【#雅思# 导语】为了方便大家的学习,顺利通过雅思考试,®文档大全网为大家精心整理了有关2018年6月2日雅思考试回忆及解析的内容,供大家参考!®文档大全网将第一时间为大家发布最新、、最专业的雅思考试机经及解析,希望能帮助到你。感谢你的阅读。
【听力】 一、 考试概述: 本场听力考试总体来说稍难,在Section1部分的数字就考到很多考生,Section3选择题也增加了难点,希望广大考生都扎实准备听力考试。 Section1派对筹划 10填空 Section 2 新题,暂无资料 Section 3师生讨论义务组织6选择,4句子填空 Section 4 新西兰艺术介绍 10填空 二、具体题目分析: Section 1 场景:派对策划 题型:10填空 1-10) Note Completion 1. Number: 80 people 2. Time: Friday 26 September 3. Room type: King 4. Cake: lemon 5. Congratulations 6. Table 7. Music: Jazz 8. MasterCard digital number: 54412 00** 8887 9. Name in card: middle name Sebastian 10. Extra fee for service 答案仅供参考 备考建议:这次长数字是考点也是难点,希望广大考生在备考之余不要忘了对数字的复习。 Section 2 新题,暂无资料 Section 3 场景:师生讨论义务组织 题型:6选择,4句子填空 21-26) Multiple Choice 21. What was the initial problem when the organization was founded A didn’t have clear subject 22. What is the thing that the staff is not satisfied with B how work be shared 23. What is the problem of the manager there B he made so many decisions himself 24. What do they think about the new recruit of this organization A surprisingly well 25. What achievement does the organization make A children are involved to help 26. What problem has been solved B administrator stops working 27-30) Sentence Completion 27. The tutor suggests her reading some books about management of changes 28. The tutor suggests to improve his organization through culture 29. And the role of leader 30. Name of an article: motivation of voluntary 答案仅供参考 备考建议:常规师生讨论场景,选择的题型可能会增加考试的难度。 Section 4 场景:新西兰艺术介绍 题型:10填空 31-36) Completion 31. Painting 32. Plastic 33. Shells 34. Electronic 35. Photographs 36. Pencil 37. Movie 38. Travel 39. Humor 40. Loss 答案仅供参考 备考建议:单词拼写不难,Section4更过考验耐心和细致,希望广大考生扎实准备。
【口语】 一、考试概述: 以下为6月份本场考试话题,请考生们扎实准备。 1. Describe a favorite song of yours 2. Describe a time that you were shopping in a street market 3. Describe something you do to keep you concentrated 4. Describe a favorite song of yours 5. Describe a popular comic actor in your country 二、具体题目分析: Describe a favorite song of yours You should say: What this song is about When you listened to this song for the first time How often you listen to this song And explain why you think it is your favorite song I’d like to talk about the song called Heal the World by Michael Jackson. This song has been a hit ever since the day it was released almost 30 years ago. He composed the song himself and expressed his wishes for world peace and turning the world to a better place, and he said that “Heal the World” is the song he was most proud to have created. This song is about children, earth and love. We can see that from the lyrics he wrote. And there’s one particular sentence that truly touched me. It goes like “Heal the world, make it a better place, for you, and for me, and for the entire human race”, which rhymes perfectly and has profound meanings. The song started off with children’s laughter and cries, after knowing the background of the song, I couldn’t help thinking if I could be the one who suffers from the war, especially when I saw the music video of the song which has a tremendous visual impact. And when he sang this with the soothing melody, I could feel that the world a is hopeful place. It let me realize only when the war ends can kids enjoy their childhood. So you see, this song is quite educational as well. 【阅读】 一、考试概述: 阅读的第一篇是旧题,出现过几次了,难度不大,同学们可以把故事的大致情节看一下。二、三两篇出现了段落信息匹配题、选词填空和选择题,都是相对比较难的,需要好好把握。 二、具体题目分析 Passage 1: 题目:Aheadoftime 题型:4判断题+5简答题+4流程填空 题号:旧题 文章大意:Robin首先发现了skull,然后很多专家开始研究来源、时间、在当时有什么作用,中间也提出了各种各样的研究方法,最后是提出未来的研究方向和意义。 参考答案: 1 居住地区经常遭遇洪水T 2 刚开始以为发现的是其他东西T 3 Robin不确定骨头来自身体的哪个部分F 4 Robin的妈妈对这个东西会引起专家的辩论而感到惊讶NG 5 specialists 6 European 7 radiocarbon 8 296 9、10raceandgender 11 Australia 12 archaeologist 13 shipwreck Passage 2: 题目:Play对儿童发展的影响 题型:5段落信息匹配+4人物名称配对题+4填空 题号:旧题 文章大意:显示北京铺垫了玩耍给儿童带来很多影响,中间提到很多实验和理论,说明玩耍对于孩子verbalskills、emtionalskills、减轻压力带来了很多好处。 参考答案: 14-18 / 19 A 20 C 21 D 22 A 23-24 brains of cats 25 anxiety 26 / Passage 3: 题目:关于一个non-verballanguage的探讨研究 题型:4选词填空+5判断+5选择 题号:新题 文章大意:一帮心理学家分别用小猩猩和小孩做了一堆实验,发现小孩和小猩猩对外部世界的理解没有太大区别,但是在socialintelligence上有显著差异。 参考答案: 27 D effectseffectsof verbalandnon-verbalcommunication 28 G wordmeaning 29 B facialexpressions 30 printedwords 31 Y 32 N 33 NG 34 Y 35 Y 36 A 37 D 38 C 39 C 40 A (答案仅供参考) 【写作】 TASK 1 类型:地图题 题目:博物馆装修前后的变化,1998年的功能分区和2008年改造后的功能分区,进行对比 细节:地图上没标明东南西北 TASK 2 题目类别:社会类 提问方式:优缺点 考试题目: Many people today prefer socialize online to spend time with friends in local community, do advantages outweigh disadvantages? Word count (311) Traditionally, we tended to have face- to-face communication in the scope of local neighbourhood. With the advent of Internet, the form of social networking has been dramatically shaped and online communication is more prevail. From my personal perspectives, this brand-new phenomenon should be embraced with more optimism. Online social networking is tremendously beneficial to enlarge the circle of friends. In the past, the geographical barrier took its toll on the number and scope of friends individuals can make, which means that the interpersonal relation was made only in the proximity of where we live and work and therefore the diversity of interpersonal relationship will be reduced. However, based on the Internet, a variety of social networking such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin enable individuals to make new friends, build business connections or simply extend their personal base globally. Therefore, they can experience more exotic lifestyles and hear voices of people of distinct ethnicities. Another benefit of online socialization is that more information can be exchanged simultaneously. Many social networking platforms incorporate an instant messaging feature, through which one can communicate with different friends on different issues at the same time. In this way, more fresh between friends can be shared and the more information can be processed. However, the shortcomings of online socialization can also not be underestimated, and potential risk of being a victim of cybercrime obviously stands out. The personal information can be exaggerated or even faked in the virtual world, as some criminals intend to deceive some innocent netizens for financial purposes, but this hazard can be easily avoided if online regulation is tightened. To conclude, we should regard online social networking as a positive contributor to interpersonal relationship. Some undesired consequences might be induced, but that is occasional.