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【#英语资源# 导语】父爱是什么?父爱好似一杯浓茶,耐人品味,耐人理解。父爱是什么?父爱好像一座高大的山峰,他有沉默寡言的厚重,他有高 瞻远瞩的奠基。下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  "Motherly love is the greatest love in the world", but in my heart, the meticulous love of father love is no less than that of mother love.

  In recent years, my mother has been busy with her work and has no time to take care of me, so she gave me to my father. In this long day, my father is really a father and a mother.

  I remember one time, I took the certificate of outstanding students and ran happily home. Just as I was about to get home, I accidentally tripped on the stairs and fell so that I lost three layers of skin on my knees! At this time, my father ran out in a hurry, but said slowly: "Do you have long eyes?" Another time, I didn't do well in the final exam. I didn't pass the index prescribed by my father, so I was afraid that my father would scold me, so I hid my father. A few days later, when Dad learned about this, he became furious and said: "It's OK if you don't do well in the exam, but you should not let me know. It's too much. Let me punish you today!" Then he gave me a good beating.

  Of course, Dad has a serious side and a benevolent side. Whenever I have difficulties in my homework, my father will put down the work at hand to help me solve problems; When I was bullied, my father would come forward to reason with that person for me; When I do a good job, my father will be happy.

  My father's meticulous love is always imprinted on my heart.


  What is fatherly love? When you encounter difficulties, he will not help you reach the top, but he will let you solve the difficulties yourself, and he will keep giving you clues. This is fatherly love.

  On the second day after the monthly examination, the results came out, and the Chinese results were not ideal. On the way home, I thought: Will my parents criticize me? I came home with apprehension. I talked to my parents about Chinese results. I can see that they are unhappy.

  "Give me the test paper." Dad said.

  I opened my schoolbag and nervously took out the test paper and gave it to my father.

  The first step after Dad got the test paper was to ask me if I had checked it after the test? I said, "Of course."

  His second step was to open the paper and read the reading section. I could see the anger on his face at that moment, and I immediately realized that it was not good. Dad must hit me. I stepped back slightly. But he was beyond my expectation. He stood there looking at me intently and said, "You almost didn't deduct points in the reading part. That's why you lost points in the basic knowledge part. There is nothing wrong with filling in the blanks according to the text content. Then you lost points in the punctuation."

  I stepped back with a guilty heart. Although my father is analyzing the test paper, he is actually letting me understand the reason for losing points and the method of making the test paper.

  Ah! What a great fatherly love; Wise father love; Eternal fatherly love.


  Father's love is not as good as mother's love in everyone's impression. Because maternal love is easy to be found, while father love is not well expressed or father cannot express. It is rarely found. Over time, we just talked about it but didn't really realize it.

  I woke up in the middle of the night yesterday, so I got up to drink water and suddenly saw a dark shadow. I was shocked and looked at my father. While drinking water, I thought: Really, I still sit here in the middle of the night, pretending to be a ghost. This morning I asked Mom and Dad why they were sitting there. Mom said, "Dad goes there every day and waits until the bedroom is quiet." Maybe I moved from the head of the bed to the end of the bed at night. I remember sleeping and rolling. It would have hurt my father to become a national treasure.

  When I was naughty, my father was angry because he loved me. I also found a trace of sadness in Dad's eyes when I contradicted Dad. Dad, I'm sorry, I'm not contradicting you anymore, and I won't make you angry any more. I want to be a good daughter. I want to give you a good gift. Listen to my mother say: "You and my mother don't want my gift, as long as I grow up healthily, study hard, and spend every day happily." I will grow up healthily, study hard, and become a good child in my parents' hearts.

  Dad, although I am not so good, I will work hard to do my best. I love you. You want a wall to protect me from wind and rain. Like a pair of invisible big hands holding me gently in the palm of my hand to make me warm. I love you my father!


  Father's love is like a mountain. Father's love is unknown, but it often plays an important role in my life and leads me to the highest level.

