【#翻译# 导语】没有被折磨的觉悟,就没有向前冲的资格。既然选择了,就算要跪着也要走下去。其实有时候我们还没做就被我们自己吓退了,想要往前走,就不要考虑太多,去做就行了。®文档大全网整理了“2019年翻译资格考试二级笔译考前冲刺模拟题3”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!
【Passage 1:英译汉】
Millions of tourists come here every year to visit the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat, an influx that has helped transform what once resembled a small, laid-back village into a thriving and cosmopolitan town with thumping nightlife and more than 10,000 hotel rooms.
But the explosion of the tourism industry here has also done something less predictable. Siem Reap, which had no universities a decade ago, is now Cambodia’s second-largest hub for higher education, after the capital, Phnom Penh.
The sons and daughters of impoverished rice farmers flock here to work as tour guides, receptionists, bartenders and waitresses. When their shifts are over, they study finance, English and accounting.
The establishment of five private universities here is helping to transform the work force in this part of Cambodia. Employers say that English proficiency is rising and that workers who attend universities stand out for their ability to express themselves and make decisions. A generation of students who would otherwise have had little hope to study beyond high school are enduring grueling schedules to get a degree and pursue their dreams.
Khim Borin, a 26-year-old tour guide by day and law student by night, says he wants to become a lawyer. But he sometimes has trouble staying awake in class during the high tourist season, when he spends hours scaling vertiginous temple steps and baking in the tropical sun.
But the symbiosis of work and study here came together without any master plan.
It was driven largely by supply and demand: universities opened to cater to the dreams of Cambodia’s youth — and offered flexible hours in sync with the rhythms of the tourist industry.
After graduation, students who work and study at the same time often have an edge over fresh graduates who have never worked before, for whom starting a career can be difficult, Ms. Chan and others say. University students are “more communicative,” she said. “If they don’t like something, they speak out.”
Ms. Chan and others say they are lucky that Angkor’s temples have proved so popular with tourists. If it were not for the sandstone structures nestled in the jungles, Siem Reap would probably have remained a backwater. Last year, 3.3 million tourists visited Siem Reap, half of them foreigners, according to the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism.
本文出自纽约时报---Near Cambodia's Temple Ruins, a Devotion to Learning(柬埔寨的旅游促进教育)
每年,数百万游客来到吴哥窟,观赏这里的古代历史遗迹。涌入此地的人流使得这个过去落后悠闲的小村庄发展成为了一个拥有超过10000间酒店客房和丰富夜 生 活的国际化城镇。
26岁的金·波润(Khim Borin)白天是一名导游,晚上则是一名法学专业的学生,他说他以后想成为一名律师。但在旅游旺季时,他有时候很难在课堂上保持清醒,因为他每天不仅要爬令人晕眩的神庙台阶,还要在热带的阳光下暴晒数个小时。
程女士和其他人补充道,吴哥窟的神庙如此受游客欢迎,这让他们感到很幸运。如果没有隐藏在丛林中的砂岩建筑群, 暹粒现在可能仍然是一个闭塞的小村庄。根据柬埔寨旅游部(Cambodian Ministry of Tourism)的数据,去年暹粒共接待了330万游客,其中半数为外国人。
【Passage 2:汉译英】
More than two millennia ago the diligent and courageous people of Eurasia explored and opened up several routes of trade and cultural exchanges that linked the major civilizations of Asia, Europe and Africa, collectively called the Silk Road by later generations.
For thousands of years, the Silk Road Spirit - "peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit" - has been passed from generation to generation, promoted the progress of human civilization, and contributed greatly to the prosperity and development of the countries along the Silk Road. Symbolizing communication and cooperation between the East and the West, the Silk Road Spirit is a historic and cultural heritage shared by all countries around the world.
The Belt and Road Initiative is a systematic project, which should be jointly built through consultation to meet the interests of all, and efforts should be made to integrate the development strategies of the countries along the Belt and Road.
The Belt and Road Initiative aims to promote the connectivity of Asian, European and African continents and their adjacent seas, establish and strengthen partnerships among the countries along the Belt and Road, set up all-dimensional, multitiered and composite connectivity networks, and realize diversified, independent, balanced and sustainable development in these countries.
The connectivity projects of the Initiative will help align and coordinate the development strategies of the countries along the Belt and Road, tap market potential in this region, promote investment and consumption, create demands and job opportunities, enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges among the peoples of the relevant countries.