
时间:2022-09-30 22:27:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】十一国庆佳节到,收到祝福笑一笑;烦恼瞬间全没了,快乐紧紧来围绕;朋友常联情谊浓,事事遂心吉祥抱。国庆快乐!下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Today is National Day on October 1. Throughout the National Day holiday, Mom has to go to work and Dad has to work overtime, so we can't go out and play. Today, my mother got off work early. We took time to go to the park in the new area.

  Today, the sky was blue and white, but the wind was a little strong. The signboards at the gate of the park were blown down by the wind. My father and I helped it up. Just entering the park, two magpies flew to us, turned around our heads and flew back, as if they were greeting us. Entering the park is an arc staircase, and on the staircase, you can see a maple leaf. I found a strange phenomenon that some maple leaves were scorched, but some were still green. Mother said, "In another month, the maple leaves will all turn red. Each maple leaf looks like a flame, which is very beautiful."

  Down the stairs, I saw a spider hanging under the tree, motionless. Mom didn't see it. I carefully wanted to show her. But just as I walked past, this little guy actually flew up. It was a flying insect. What a surprise! I've never seen flying insects hovering in the air! Walking down the stairs, there was a lake. There were many duckweeds on the lake, which seemed to be covered with green blankets. We rowed for a while and ended today's happy trip.

  On the way home, I thought: I must come to see the red maple leaves in a month.


  It's sunny today. My family went to Seven Star Rock to play.

  On the way, we laughed and laughed. About 20 minutes later, we finally came to my favorite scenic spot of the cable bridge. Walking on the rickety cable bridge, we seemed to fall into the lake accidentally. It was really exciting! It is composed of many iron plates and chains.

  After walking across the iron chain bridge, we came to the fish watching pond again. The fish here are colorful, including red, black, golden, red and white... They are very beautiful! Mother also bought us two boxes of fish materials. We stood beside the fence to feed the fish. When we spilled the fish materials, the fish scrambled to gather into a pile to eat. Some fish even jumped up to catch the fish materials. There were several very big black fish. Every time I spilled the fish materials, it opened its mouth wide, as if to ask me to throw all the fish materials into its mouth.

  After feeding the fish, we went to the Peacock Garden. The peacocks were standing there. I saw their feathers were very beautiful! There are green and blue ones. Although they have not opened the screen, you can still see how beautiful and elegant they are!

  When I was leaving, I was still reluctant to leave and didn't want to go home. My mother said that she would take us to play next time when she was free.

  Today is really a happy and happy day! Come to Seven Star Rock for a visit when you are free.


  "Wow! How beautiful!" My mother and I came to Liuyang, a beautiful place.

  At noon that day, we randomly found a restaurant to eat on the roadside. As soon as I came in, I could smell the fragrance.

  After dinner, a large group of people came to a water lake by car. Go ahead and you will see a club like a pavilion. I went to the club curiously. They used the lake to build many amusement projects.

  The first project is to play speedboat. I can't wait to sit on it after I put on my life jacket. After taking two speedboats, the two uncles turned left and ran right. I look back on the May Day holiday. The ripples behind are really beautiful! When I got to the center of the lake, I knew how big the lake was!

  The next project is the exciting "water motorcycle" I heard the name was very interesting, so I went up boldly. I really want to play alone, but because it is not safe, I let my brother and the coach play with me. The coach carefully teaches the "students" step by step. I think the "students" will soon be there.

  The most interesting thing was that my sister and brother played together. When they started, I knew there was a sprinkler behind them. As long as it started, it would spray water. My sister drove to a low level, but her skill was poor. She didn't control it well, "plop!" They all fell into the water, which made me laugh. When they came up, they kept spitting water from their mouths, as if they had drunk a lot of water.

  What an interesting National Day!


  On the third day of the National Day holiday, my father finally came back from a business trip, so I asked him to take my sister and me out to play.

  In the morning, we first went to the book store in the downtown area. The book store is very large and divided into three floors. There is a cardboard box art display on the first floor of the book store. All those things are made of cardboard boxes, which looks like real! There are tables, chairs, water cup holders, trojans and robots made of cardboard boxes. After visiting these things, we went to the children's area on the third floor to read a book. I read the book "Mosquito Man". In the book, there was a person who wore a kind of clothes that looked like a mosquito. Then he became smaller and became almost like a baby ant. Then the mosquito lost control, and the mosquito man regarded the mosquito as his own car. After reading this book, I went to play with educational toys for a while.

  After playing in the Book City, we went to Xi'an Jiaotong University, where my mother graduated from. There was a bridge that could be long, just like a long rainbow on the water. We saw very tall and big Chinese parasol trees on the campus. These Chinese parasol trees were almost as tall as the 20th floor. This campus is very beautiful. I hope I will come here to go to college in the future. Then we started to go home. On the way home, my sister fell asleep, and I also fell asleep. The happy day was over, and my sister and I were tired!


  Today's weather is very good. The sun shines on me warmly. It's very comfortable. It happened that it was also in the seven day holiday of National Day. My mother, I and my partner had an appointment to go hiking together.

  We went fishing first. We need fishing rods, lines, hooks and bait. The most important thing is that you need to wait patiently for the rain to bite. It's a pity that we didn't fall into the fish. Then, we went to the farmhouse to eat. The food in the farmhouse was very delicious, especially the fish in syrup. It was sour, cool and refreshing. After dinner, we went hiking. We climbed up the mountain road, which became steeper and steeper. At first, it was a cement road. Later, it became a dirt road. The road became narrower and narrower, which became more and more difficult to walk. There were many small stones and sand grains on the road, which could easily slide down the mountain. We walked carefully on the mountain road. The air in the mountain is very fresh, and there are many plants in the mountain. The whole mountain is green, which makes people feel comfortable. We are ready to go down the mountain. It is more difficult to go down the mountain than up the mountain, because it is a downhill road. The stones also slide down the slope. If we are not careful, we will slip and get hurt. Therefore, we are more careful to go down the mountain.

