【#雅思# 导语】为了方便大家的学习,®文档大全网为大家精心整理了有关2018年2月10日雅思考试回忆及解析的内容,供大家参考!®文档大全网将第一时间为大家发布最新、、最专业的雅思考试机经及解析,欢迎参考阅读。
Section 1
Section 2
介绍——艺术班课程,多选4+ 匹配6
Section 3
Section 4
Section 1
1. Policy number: WW717453T
2. Birthdate: 30th April
3. What did he claim recent years: he lost a bike
4. Value about: $560
5. Shop branch name: Compucan
6. Now claim the laptop’s keyboard
7. Normally for family use
8. Client was on the train
9. The laptop was dropped off from the seat
10. Need to bring the report before making a claim
Section 2
题型:多选4+ 匹配6
11. A cards making
12. E Interior design introduction
13. A solve problems in internet design
14. B practical gardening design
15. Yoga– for adults and children
16. Lacrosse– specially priced
17. Music dance – changes to a new place
18. Tennis– famous sports player
19. Golf– holds regional competition
20. Taiji– minimal age required
1. Describe a famous athlete you know
2. Describe an occasion when someone visit your home
3. Describe a memorable story told by someone
4. Describe an activity you do to keep fit
5. Describe a piece of furniture you like (in your home)
Describe a piece of furniture you like (in your home)
You should say:
What kind of furniture it is
What it looks like
What the furniture are made of
And explain why you like the furniture
I live in an apartment and there are various types of furniture. I do not dislike any of them, but neither do I have any particular fondness of them, except one piece of furniture---my couch.
I first saw it on Tmall, several weeks after I moved into my apartment. The apartment was not spacious. I only had a bed, a chair, a small desk, and a bookshelf back then. But the moment I saw that couch online, I couldn’t help myself from buying it because its color is a perfect match with the overtone of my room. The warm brown linen brings me the feeling of woods and forests, and surprisingly it fits into the open space beside my bookshelf.
Basically, every day when I get off from work and come back to my apartment, I’ll definitely spend some time on my couch, mostly watching videos or browsing the internet. There were a few times when I just listened to some soft music while seating on my couch, doing a sort of meditation. And during the weekend, if I am not hanging out with friends, I choose my couch instead of my chair or my bed to sit on for the whole day, reading books because my couch is not that soft as that of my bed, but more comfortable than my chair, and it is the easiest place to fetch my books without making many moves. I guess that’s the biggest reason why I like my couch and rely on it so much. It just makes me relaxed and lazy as well.
Passage 1:
题目:The history of lighting电灯历史
题型:8判断+ 5填空
1-8) 判断
1. T 电灯发明前,蜡烛的原材料取材广泛。
2. T 后来的蜡烛比以前的蜡烛便宜
3. T 油灯如果不定时清理,光会变暗。
4. NG whale oil会有pleasant odour
5. 待定
6. 待定
7. 待定
8. NG 报纸等媒体推荐大量使用gas light(文章给的是gas的出现使得读书的人多了,报纸开始大量发行,是报纸出版多了,和出版内容无关。)
9-12) 填空
9. applications
10. air
11. 待定
12. 待定
13. 待定
The graphs below show the size of the ozone hole over Antarctica and the production of three ozone-damaging gases from 1980 to 2000.
Word count: 195
The graphs demonstrate the change of ozone-hole size over Antarctica and the emission of three different ozone-damaging gases from 1980 to 2000.
In general, the ozone hole size enlarged, increasing from 500 thousand square Km to about 2000 thousand square Km. But it witnessed a sudden decline to about 1200 thousand square Km from 1990 to 1994 before increasing sharply to almost 4000 thousand square Km.
The second chart is about the emission of some destructive gases. In 1980, CFC-11 (A) was the major gas destroying ozone layer, which mounted to 70 million tonnes. And CFC-12 (B) was almost 1/3 of CFC-11, with the amount of 25 million tonnes. In the next two decades, A witnessed a sharp decrease to almost 5 million in 2000 while B kept increasing stably to 50 million tonnes, becoming the dominant damaging gas. The emission of N2O (C) appeared in 1990 and then increased dramatically to about 40 million tonnes in a short period of just 10 years, thus becoming the second important damaging gas.
To sum up, the ozone hole was becoming larger and the main reason was the increasing emission of the gas of CFC-12 and N2O.