【#雅思# 导语】为了方便大家的学习,©文档大全网为大家精心整理了有关2018年3月10日雅思考试回忆及解析的内容,供大家参考!©文档大全网将第一时间为大家发布最新、、最专业的雅思考试机经及解析,欢迎参考阅读。
一、 考试概述:
Section 1:咨询,俱乐部课程和细节,10填空
Section 2:介绍,购物旅行线路,4多选6匹配
Section 3:讨论,婴儿与语言学习,5选择5匹配
Section 4:学术,关于野猪和红鹿的介绍,10填空
Section 1
场景: 咨询—俱乐部课程和细节
1-10) Table Completion
1. Trainer’s name: Mark Crichton
2. Location: Sport Centre
3. Length: 800 metres run
4. Time: 6:15
5. Long road runner
6. Thursday
7. Location: North Park
8. Recommended to buy: a club vest
9. Next competition is going to be on month of the July
10. Contact phone number: 07958477222
Section 2
场景: 介绍——购物旅行线路
11. A products are locally made
12. B in a history house
13. B Acorn’s Street
14. A Thursday and Saturdays
15. A allow more customers
16. B baked food
17. Romantic evening
18. Visitors are welcome
19. Beach front view
20. Picture of well-known star
1. Describe a business leader that you admire.
2. Describe an activity you do to keep fit
3. Describe a photo that you remember wella
4. Describe something you bought that made you happy
5. Describe an advertisement you have seen recently
Describe an activity you do to keep fit
You should say:
What you do
When, where you usually do it
How you do it
And explain why it can keep you fit
I'm going to talk about swimming, which is one of the most popular sports in China.
There are swimming pools everywhere and many people, old and young, like to hit the pool, especially in the summer. I swim about 3 times a week. In the summer, in those really scorching months, I go more often, like every other day. There's a pool within walking distance of my home and that's where I like to swim cos the pool water there is pretty clean and warm.
How I do it ... well, honestly, I'm not sure how to talk about this point ... Um, I just go there and swim for about an hour or so and then I take a shower before heading home.
I like this sport mainly because it helps me keep fit and shed pounds. I used to have a sweet tooth and I always snacked on some chocolate and ice cream and many other calorie-laden things. Then, about 3 years ago, I decided to live a healthy life and that was when I made up my mind to go swimming on a regular basis. I've lost about 20 pounds over the past couple of years.
Plus, swimming builds my endurance and muscle strength. Every time after swimming, I feel like it has given me an energy boost.
Passage 1
The history of farming农业历史和发展
Passage 2
Passage 3
Managing the language barrier in business商业中的语言障碍
Passage 1:
题目:The history of farming农业历史和发展
1-5) 填空
1. shortages。农业开始的原因:食物匮乏,所以填shortages
2. C开头的一个词
3. Isarel。地点是在Isarel
4. 和wheat并列的植物。
5. hunting动物。
6-13) 判断
6. F.farming gathers 比古埃及人更瘦小。
7. T.
8. NG.
9. T。机械化种植产量更高
10. F
11. F。接下来20年,农作物产量不能翻一番。
12. T。动物吃的比人多。
13. NG。UN对将来的农业发展有信心
The History of Farming
"Over 80 percent of mankind's diet is provided by the seeds of less than a dozen plant species." Over the years man has invented new machines and techniques to increase the amount and variety of crop production. The following will be an overview of the history of farming. We will examine the major historical cultures, the development of the tractor, and the major types of agriculture practiced today.
The roots of farming began in the areas of present day Turkey and the Middle East about 10,000 years ago. Two of the earliest settlements are known as Catal Hüyük and Jericho. Catal Hüyük had, by 6000 B.C., more then 1000 houses. It is at this place that we have discovered evidence of people taking wild grasses and using the seeds for food and planting for the next years food. These seeds are now known as cereals and make up a large percentage of the worlds food supply.
Jericho, like many early cities, was located around a consistent water source, a spring which produced over 1000 gallons of water every minute. Jericho consisted of about eight to ten acres on which it is estimated that two to three thousand people lived. These people were supported by farming of wheat, barley, peas, and lentils. Archeologist believe the earliest settlers in this area were a small group of hunter-gathers. Hunter – gathers would live off the land forging berry and edible plants, as well as hunting wild animals. These types of people lived in smaller groups because they had to be mobile to find more food. It was not until man began to plant and harvest crops that large permanent settlements could be established, like at Jericho.
We find many of the early civilizations began along major river systems. For example Egyptians settled along the Nile River, Harappa culture along the Indus, Chinese Empire along the Huang River and the Mesopotamian Countries along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The river systems provided these early civilizations with a consistent source of silt from the yearly floods and water for the crops. The silt is like a natural fertilizer, bringing new minerals to enrich the crop depleted soil.
Farming changed very little from early times until about 1700. In the 1700's an agriculture revolution took place which led to a large increase in the production of crops. This increase of crops came about in a large part by ". . . little more then the final destruction of medieval institutions and the more general adoption of techniques and crops which had been known for a long time". Included in some of these changes was also the adoption of crops from the "new world" such as corn and potatoes which produced a very large yield.
In the 1850's, the industrial revolution spilled over to the farm with new mechanized methods which increased production rates. Early on, the large changes were in the use of new farm implements. Most of these early implements were still powered by horse or oxen. These new implements combined with crop rotation, manure and better soil preparation lead to a steady increase of crop yield in Europe.
The advent of steam power and later gas powered engines brought a whole new dimension to the production of crops. Yet, even as recent as 100 years ago, four-fifth of the world populations lived outside towns and were in some way dependent on agriculture. Even in 1970's Griggs suggests that half of the worlds working population is still employed in agriculture.
In the following pages we will examine the cultures, the farming types, the tools, and much more as they relate to agriculture.
题目:The chart below shows the average snow depth in Canada during the 6 months. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
参考范文(Word Count 171)
The chart compares the average depth of snow in Canada from November to April for three years.
According to the chart, the amount of snow depth in November per year experienced a slow increase from 100 to 150, and the similar trend could be seen in December and January in which the amount of snow reach 150 and approximately 220 in the third year respectively.
However, when it comes to February in three years, snow thickness showed a slow increase from 200 to 350 before significantly decreasing to 150 in the third year. It is noticeable that snow reached 350 in thickness in March of the second year, which was dramatically more than other two years. Furthermore, after rising from 200 to 400 in April during three different years, the quantity of snow depth substantially decreased to 150.
To sum up, the depth of snow reflected a rising trend from November to April both in the first and the second year, while it experienced diverse fluctuations simultaneously in the third year.