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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! 为了假期,人们必须提前工作整整一周。这种安排并不局限于
To enjoy a holiday,people often have to work for a whole week previous to it.This arrangement is not just confined to the Labor Day holiday.According to the official schedule each year,office workers can enjoy so-called “a longer holiday”by exchanging their weekend before the legal holiday for weekdays,which means a longer holiday comes at the price of a longer workweek.This arrangement,however,has not been well received by the public.Up to 75 percent of the respondents to a survey on the Internet said they were dissatisfied with it.And 93 percent complained that holidays are too short.Many people have complained about the authorities'arrangement and called for a more reasonable holiday schedule.If holidays are coming along at the cost of an even heavier burden,they will be hardly enjoyable for the workers.
1.必须:除了用have to表达,还可用be forced to或feel obliged to表达。
2.不局限于:可以使用词组be not confined to或be not restricted to来表达,其中confine和restrict皆意为“限制,约束”。
3.“更长的假期”:翻译引号中的内容时可以采用so-called,例如“可以享受更长的假期,”就可以翻译can enjoy a so-called longer holiday,这样可以表达出原文讽刺的语气。
4.以更长的工作周为代价:可译为at the price of a longer workweek。At the price of意为“以…为代价”,也可用at the cost of来表达。
5.公众不是很接受这种安排:可译为has not been well received by the public。其中receive意为“接受,认可”。
6.如果假期是以更繁重的工作任务为代价…:可译为If holidays are coming along at the cost of an even heavier burden...
7.无力消受:可以理解为“很难让人从中得到享受”,故译为be hardly enjoyable。