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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! 现在大家都在讨论云计算(cloud computing),这意味着利用
互联网的远程计算的发展。这对于中小型企业来说是好消息,因为基于云计算的系统为他们提供了大量的工具,能够为其节省成本,降低维修的次数。同许多技术创新一样,云计算的应用遇到了传统的系统和设想(traditional system and patterns of design)的阻碍。在发达国家,大多数企业已经拥有依赖于传统硬件、软件和常规的工作方式的基础设施。而在发展中国家,政府和研究机构很希望鼓励应用价格便宜的技术。
Nowadays all people are talking about cloud computing,which means the development of remote computing through Internet.This is good news for small and medium enterprises,because the system based on cloud computing can provide them with a number of tools,which helps them save cost and reduce frequencies of maintenance.Just as many technological innovations, cloud computing applications encounter obstacles caused by the traditional system and patterns of design.In developed countries,most companies already have the fundamental infrastructure which relies on traditional hardware,software and conventional ways of operation.But in developing countries,government and research institutions hope to encourage the application of cheaper technology.