【#雅思# 导语】为了方便大家的学习,©文档大全网为大家精心整理了有关2018年1月6日雅思考试回忆及解析的内容,供大家参考!©文档大全网将第一时间为大家发布最新、、最专业的雅思考试机经及解析,欢迎参考阅读。
【听力】 一、考试概述: 2018年首场雅思考试,本场考试20道填空,20道选择。题型常规没有太大的变化。 Section 1:咨询——邮寄咨询,10表格填空 Section 2:介绍——烹饪介绍,10匹配题 Section 3:讨论——课程讨论,10选择 Section 4:学术——考古研究,6句子填空+4表格填空 二、具体题目分析: Section 1 场景: 邮寄咨询 题型:10笔记填空 参考答案: 1-10) Table Completion 1. a bicycle 2. up to 40 pounds 3. liquids or foods 4. plastic 5. Saturdays 6. special service of storage 7. Sweden 8. 575 9. driver 10. photocopy of passport (答案仅供参考) 备考建议:Section1单词拼写尤其注意单复数的考点。 参考练习: C12T7S1
【口语】 一、考试概述: 以下为1月份本场考试话题,请考生们扎实准备。 1. Describe one thing you got for free 2. Describe a website you often browse 3. Describe a plant or vegetable in your country 4. Describe something you bought that made you happy 5. Describe a big company organization that you know in your city 二、具体题目分析: Describe something you bought that made you happy You should say: What it is Why you bought it How you chose it And explain why you think it is special Speaking of something I bought that made me happy, I’d like to talk about my oven. If I recall correctly I think it was a Saturday afternoon when I was browsing the website of Taobao, the Chinese version of Amazon, there was a sales promotion commercial of an oven attracted me, and I was seized by whim--- why don’t I just buy one? Actually, there were tons of different brands and I just bought the best-selling one without hesitation and started the firsthand experience of baking. I have had a sweet tooth from a very young age, and I am particularly fond of desserts. The sweet tooth drives me to try nearly every kind of cake: cupcakes, puff, cookies and so forth. But I had never tried to make one on my own or even touch a real oven until I purchased one. It is hard and frustrating to start baking. I spent nearly a whole week learning to make a cake perfectly, I tried a bunch of times and also progressed through carefully weighing the powder, sugar and milk. I was thrilled when the beautiful cake was finally taken out from the oven. I feel it is special to me because, firstly it is always satisfying to eat something from your own hand, and secondly it reveals the importance of taking the first step. I always fail in things that I want badly at first, which is often because of my fear to getting started. I’ve learnt from baking that it isn’t as hard as I imagined; what I need to do is just take the first step. I believe this inspiration would be helpful to me in many ways.
【阅读】 一、考试概述: 本次考试的阅读部分共三篇文章,均为新题,但是难度很低,同学好好把握。第一篇一个听力的Section2选课场景出成了阅读,送分题。第二篇讲了人类和其他动物睡眠的研究,前四题稍有难度。第三篇讲了对于罗马一个特定时期的城市居民研究。 二、具体题目分析 Passage 1: 题目:Studies of Arts and Visual Culture 题型:判断题6 + 填空题7 题号:新题 文章大意:一个听力的Section2选课场景出成了阅读,送你的。 答案: 1. F 2. T 3. NG 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. fraudulent 8. framework 9. Cubism 10. cinema 11. workshop 12. vases 13. / (答案仅供参考)
Writing Task 1
The plans show changes of a school in 1985 and now.
The two pictures demonstrate the changes of a particular school between the year 1985 and now 2018.
In 1985, there were two car parks. The smaller one was on the left next to classrooms, and the larger one was connected with playing fields by a road. However, there is no road linking the bigger car park with playing fields nowadays.
For the time being, learning resources centre and computer room have taken place of the library in 1985. What’s more, the smaller car par has been currently replaced by trees and the size of playing fields has been reduced. In addition to this, much space of playing fields has been used for the construction of pool and fitness room. Furthermore, the number of both classrooms and classroom block has increased by 1.
Overall, the school has made more classrooms and activity facilities, such as pool and fitness room, to meet the demand of an increasing number of students from 1500 to 2300.