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【#英语资源# 导语】清明节,在阳历4月5日,最适合农耕。其前后气温回暖,几率下小雨,杜牧写的《清明》就体现了:清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。那小学生描写清明节的优秀作文有哪些呢?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  April 4 is Tomb Sweeping Day. According to our customs, it is a day to mourn the dead, eat tomb sweeping dumplings and sweep the tomb.

  I checked the information on the Internet. In the past, the customs of Qingming Festival were very rich, including fire prohibition, tomb sweeping, outing, swing, willow planting and a series of activities. It is said that inserting willows can predict the weather. There is an old saying that "willows are green, rainy, dry and sunny".

  Today, my family is no exception. Early in the morning, grandma and mom began to get busy. Grandma kneaded dough and mom made Qingming dumplings. I would also like to take a small piece of flour, and then I would like to knead it into a small bowl. I would like to knead it into a small bowl first, and then I would like to knead it. Then fill the filling into the small "bowl" and then close the mouth and knead it round. I accidentally squashed it. Oh, what a pity. I thought: it doesn't matter. Failure is the mother of success. Then I did it again and it was a success. After a while, we finished several rows of Qingming dumplings. Grandma steamed the prepared Qingming dumplings in a steamer. More than ten minutes later, Qingming dumpling sent out an attractive fragrance and filled the whole room. As soon as the Qingming dumpling came out of the cage, I couldn't wait to catch one and wolfed it down.

  I'm very happy this Qingming Festival because I've learned how to pack Qingming dumplings. Come and have a try next time!


  The swallow has gone, and there is a time to come again; Willows wither, and there is a time when they are green again; The peach blossoms have withered and will bloom again. However, dear grandpa, you have been sleeping in this cold cemetery for a long time. Your niece is close to you, but Yin and yang are separated, and I can't meet you for thousands of calls. Why doesn't this make me sad and painful?

  My mother once said to me, "grandpa used to be a teacher. He was very kind and strict. Grandpa used to be very good at mathematics. He served his students wholeheartedly. Students came to ask him questions they didn't understand, and he often answered them." I listened and whispered in my heart, "Grandpa is really a competent teacher."

  I came here again today and looked at the cemetery, which made me sad from my heart. Cold wind, please tell the heartbroken man why such a kind and respectable grandfather never comes back.

  Against the sunshine, I saw the familiar hillside again. The grass on the slope is so green, the colorful flowers bloom lonely, and the sapling that has long grown up. The sapling is so green and tenacious. Although we have not carefully cultivated it, it is still self-reliance. Maybe that's what Grandpa wanted to tell me: people don't have to be helped to grow up. They need to cultivate themselves, not let adults take one step at a time.

  Grandpa left. I grew up day by day in missing and waiting. When Grandpa Liu can fly back, he can't understand that Grandpa Liu can come back again. I will be accompanied by long thoughts and the annual sad Qingming Festival.


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, which is a day to worship relatives who have died.

  Every year on Tomb Sweeping Day, my father, mother and I will go back to my grandmother's house to worship my grandfather who has died for ten years. My grandfather died when I was two years old. When my grandmother worshipped her relatives, she would bring good wine and vegetables to worship them. When we arrived at the grave, we first poured the good wine to Grandpa, then filled the good vegetables to Grandpa and put them in front of the grave, then set off firecrackers, three incense for each person, and made a few wishes or hopes on the grave. What about ourselves and what about others.

  Grandma's hometown has a tradition. During the Qingming Festival, everyone who goes to the grave has to bring a thin and long bamboo pole, buy a few strings of white paper money, string the paper money onto the thin and long bamboo pole, and then insert the bamboo pole next to the grave. Say something more to Grandpa. Burn some more paper money for Grandpa, clean grandpa's grave and tidy up things, and then we can go home. We had to go down the steep mountain road again. At the foot of the mountain, we looked at the top of the mountain. There was a string of white paper money on all the graves on the mountain. A gust of wind blew, like dead relatives, looking at us and saying goodbye to us.

  Seeing this scene, I suddenly couldn't help crying and thought to myself, goodbye Grandpa, I'll see you again next year.


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." This poem reminds me of the annual Qingming Festival. Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, so my father took me to the martyrs' cemetery to sweep the tomb. When I arrived at the martyrs' cemetery, my parents asked us to observe three minutes of silence.

  We began to sweep the tombs. I found that these martyrs died for the country. Without their precious lives, there would be no happiness and happiness. They dyed the five-star red flag with blood. They will always be our role models. We should learn from them, love the country, love the campus and strive to be a good student.

