【#考博# 导语】寒窗苦读十余载,今朝考试展锋芒;思维冷静不慌乱,下笔如神才华展;心平气和信心足,过关斩将如流水;细心用心加耐心,努力备考,定会考入理想院校。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的 《2018考博英语阅读经济学人文章精析:无线通讯》供您查阅。
Wireless communication无线通讯
In a whole new light装在一种新型灯泡中
Lighting fixtures that also transmit data are starting to appear能传送数据的照明装置问世
Sep 24th 2016 | From the print edition 2016年9月24日|摘自印刷版
Once upon a time FLICKERING lamps are normally a headache-inducing nuisance. But if the flickering happens millions of times a second—far faster than the eye can see or the brain respond to—then it might be harnessed to do something useful, like transmitting data. That, at least, is the idea behind a technology dubbed Li-Fi by its creators.很久之前,灯光闪烁不定是一件让人头疼的麻烦事,但如果灯光每秒闪烁几百万次——其速度之快人眼捕捉不到、大脑也反应不过来的话——那么或许可以用它来做一些有用的事,比如传送数据。至少这是Li-Fi技术发明人的想法。
nuisance n 讨厌的(人,行为)麻烦事harness v 利用,控制dub 把…称为
Li-Fi works with light-emitting diodes (LEDs), an increasingly popular way of illuminating homes and offices, and applies the same principle as that used by naval signal lamps. In other words, it encodes messages in flashes of light. It can be used to create a local-area network, or LAN, in a way similar to the LANs made possible by standard, microwave-based Wi-Fi.Li-Fi通过LED灯传播无线信号。其原理和海军信号灯类似。目前LED灯在家庭和办公室照明中越来越流行。换句话说,Li-Fi技术把编码写进灯光的闪烁中。可以用它来创建一个类似于标准微波Wi-Fi的局域网(又称为LAN)。
Illuminate v照亮LED(light-emitting diode) 发光二极管
Such LANs would, Li-Fi’s supporters believe, have two advantages over standard Wi-Fi. One is that light does not penetrate walls. A Li-Fi LAN in a windowless room is thus more secure than one using Wi-Fi, whose microwave signals pass easily through most building materials and can thus be listened to by outsiders. The other advantage is that light does not interfere with radio or radar signals in the way that microwaves sometimes do. Li-Fi can therefore be installed in hospitals, nuclear plants and other sites where Wi-Fi might create dangerous interference with electronic kit.支持Li-Fi技术的人认为,与标准Wi-Fi相比,Li-Fi局域网有两个优势。第一,光不能穿过墙壁。而微波信号可以轻易的穿过大多数建筑材料,很容易被外面的人窃听,因此在一个没有窗户的房间,Li-Fi局域网比用Wi-Fi局域网更安全。第二,光不会像微波一样受到无线电或者雷达信号的干扰,因此Li-Fi可以运用于医院、核电站以及其他Wi-Fi信号容易受到电子设备干扰的地方。
Penetrate v 穿透Interfere v 妨碍
One business about to benefit from this selectivity is commercial aviation. Though aircraft avionics have been hardened over the years, to reduce the risk of interference from radio and microwave signals, using Li-Fi would make absolutely certain. It would mean that LANs could be set up in the cabin, distributing entertainment to passengers and permitting those with Li-Fi-equipped phones and computers to contact the outside world.航空业将会从这项技术中受益。多年来,尽管航空电子设备已经日渐成熟,但为了减少无线电和微波信号的干扰,使用Li-Fi技术势在必行。这也就意味着,机舱内可以建设域网,用以扩充乘客的娱乐项目,并且可以让配备Li-Fi功能的手机和电脑与外界保持联系。
Aviation n 航空Avionics n 航空电子设备
This arrangement would also save on weight, as passenger-entertainment systems would no longer have to be fed by cables. To this end Airbus, a big European aircraft-maker, let Velmenni, an Indian firm, spend six months earlier this year installing and testing a Li-Fi network in a mocked-up passenger cabin of one of its planes. Velmenni hopes to use passengers’ reading lights to broadcast the signal. Luciom, a French firm, is even further advanced. In January 2017 it will begin installing Li-Fi on passenger jets built either by Airbus or by its American rival, Boeing (a non-disclosure agreement forbids it from saying which one).这样给乘客提供娱乐的系统将不再依赖电缆,还可以减轻飞机重量。为此,今年早些时候,欧洲大型的飞机制造商空中客车Airbus,联合印度爱沙尼亚初创公司Velmenni,前后花费六个月的时间,在他们飞机上的模拟客舱内安装和测试了LiFi网络。Velmenni希望利用乘客的阅读灯传送信号。法国的Luciom公司更先进,他们将于2017年1月份开始,在客机上安装空中客车Airbus或者Airbus的对手美国波音公司Boeing生产的Li Fi(双方已签订保密协议,故Velmenni不能透露是哪一家公司)。
Cable n 电缆mocked-up 模拟
In the longer run, though, it is buildings that Li-Fi’s manufacturers have their eyes on. PureLiFi, a British firm that sells components to lighting manufacturers, plans to use the same cable to carry power and data to the LEDs themselves. That should make the system simple to install. PureLiFi is also designing LEDs that radiate data even when dimmed, so that a film can be streamed into a room and shown with the lights down.从长远来看,Li-Fi技术制造商将他们的关注点放在了建筑上。一家向照明设备制造商出售零件的英国的公司PureLiFi计划用电缆同时向LED灯传送电源和数据,这也许会使这个系统更易安装。PureLiFi还发明了一种即使在熄灯的状态下也能传送数据的LED灯。这样一来就可以在黑暗的房间里传送和放映电影了。
