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【#考博# 导语】天高鸟飞,海阔鱼跃;考试这舞台,秀出你独特的精彩;一宿好的睡眠,精神能百倍;一颗淡定的平常心,沉着应对,努力备考,考入理想院校!以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的 《2018考博英语阅读经济学人文章精析:穆斯林泳衣》供您查阅。

France’s identity politics: Ill-suited法国的身份认证政策:不合适As its presidential race kicks off, France argues over burkinis就在法国总统大选开始的时候,他们又开始讨论布基尼。
  Presidential race:n.总统大选
  THIS week France came back from the beach for la rentrée, the return to school and work after the August holiday. The summer had been far from restful. It began with two terrorist attacks in Nice and Normandy, followed by a weeks-long political fixation with the “burkini”, a cross between a burqa and a swimsuit, which dozens of mayors of seaside resorts tried to ban from their beaches. The resurgence of identity politics in France, at a time of heightened tension over Islam and security, now looks likely to frame next year’s presidential election.本周,法国人从海滩度假中回到各自的学习和工作中。今年的夏天一点也不令人感到惬意。首先是在尼斯和诺曼底发生的两次恐怖袭击,然后又是持续一周的确立一项关于布基尼(介于布卡和泳衣之间的一种衣服,很多海滨主管一直试图禁止它出现在度假海滩上)的政治条例。曾经一度加剧了伊斯兰教和国家安全间紧张局势的法国身份认证政策的重启,现在看起来似乎会影响来年总统大选。
  The row over the burkini will probably abate as the beaches empty. On August 26th France’s highest administrative court suspended a ban imposed in the Mediterranean resort of Villeneuve-Loubet after it was challenged by human-rights groups. The court ruled that the mayor had not proved any risk to public order, and that the ban constituted a “manifestly illegal” infringement of “fundamental liberties”.关于布基尼的争执可能会随着假期的结束有所减少。8月26日,法国行政法院在被人权组织*之后中止了一项在地中海度假城卢贝新城实施的禁令。法院判定,海滨主管并没有证明布基尼破坏了公共秩序,而且禁令“明显地不合法”,侵犯了“基本的自由”。
  Abate: n.减少,减弱Manifestly:adj.明显地Infringement:n.违反,侵犯
  Had France not been under a state of emergency, the matter might not have flared up as it did. But the French are hyper-sensitive to signs of overt Muslim religiosity. Politicians, roused from their holiday hide-outs, seized on the burkini row—and not just on the right. Manuel Valls, the Socialist prime minister, called the burkini an “enslavement” of women, and claimed it was part of a political project to impose Islamist rules on France. He noted that Marianne, a female figure symbolising the French nation, is classically depicted bare-breasted. The implication seemed to be that women in burkinis are un-French, while true French women go topless.如果法国不是处于紧急状态,也许这件事就不会像现在这样突然引起了大家的注意。但是法国人的确对穆斯林的宗教狂热现象极度紧张。还在度假的政治家们被迫加入了关于布基尼不仅仅局限于权利的争论中。内政部长马尼埃尔•瓦尔斯称布基尼是对女性的束缚,也是要在法国实施伊斯兰教规定的政治计划的一部分。他说象征法国形象的女性角色玛丽安一直都是*胸的形象,这句话似乎是在暗示穿布基尼的都不是法国女人,因为真正的法国女人都是*胸的。 hide-outs :n. 躲藏处;隐蔽处 France has a long history of trying to keep religion out of public life. A law of 1905 entrenched the principle of laïcité, or strict secularism, after a struggle against authoritarian Catholicism. The country banned the headscarf and other “conspicuous” religious symbols from state schools in 2004, and the face-covering burqa from public places in 2010. Indeed, such laws enjoy broad cross-party support. Yet secular zeal at times overrides common sense, or sensitivity to France’s Muslim minority, estimated to form about 10% of the population. Unlike the burqa, which is banned from the beach, the burkini does not even cover the face. As Olivier Roy, a French scholar of Islam, points out, it also offers a certain modern liberty to Muslim women who otherwise might not swim. Hardline Islamists, he says, would not allow women to bathe in the first place. 法国一直都有政教分离的历史。在与*的天主教进行对抗之后,1905年颁布法律确立政教分离原则,或者说严格了世俗主义范畴。2004年,法国禁止在公立学校戴头巾或穿戴其他“显著”宗教标志的物品;2010年起,禁止在公共场合穿着遮面长袍。确实,此类法律享有跨越党派的广泛支持。但是,人们因世俗的热情有时会忽略对法国穆斯林少数民族的敏感性的常识。或引起法国大概10%的少数穆斯林群体的不满。不像被明令禁止的长袍,布基尼甚至没有遮住女人的面容。就像伊斯兰教学者奥利弗•罗伊指出的那样,对于那些不游泳的穆斯林妇女来说,也给了她们一定的现代自由权。他说,强硬的伊斯兰教主义者起初是禁止妇女沐浴的。
  Entrench: 确立;是处于牢固地位 使(军队)进入固防阵地 Laïcité:n.世俗主义,政教分离Secularism:n.现世主义,政教分离Secular: adj.现实的,世俗的zeal:(对事业或目标的)热忱;热情Override:v.凌驾,比···重要the principle of laïcité:政教分离原则
  Burkini: 布基尼或泳装布基尼,穆斯林的教规教导穆斯林美女不可在除了丈夫、父亲以外的异性面前*露除面部、手脚以外的其他身体。那么,她们的泳装该如何设计呢?于是,商人们就专门为穆斯林的美女制造了这种独特的泳衣,并将此命名为“burkini”有时也会加入鲜艳的色彩来满足女性们爱美的需求。这种泳衣有时也被设计成多种色彩多种样式,满足了穆斯林美女对时尚的追求。