  My father took me to Laozi temple again and found many people flying kites in the square in front of Laozi temple, which reminded me of a song "village house" written by Gao Ding: "the grass grows and the warbler flies in February, the willows on the embankment are drunk with spring smoke. The children come back early from school and are busy flying paper kites in the east wind."

  Qingming Festival is not only a festival to commemorate ancestors and martyrs, but also a good time for spring outings and outings.


  Qingming Festival is coming. The school organized us to visit the tomb in Nanshan park.

  After arriving at Nanshan Park, we went to the martyrs memorial square, held various activities, and presented our own small white flowers. After the event, we began to have a picnic.

  The martyrs have paid their precious lives for our motherland and construction. Their blood has dyed the earth red, the national flag red and the red scarf worn on us. They are so brave, so strong and so great. They gave their lives for the beautiful motherland and their youth for our beautiful life.

  Their hearts are shining, their blood is bright red, and their love will never change. Without these martyrs, we would not have our beautiful motherland. Without these martyrs, we would not be happy today.

  An idea came into my mind: we should inherit the martyrs' will, study hard and become the pillars of the construction of the motherland.


  As the saying goes, "it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival." But this year's Tomb Sweeping Day is a sunny day. Our family went to the public cemetery.

  Walking on the street beside the cemetery. Surrounded by grass, occasionally there are several tall trees standing in the street. But the most charming thing is the rape flowers in the field. The green leaves hold up the delicate flowers, making the rape flowers particularly conspicuous. The pale yellow flowers seem to have a faint fragrance. Under the breeze, the flowers swayed, and those yellow smiling faces seemed to nod to us. No matter how sad it is to come out of the cemetery, it will be much better to see them!

  When you enter the cemetery, you can see all kinds of people. Some placed flowers and offerings on the tombstone. Some looked very sad and bowed deeply to the tombstone. Others sobbed and washed away the dust on the tombstone with water. Mother said that this is the real tomb sweeping, that is, to clean the tombstone.

  Like many people, we pay 100 tax paying flowers on the tombstone. The flower is still a bud. The guild grows up slowly, but it represents our longing for our old grandmother. Looking at the tombstone, I have a strange feeling in my heart. Maybe this is nostalgia. Looking at my mother's seriousness, I didn't dare to be careless and bowed deeply.

  Then, grandpa took his broken ingot and burned it. Afraid that the old grandmother didn't have enough, she folded a few more belts and came to the fire. She put the Yuanbao man into the fire. With a slight "Hua Hua" sound and a heat wave, the Yuanbao turned into ashes.


  On today's special day - Tomb Sweeping Day, I came to the tombstones of my ancestors not far away with reverence, holding flowers in my hands to sweep away my ancestors.

  As one of the 24 solar terms, Qingming Festival is also a good time for outing and dust removal. Its name also means "when all things grow, they are clean and clean".

  The swallow flew to the South and came back again. The willows withered and there was a time when they were green again. The peach blossoms have withered and will bloom again. But dear grandpa. You have been sleeping in this cold cemetery for a long time. Your granddaughter is close to you, but she is separated by Yin and Yang. She can't meet you even if she calls for thousands of times. How can this not make my granddaughter sad, painful and melancholy.

  My parents took paper money and ghost money and "sent" them to Grandpa's grave. I glanced around, and there was a trace of sadness and nostalgia on people's faces.

  Alas, when I was in my mother's stomach for three months, my grandfather died. Whenever other students mentioned how good grandpa was to me, I was always envious and sad.

  The ghost coin was slowly burned to ashes in the fire. Looking at the burning fire, I imagined that if Grandpa was still alive, he would love me more - give me delicious and fun... I really hope that what is in front of me now is not a cold tombstone, but a healthy and smiling grandpa! But now I can only stand silently in front of the grave and make a wish: "I hope grandpa can bless my study and progress, and my family will live a happy life, be healthy and succeed in school!"

  I stood in front of Grandpa's tombstone. Two lines of hot tears flowed down my cheeks like broken pearls


  April 4 of each year is the Tomb Sweeping Day, which is the day of ancestor worship. On Saturday, our family returned to our hometown as usual to worship our ancestors.

  "It rained in succession during the Qingming Festival" poet Du Mu was right. It rained for a whole day during the Qingming Festival, but it didn't spoil our family's enthusiasm to go back to the countryside to worship our ancestors. Because my father said, "rain 'water' refers to wealth, which means that our family will have a lot of money this year."

