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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! 现在没有人知道中国的背包旅行现象确切的渊源,不过成千上万的人已经加入到这种生态自助型的新旅游活动中。而想要成为“驴友”,你不一定要年轻力强,也不一定要囊中富足。“驴友”们很多不过是口袋空空的学生,每一次旅途都需要精打细算,而另一些人则可能已到了中老年。有的人徒步到偏远的地方泡上好几个月,有的在周末来一次远足,他们总是准备着探索旅程中新的道路,发现惊喜。
Today no one knows the exact origins of the backpacker phenomenon in China, yet tens of thousands of people have joined in this new eco-centric activity. If you want to be a “Donkey Friend”, you are not necessarily young or affluent. Many are impoverished students budgeting their travels very carefully; some are middle-aged parents or senior citizens. They go hiking in remote places for months, tour suburban sights on weekends, and are always ready to discover new paths and surprises on their journeys.