  "Nannan, let's go climbing!" Dad winked at me. Alas! It's to climb that high mountain again. I know I can't climb it! "Yes, you will know how beautiful the scenery is when you climb to the top of the mountain!" Mom should also be in tune. "All right, go ahead!" I said impatiently. Dad easily put on his bag, took my hand and set out.

  At the beginning of climbing, I was energetic. I would walk backwards with the railing and run up and down the steps. In this way, I enjoyed myself halfway up the mountain. I was like a deflated balloon, slowly following my father. "Keep up!" Dad called back to me. I stamped my foot, stood there and said angrily, "Stop! Stop! I want to go down the mountain." My father said patiently, "It will be here soon. Hold on for a while. Today I will challenge myself to see if I can reach the summit, OK?" With my father's patient persuasion and encouragement, my father and I reached the summit hand in hand. The scenery at the top of the mountain is really beautiful. I can't say how happy I am when I look down at the green at the foot of the mountain.

  Fatherly love is great, because my father's encouragement made me reach the "peak", and I love my father.


  Father's love is as broad and warm as mother's love.

  Father's love is like the rain in spring, which moistens my seedling from the ground. When I felt depressed, my father's words of encouragement made me feel warm, and everything started again.

  Father's love is like the summer wind. The summer wind is always so peaceful, which brings a sense of coolness when the heat is unbearable. When I was wandering at the crossroads of life, my father patted me on the shoulder, smiled, showed me the way with his eyes, and warmed me with his heart.

  Father's love is like the cloud in autumn. In the autumn when there are many fruits, just looking at it high, it is still quiet. When I failed in the exam, I went home crying, but my father didn't say a word when he saw this. He just stood quietly, looked at me with a smile, gave me strength, made me energetic immediately, and let me know that failure is the mother of success!

  Father's love is like the sunshine in winter. In the cold winter, only the sunshine makes me feel free. When I participated in the competition, my nervous mood was all over my body and my forehead was full of sweat, my father gave me a little encouragement and a cold drink, which made me brave and straight, and made me win a good place.

  Father's love is a huge mountain. At that time, when the sky fell, I was not afraid, because my father gave me support.

  Father's love gives me strength and makes me understand the intoxicating fragrance of life.


  People say that love is the most selfless and greatest, but I think father love is the same. He is like a mountain for us to climb.

  I remember that it was a stormy evening, when I was doing a math problem at home, I was suddenly puzzled by a problem. This question is like a fish bone stuck in my throat. I can't pull it out. At this time, I heard the sound of a car whistle, and my father came back. Suddenly, my heart felt uneasy, as if a storm was coming. Because if Dad sees that I can't do it, he will scold me. To my surprise, my father not only didn't scold me, but kindly explained this problem to me. My father said to me: Don't be defeated by setbacks, and climb bravely. At that time, I was still young and did not understand the profound meaning of my father's words, so I nodded vaguely.

  Now, I have grown up. I understand my father's concern for me and his meticulous love for me.

  On the winter night, I couldn't fall asleep because of toothache. My father saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. So, he braved the wind and snow to the clinic. But it was already late at night, and the clinic had already closed. My father shouted outside the door and just helped me get the medicine back.

  Father's love is like a mountain. Father's love, like rain, moistens me; Father's love, like water, irrigates me; Father's love is like the wind, blowing me. Father's love can't make me forget.


  What is love? Love is giving, love is responsibility, love is tolerance, love is caring, love is sharing, love is the star in the night, illuminating the dark life; Love is a spring in the heat, moistening the dry soul; Love is a rainbow in the blue sky, embellishing the gorgeous youth.

  It is said that maternal love is like water, and paternal love is like a mountain. This sentence is also true. Fatherly love is like a long telephone line. It follows me wherever I go.

  My father is a teacher, medium height, a pair of bright big eyes, and a few silver threads in his beautiful black hair. He looks very old, but he looks energetic!

  One day, we issued a notice. I got double hundred and several certificates of merit. When I got home, I showed them to my father and said, "Look, Dad, I got the first place in my class!"!

  He looked unconcerned. I thought to myself: he had already passed the exam. Why is he still as stiff as before, and he seems to care less about me?