  At noon, the rain stopped a little. After we went to the ancestral temple to worship, we went up the mountain. Because of the rain, the road is very muddy and slippery. But we still insist. When I came to the grave, I saw that there were weeds all around. My father asked us to take a hoe and shovel away the weeds. After finishing some, he took out the sacrifice and put it in front of the tomb. Then worship God. Everyone tells their ancestors their wishes. Let me tell you, my wish like my ancestors is: I hope to be admitted to key middle schools this year. However, I know that it is impossible to rely solely on the blessing of our ancestors. We should strengthen our strength and luck through our own efforts. After worship, he made a toast, and his brother filled it with wine Three cups and said, "let them get drunk!" Then I started to burn Ming coins, cars, mahjong and so on. It's really everything! After burning the ghost paper, start firecrackers! "Thunderclap, thunderclap, Thunderclap..." The firecrackers were very loud and deafening. My mother said, "the louder the firecrackers are, the more blessed they are!" After everything was done, I silently said to my ancestors in my heart, "today next year, we will come to see you. Rest in peace!"

  Indeed, one's life will pass soon. Time waits for no one. Students must seize the time and do everything they should do.


  On the annual Qingming Festival, my parents took me back to my hometown in Henan to visit the grave. Along the way, it was beautiful in spring and sunny. On both sides of the highway, there were light green wheat fields, waxy yellow cauliflower, pink peach flowers and snow-white pear flowers. What a beautiful spring!

  Henan's Tomb Sweeping Day is grand. Our family's ancestral graves are distributed in the beautiful Qingyuan. During the Tomb Sweeping Day, the mountains are full of grave sweepers, and the mountains are lively. The adults prepared many cakes, snacks and fruit drinks. They carried the whole bags with shoulder poles. Some children took hoes and some shovels, and then followed them. The whole family went up the mountain to sweep the tomb. The tomb sweeping activities are interesting. Every time we find an ancestral grave, we are busy separately. Some weeding and some adding soil. In a short time, we clean up the overgrown grave. Then we have to insert the colorful tomb money into the new soil of the grave, and use a brush dipped in red paint to completely describe the handwriting on the tombstone. As a result, the ancestral grave that has not been repaired for a long time has a new look.

  Adults took out offerings and put them in front of the grave, lit incense and candles, and burned a lot of paper money. These offerings were for our ancestors to eat, and paper money was for our ancestors to show our filial piety. Finally, everyone should kowtow and worship in turn according to the generations from big to small. Some people still chant words. Look, my cousin reads: "bless my ancestors, let me get five more points in the college entrance examination!" How ridiculous* What's more interesting is that there is a line of text left on the left column of Grandpa's tombstone that has not been described. Without thinking, I picked up my pen and described it. My father screamed, "don't move!", It turns out that this line of words can only be written after grandma's death. I almost got into trouble. I knocked my head four times in front of Grandpa's grave. Adults laughed happily


  "It rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls..." this poem suddenly came to my heart, because today is the Qingming Festival.

  While I was still dreaming. "Get up, get up, little sluggard, you still sleep late today" mother complained. Hearing the thunderous sound, I immediately got up and dressed. Mom and dad said in unison, "today is April 5, Tomb Sweeping Day, which is to sweep the graves of dead relatives." The whole family prepared the sacrificial things clearly and set out. We climbed the mountain for a long time. Finally, everyone saw grandpa's grave. I took the flowers. Suddenly, I said sadly, "Grandpa, please rest in peace. You must be good in heaven." After paying homage to Grandpa's grave, we were ready to go home around the original road. Suddenly, I accidentally stepped on a stone and rolled down from the top of the mountain. My mother heard a noise and looked back. When she didn't see me, she and my father hurried to find me. I also seemed to lose consciousness and rolled under a lush tree and woke up instantly. Although I was dizzy at the moment, my subconscious told myself to get up right away. I got up slowly and walked hard forward. It took me a long time to see my father. I said, "Dad, I'm here." My father seemed to hear a sound and ran in my direction. My mother also ran with my father. They found me and said gently, "do you want to go to the hospital?" I said, "no, let's continue to visit the grave."

  When I got home, I also remembered what happened today, the way my parents were worried about me and sweating. Thinking of my mother's tearful look just now. I think of a sentence my grandmother said: "the greatest parents in the world!"

