

时间:2021-09-22 03:41:37 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】英语笑话幽默话语分析的理论不断推陈出新,但是对于把英语作为外语学习的中国读者而言,文化因素在解读幽默的过程中扮演着更加重要的角色。下面是由®文档大全网带来的英语爆笑笑话小短文带翻译,欢迎阅读!



  A 747 was halfway across the Atlantic when the captain got on the loud speaker:"Attention,passengers. We have lost one of our engines,but we can certainly reach London with the three we have left. Unfortunately, we will arrive an hour late as a result. "


  Shortly thereafter,the passengers heard the captain's voice again:"Guess what,folks. We just lost our third engine,but please be assured we can fly with only one. We will now arrive in London three hours late. "


  At this point,one passenger became furious. "For Pete's sake,"he shouted,"If we lose another engine,we'll be up here all night !"




  The preacher was vexed because a certain member of his congregation always fell asleep during the sermon. As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would teach him not to sleep during the sermon.


  In a whisper, he asked the congregation. "All who want to go to heaven, please rise," Everyone got up except the snorer. After whispering" Be seated",the minister shouted at the top of his voice,"All those who want to be with the devil,please rise. "


  Awaking with a start,the sleepy-head jumped to his feet and saw the preacher standing tall and angry in the pulpit,”Well,sir," he said.,"I don't know what we're voting on, but it looks like you and me are the only ones for it."




  When the burglar broke into a seemingly empty room one night, a voice suddenly shattered the silence ;"I see you,and the saint sees you. "


  The shaken thief took another tentative step.“I see you,”the voice said again:“and the saint sees you.“With that,the burglar shined his flashlight in the direction that the voice was coming from. There,in the circle of light,sat a parrot.


  "Dumb bird,!'the burglar uttered in relief.


  "I see you,”the parrot repeated,”and the saint sees you. "


  "Shut up,“the man snarled as he turned on a lamp, that's when he saw the menacing Doberman Pinscher sitting beside the parrot's perch,staring at him with glittering eyes.


  " Sic' em,Saint,"squawked the parrot.


