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【#翻译# 导语】向着顺利通过考试的目标,迈步向前,必然会成功拿到证书。以下是“2019年翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题1”,快来学习吧!

  Information and communications are central to modem society and organizations. One approach to understand the working environment is to consider an organization as a communications system. An organization that has open lines of communication with valid, honest information going up, down, and throughout the organization will be much more effective and a much better place to work than the organization that attempts to restrict the flow of information or distort and deceive. When leadership attempts to keep workers in the dark, workers tend to become distrustful. This undermines their cooperation.

  It is easy to understand the value and importance of open, honest communications and valid information. Yet, few organizations are able to function in this manner. In the long run, poor communication will undermine the entire organization. Restricting communication and distorting information are symptoms of short-range thinking. We must avoid these stupid, short-sighted traps and constantly strive for an open communications system with objective information.


  ① Information and communications are central to modem society and organizations.


  考点: organization 常解释为“公司;企业”或“组织”,这篇文章其实属于 Management  板块,应解释为“企业”。

  具体译法:成语法:  central→ 至关重要

  ② One approach to understand the working environment is to consider an organization as   a communications system.



  ③⑴ An organization (that has open lines of communication with valid, honest information going up, down, and throughout the organization) ⑶ will be much more effective and a much better place to work ⑵ than the organization (that attempts to restrict the flow of information or distort and deceive).


  考点: 定语从句的翻译:第一句用了省略法,第二句用了前置法。

  换序译法:翻译顺序:⑴⑵⑶。这是一句较长的句子,但是句子结构并不复杂,考生可以发现整句句子是一个比较级,主语和宾语分别是两种企业,谓语是 will be much more effective and a much better place to work ,不过两个企业的后面都各有一个长句进行修饰,特别是第一个企业。因此在翻译时先把主语的情况交待完毕,然后用“比”连起句子的宾语,宾语的定语并不长,可以前置,最后再翻译谓语。


  open lines of communication→ 公开的沟通渠道(直译)

  → 坦诚的沟通模式(意译)

  valid, honest information→ 真实可靠的信息(直译)

  → 诚信信息(意译)

  going up, down, and throughout → 机构内上下(直译)

  → 全方位(意译)

  more effective→ 更高的效率(直译)

  → 更高的效能(意译)

  restrict the flow of information→ 限制信息的流通(直译)

  → 封闭信息(意译)

  转性译法:形容词 → 名词 effective→ 效能

  形容词 → 动词 better→ 适宜于

  ④ When leadership attempts to keep workers in the dark, workers tend to become distrustful.

  译文 1 :如果领导层让员工信息闭塞(蒙在鼓里),员工就会对领导不信任。

  译文 2 :领导如果什么事情都不对员工讲,员工就会不信任领导。

  考点: 具体译法:加字法: leadership→ 领导层

  成语法: keep workers in the dark→ 让员工蒙在鼓里

  转性译法:形容词 → 动词 distrustful→ 不信任

  ⑤ This undermines their cooperation.


  ⑥ It is easy to understand the value and importance of open, honest communications and valid information.

  译文 1 :开诚布公的沟通和无误的信息,它们的价值和重要性是显而易见的。

  译文 2 :懂得公开真诚的交流和可靠信息的价值和重要性是不难的。

  考点: 具体译法:加字法: importance→ 重要性

  成语法: open,honest communications→ 开诚布公的沟通

  正反译法: easy→ 不难的      valid→ 无误的

  ⑦ Yet, few organizations are able to function in this manner.



  考点: 正反译法: few→ 不多见

  ⑧ In the long run , poor communication will undermine the entire organization.


  考点: 正反译法: poor→ 不良的

  ⑨ Restricting communication and distorting information are symptoms of short-range   thinking .

  译文 1 :限制沟通和歪曲信息会使企业成为井底之蛙。

  译文 2 :限制沟通和歪曲信息会使企业鼠目寸光。

  译文 3 :限制沟通和歪曲信息会使企业缺乏远见。

  译文 4 :限制沟通和歪曲信息是思想狭隘的表现。

  考点: 具体译法:成语法: short-range thinking→ 井底之蛙;鼠目寸光

  正反译法: short-range thinking→ 缺乏远见

  ⑩ We must avoid these stupid, short-sightedtraps and constantly strive for an open communications system with objective information.

  译文 1 :我们必须告别这些愚蠢、缺乏远见的做法,并致力于建立一个公开的沟通系统,确保信息客观公正。


  考点: 正反译法: short-sighted→ 缺乏远见

  意译: traps→ 羁绊

  转性译法:介词 → 动词   with→ 确保



