on for at least ten years. But the principle is to catch all of the language in use, and not merely to admit the good words, whatever those are.
Ten years is still a long time. Lexicographers, aware that people still look to them for guidance on what is a “real” word and what isn’t, whether or not they like this role, can still be conservative. Those who long for a conservative dictionary should seek one, but this is not the only way of doing things. “Green’s Dictionary of Slang” first appeared as a chunky three-volume work of historical lexicography in 2010, with over 100,000 entries. But Jonathon Green did not hang up his hat when the books hit the shelves; he went on to add an online edition that was to be continually updated.
10年依旧很漫长。因为人们依赖于编纂者们在词语上的引导,即哪些可以纳入词典成为一个有名分的词,无论字典编纂者们是否喜欢担当这样的角色,编纂者依旧坚持保守的原则。那些偏好保守字典的人可以用保守型字典,但这不能要求所有人都用保守型字典。《格林俚语词典》在2010年首次出版是被作为一本厚重的3卷历史词典,该字典收录了超过100,000个词目。但是,当词典上架后,乔纳森 格林也没有停止工作。他继续在网站上增补,编辑,不断更新。
hang one's up hat 停止工作
At the free-for-all end are the online and completely crowdsourced dictionaries from Wiktionary to Urban Dictionary. Whatever one may think of the latter—which includes terms of rank racist and misogynist abuse as well as a broad fare of drug- and sex-related terms—it is useful, allowing oldies to find out what their kids are talking about. That may be an inversion of the old dictionary, the graduation present—but discovery, in whatever format, is after all what dictionaries are for.
crowdscourced :众包
Similarities in language语言中的相似之处
You say potato...随你怎能说都行……
Distant languages sound more similar than you might expect相距甚远的语言单词发音惊人地相似
Sep 17th 2016 | From the print edition2016年9月17日 | 摘自印刷版
IN ENGLISH, the object on your face that smells things is called a “nose”, and, if you are generously endowed, you might describe it as “big”. The prevailing belief among linguists had been that the sounds used to form those words were arbitrary. But new work by a team led by Damian Blasi, a language scientist at the University of Zurich, and published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggests that may not be true—and that the same sounds may be used in words for the same concepts across many different languages.
Dr Blasi was struck by the fact that, although the idea that sounds were arbitrary was firmly entrenched, there was strikingly little evidence for it. So along with his team, which combined skills in anthropology, linguistics, cognitive science, history and statistics, he decided to examine as many languages as possible to see if it was true. They analysed word lists derived from 4,298 of the world’s 6,000-odd languages, which accounted for about 85% of its historical linguistic diversity.尽管“发音具有随意性”这一观点在语言学家的脑海中根深蒂固。可是能证明这一观点的证据却少得可怜。这一点让 Blasi 博士感到震惊又困惑。所以他决定和他的团队——汇聚了人类学、语言学、认知科学、历史学和统计学人才德队伍,一起研究尽可能多的语言来验证上述观点是否正确。他们分析研究了全球6000余种语言中的4298种语言的单词表,涵盖了有史以来85%的语言。
They focused on words for 100 basic concepts, including the names of body parts, such as “bone” and “ear”, and natural phenomena, like “leaf” and “star”. Verbs, including “bite”, the pronouns “I”, “you” and “we”, and descriptive properties, such as “red”, were also studied. The words were transcribed using a sort of universal alphabet that reduced all sounds to 34 distinct consonants and 7 vowels. Then they ran the numbers.他们主要研究了100个基本概念单词,包括身体各部位的名称,例如“bone”和“ear”;以及自然概念,例如“leaf”和“star”。包括“bite”在内的动词,名词“I”、“you”、“we”,以及例如“red”的这一类描述性属性词语。这些单词均是由一种通用的字母系统——包括34个不同的辅音和7个元音,所构成的。接下来他们逐一做了研究。
Dr Blasi knew that some words, such as “language”, “langue” and “lingua”, would be similar because they have a common history. Others, including “sugar”, “tea” and “coffee”, have similar-sounding names in different languages because they are traded goods. The people exchanging them were thus exposed to each other and had strong incentives to make themselves understood. But even when keeping all of that in mind and trying to control for it, the team found a lot more consistency across languages than they had expected.Blasi博士知道像“language”,"langue"和"lingua"这样的单词发音很相似,是因为它们起源相同。而其他单词,比如"sugar","tea"和"coffee",它们在不同的语言中的发音相似的原因是因为它们是交易商品。交换双方是见面的并且都有强烈地想让对方理解自己。然而即使他们把上述这些都记在了心里并试图去控制,他们还是发现跨语言间的一致性现象,远比自己预想的要多。
The words for “nose”, for instance, often involve either an “n” sound or an “oo” sound, no matter the language in question. The concept of “round” was noticeably likely to be conveyed using a word containing the “r” sound. Employing an “s” sound in the word for “sand” is similarly common. In fact, the researchers found that almost a third of their 100 concepts had more similarities in the sounds used by languages to express them than expected. That suggests there must be some deeper reason for the commonalities.比如单词"nose",无论是哪种语言,都会有"n"音或者"oo"音。很明显跨语言间,round"这一概念是用一个包含"r"音的单词来表达的。类似的还有,"sand"中的"s"音的使用。事实上,研究员发现,跨语言的100个概念词中有大概三分之一的词汇的发音上都比他们想象中的更相似。这表明这些共性的背后还有隐藏着某些更深层次的原因。
There are several theories. One is that some objects have names whose sounds bring them to mind, a sort of “sound symbolism”. Employing a nasal “n” sound to name a nose would be one example. Another is that sensory associations play a role. Studies have found that people routinely associate darker colours with lower sounds and lighter colours with higher ones, for instance. Such shared synaesthesia might account for some of the similarities. Or the commonalities might be leftovers from some ancient, now-forgotten proto-language.(读者试译)对此有许多观点。一种观点认为是有些单词的发音可以使人们联想到这个单词。这是一种“语音象征”。例如,使用鼻音“n”指代鼻子。另一种观点则是感官联系发挥作用。举例来讲,研究表明人们通常用用低音来表示深色,用高音来表示浅色。这样共用的联觉可能是导致相似性的原因之一。(读者试译。)
synaesthesia:共同感觉proto-language:母语,祖语,原语言 Dr Blasi and his colleagues are reluctant, at this stage, to endorse one theory over another. But there is a more prosaic possibility—expediency. “Huh” is a word that has been found to be remarkably similar across languages. “It’s cheap, short and understandable,” says Dr Blasi—convenient for something you might say hundreds of times a day. Ditto for a pronoun like “I”. Perhaps parsimony is what ultimately unites the world.在现阶段Blasi博士和他的同事还不愿意去支持某种理论而否定另一种。然而还有一种更令人乏味的可能性——方便。研究发现,"huh"(. 哼!;哈!表示轻蔑、疑问或惊异等)这一单词在不同语言中都惊人地相似。Blasi博士说:“这很简单,短小又易懂——对于一个一天能说几百遍的单词来说这很方便”。代词"I"也是同上。或许就是这种简约性把世界联系到了一起。