Manufacturer:制造商Component:零件Install:安装Stream into:涌入
Installing a Li-Fi LAN, then, should not be too difficult. But for the technology to succeed, computers, phones and other signal-receiving devices will also have to be modified, so that they can pick up and reply to optical transmissions. To give that capability to existing kit engineers at Luciom have made a dongle that plugs into a standard USB port. This dongle contains both an ordinary LED (though it is one that emits infra-red flashes, which are invisible to the human eye) to send data to the LAN, and the opposite of an LED—a photodiode that converts light into electricity rather than the other way around—to receive data.安装Li-Fi局域网应该并不是很难。但若要成功应用这项技术,还需对电脑、手机以及其他信号接收设备进行改进,这样这些设备才能通过光传输接收并回复信息。为了给现有设备配备这个技术,可见光通信开发商Luciom的工程师设计出了可以插入USB端口的适配器。这个适配器带有普通的LED灯(它闪烁着人眼无法看到的红外线光),可用于传输局域网数据,以及和LED工作原理相反的——光电二极管,它是通过将光转变成电能来接收数据的,而不是反过来。
Dongle:适配器Plug into:插入Invisible:不可见的Convert:转变
PureLiFi, looking further ahead to a time when Li-Fi has become routine, is miniaturising such components with the intention of embedding them into devices at the point of manufacture. Nor is it alone in this desire. Zero.1, based in Dubai, says it has managed to tweak the cameras in the latest smartphones to run Li-Fi. Perhaps more pertinently, the intentions of Apple, the world’s most valuable listed company, were revealed earlier this year when it emerged that the term “LiFiCapability” is buried in the code of the iOS 9.1 operating system used by one of its most successful products, the iPhone.(读者试译)当通讯网变得常规时,光通讯无线网络研发站PureLiFi对未来进行了展望,他们的目的在于将通讯网嵌入到设备中进行制造,而不是将它们单独放置。迪拜的Zero.1宣称已自己经成功改进了最新版手机里面的运行Li-Fi的照相机。期待您的翻译。
Li-Fi may spread outdoors, too. Sunlight spoils its signals during the daytime, but in the hours of darkness Li-Fi-enabled streetlamps should work perfectly well. Gabe Klein, an entrepreneur who was once the boss of Chicago’s transport department, says the city has begun testing the idea of adding Li-Fi to the LED-based street lighting now being installed there. One potential beneficiary of this idea, if it succeeds and spreads, is Trópico, a Brazilian streetlamp-maker. According to Daniel Auad, Trópico’s owner, the Li-Fi-enabled streetlamps the firm is now working on should sell for about $325 a piece—a premium of only $75 over the non-enabled variety.Li-Fi也许也会用于室外。白天阳光会破坏他的信号,但是在天黑的几个小时内, 备有Li-Fi技术的街灯可以良好地工作。企业家贾博克林曾经是芝加哥交通部门的负责人,他说城市已经开始测试这个将 Li-Fi技术加入到已经设立的LED街灯中了。这个想法可能带来的好处就是,假如此项技术测试成功并且得到广泛使用,那么巴西路灯的制造商Trópico可能会受益。据Trópico的老板丹尼尔说,即现阶段正在测试Li-Fi技术的路灯可以卖到325美元一个——只比没有Li-Fi技术的路灯贵了75美元。
The technology may even be co-opted as a navigation tool in places, such as many buildings, that signals from the satellite-based global-positioning system cannot reliably penetrate. In this case the flickering LEDs act not as message-carriers but as beacons, permitting suitably equipped devices to locate themselves. Luciom has already installed such beacons in the ceiling lights of Orly airport, near Paris, and in a hypermarket in Lille. In Orly, the beacons (which are currently under test and used only by employees) will eventually show passengers to, for instance, the correct baggage carousel for their flight. In the hypermarket they direct shoppers with a Luciom dongle on their smartphones to the locations of desired items.这个技术甚至可以拿来用在一些地方的导航上。比如用在那些卫星全球定位系统的信号不能完全穿透的建筑物上。在这种情况下,闪烁的二极管将不再是信息载体而是一个灯塔,允许适当的Li-Fi设备来定位自己。Luciom已经将这样的灯塔安装在了巴黎附近的奥利机场和里尔的大型商场。在奥利,这个灯塔(目前处于测试中,仅供员工使用)将逐渐向旅客展现他们航班的行李传送带信息。在超市,他们直接在智能手机上利用Luciom电子狗找到他们所需要的商品的位置。
Li-Fi, then, seems to be developing as a useful addition to the list of ways electronic devices can communicate. That it will actually replace conventional Wi-Fi seems unlikely. But by extending the amount of spectrum available for communications it may, as it were, lighten the load.到那时Li-Fi技术似乎会发展成了一个电子通讯设备的辅助附加物。它似乎不可能取代传统的无线网。但是它可以通过增加通讯的可用手段的来减轻无线网的负载。