  I have been thinking, the last chance let me understand my father's pains, he did not want me to develop a proud and arrogant character.

  Here, I would like to warn children all over the world: Father's love is like a mountain!


  Father's love is like an endless sea, like a cup of good wine, which makes people aftertaste endlessly, like an endless mountain, ups and downs.

  My parents divorced when I was very young, so I stayed with my uncle. He cared about me very much. I transferred from the first grade to the fifth grade now. In the past five years, my uncle treated me like his own daughter and cared about me meticulously. He is my father, my dearest father.

  When I encounter problems, he always patiently explains the topic for me; When I met with difficulties, he told me not to fall down because of difficulties, but to persevere. When I fell down while learning to ride a bicycle, he kept silent and did not look at me, so I had to get up by myself. It was he who made me understand that I should learn to stand on my own feet from where I fell; At the weekend, he sacrificed his rest time to send me to play erhu and learn English on time; When I was sad, he would pat me on the shoulder, draw pictures for me, tell me jokes to comfort me and make me laugh through tears; When he encounters something new, he always takes me with him to observe it; After I have written my composition, he will always seriously revise it; When I am working, I always experience the fun of working personally... In daily life, we are close friends who understand each other's mind.

  In the past five years, I have something I would like to say to my uncle; "Uncle, you are my most beloved father. I love you!"



  I found that father love began from then on.

  One afternoon, my father and I said that I wanted to eat fish, but there was no fish at home. I had a brainwave and said that we should look for fish. My father smiled. I said that my father should go, and I told my mother that my mother didn't care. Soon my father said go! We rode to the river.

  At first, my father refused to let me enter the water, saying that he was afraid I would be cold, but it was getting dark, so my father let me come down. I was a river away from my father, so I had no choice but to walk across. I walked through the water in slippers, but my slippers were washed away by the water before I reached the bank. I had to walk barefoot. My father looked at me barefoot and said, "Where are my shoes?" I said, "Washed away by water".

  I began to fish with my father. I touched a big one, but it lost its tail. I told my father that the fish had run away. It was very big. Father began to touch me and he told me: "Don't come here. There is glass ballast here. Be careful to prick your feet."

  It was getting dark, and we got a lot of fish, ready to go home. I walked on the bank, and there were many grass roots sticking at my feet. Father squatted down and said, "Let me carry you." As he said this, he took me on his back. I was a little taller than my father. My father had some difficulty carrying me. I asked my father to put me down. My father said it was OK. I was on my father's back, and the dim light shone on his body, watching my father's tears come out. I lay on my father's back and felt the greatness and selflessness of his love. I deeply felt his love. He is not as obvious as his mother's love. Father's love is silent. Father's love for me began at that dusk.


  There is a kind of love that doesn't help you when you fall, but tells you to stand up strong; There is a kind of love that when you encounter difficulties in your study, you will not tell you the answer directly, but guide you to carefully examine the topic, carefully observe, and slowly understand the truth.

  Once, my homework was "blocked". I read the questions repeatedly and racked my brains. How could I not think of the results? I had to ask my father who was reading the newspaper for help. However, after reading the question, my father said to me sternly: "Son, you can solve this problem yourself, but you can do it yourself without careful examination. You can do it!"

  Another time, I was learning to ride a bike. As soon as I got on the bike, I was busy kicking. I can't control the front of the car. My father looked at me and didn't come to help me. He just said, "Good, good, go on." I fell down carelessly. My tears fell down like broken beads. My father just said loudly, "Why are you crying? Did you fall down? Get up and continue practicing." I listened to my father's criticism, dried my tears, stood up and went to learn cycling again. I was only six years old that year.

  People often say: "Father's love is like a mountain." I don't agree. Father's love is like a wind of criticism, blowing you to the peak of life; Father's love is like a glass of water, which makes you enjoy the sweetness after hunger and thirst; Father's love, like a silent language, encourages you when you feel inferior. Now, fatherly love is the magic weapon to open the "door of wisdom".