  I feel so happy playing on the mountain today!


  On National Day, I followed my parents to Dufu Thatched Cottage in Chengdu.

  Entering the front door, a green tree came into my eyes and made my eyes sparkle. We went through a red wall door to the poetry and history classroom.

  Poetry and History Room are retro style, and even the walls are made of stone. Du Fu's poems are all over the wall. Du Fu wrote many poems here, totaling more than 240. I have to admire Du Fu's perseverance and wrote so many poems. Some people in the crowd could not help clapping their hands when reading Du Fu's poems.

  Walking out of the poetry history room, you will see a faint path with bamboo on both sides. Seen from a distance, it is green and looks very green. After the baptism of heavy rain, the grass still stubbornly stood up. Listen quietly. The wind and the grass are rustling. Because it has just rained, the air is very fresh. Breathing fiercely will make you smell a faint fragrance, making you relaxed and happy. The children are playing happily on the green grass. After the rain, many small flowers are in full bloom. A gust of wind blows, and the fragrance of flowers makes people intoxicated.


  In the golden autumn season, with the fragrance of osmanthus, the whole city was dressed in holiday costumes to welcome the birthday of the motherland. Today, in this happy season, our family went to Qiandao Lake to release their feelings.

  In the morning, when the sun was rising, we set out. On the way, I happily looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window. On the blue sky, white clouds were as appetizing as cotton candy. The car opened quickly. The scenery outside the window was like a movie. The scenes kept changing, sometimes a green tree became overcast, sometimes a piece of fruit was fragrant. After 2 hours of driving, we finally arrived at our destination. The town was full of joy and the shop flags on both sides of the street were flying; On both sides of the road, five-star red flags are waving in the wind, and colorful hot air balloons are dancing happily over the square; All kinds of people come and go, which is a happy scene.

  When I came to the lakeside, I put my hand into the clear water. I felt cool and relaxed. The delicious fish, meat, and wild vegetables made me drool when I saw them. I ate a lot of them voraciously. It was really delicious.

  The great mother of the motherland, thank you for letting us grow up happily and happily in your arms. I wish mother of the motherland more and more prosperity. I will always remember your birthday, study hard, make progress day by day, and make contributions to the motherland in the future.


  When you travel on National Day, you usually go to see people's heads instead of the scenic spots. So my family decided to visit nearby on this National Day. On October 2, an aunt Yang family with the same name and surname as her mother and our family embarked on a journey to Hongze.

  To Hongze, the children mainly went to the amusement park.

  When we arrived at the amusement park, the first thing that caught our eyes was "torrent march", which was a game on water. First, we climbed to a slope by boat, and then rushed down. Because the speed was very fast, we were splashed with water, which was very exciting.

  When we got off the ship, we went to play with the pirate ship again. The pirate ship here was placed so high that I couldn't open my eyes. When I put it down, I felt weightless. I felt dizzy when I got off the boat.

  After playing pirate ships, my mother and I played bumper cars, haunted houses, happy camps together... I won't talk about these in detail. I think they are terrible and dangerous.

  Hongze Amusement Park is really a terrible and interesting place!


  Today, the weather was fine and the first day of the National Day holiday. My family went to Sichuan to play together.

  We had to arrive at our destination before dark, with some food and drink. Why? That's because I'm afraid of traffic jam and hunger.

  Dad was driving. We were singing all the way and looking at the beautiful scenery along the way. As we walked, the car suddenly stopped. It was over. We really guessed it. The straight expressway was like a huge parking lot, full of cars. My mother and I got off to survey the road conditions. We couldn't see the road at a glance. I heard that there was a traffic accident in front of us. I don't know when we can recover the traffic. Many people got out of the car. Some adults were chatting, some were smoking, some were taking pictures, and some were walking their dogs. The children were playing games. I just jumped up the rope. People started chatting, fidgeting and bored, and finally got on the bus to sleep. I think: I'll sleep for a while too! I don't know when the road will be smooth again. When I was sleeping soundly, my mother woke me up from my dream and said, "I'm home." I quickly got up. I don't know how long it took me to get home. It was too hard, but I thought of my grandparents I missed, and I thought it was all worth it.

  I really hope that there will be no traffic jam in the future, and everyone will abide by the traffic rules and arrive at the destination smoothly.


  The National Day is coming. My mother takes me to my grandma's house in the countryside.

  Once we got to Grandma's house, Grandma asked us to pick water chestnut. I can't wait to take my mother and grandma by the hand and come to the pond. "Wow, the river is covered with green leaves! Eh, where is the water chestnut?" I asked Grandma doubtfully. " Grandma smiled and said, "The water chestnut is under the green leaves!" "Really?" I was dubious and carefully opened the leaves. I looked carefully. Ah, there are really many water chestnut under the green leaves!

  I reached for a water chestnut and went to pick the water chestnut under the green leaves. But I accidentally pricked my hand, but I didn't care about the pain, so I continued to pick it. Suddenly, my mother shouted beside me: "There are insects on the leaves!" I am not afraid of insects. We just talked and laughed, and soon picked a big pot. At this time, I heard my grandfather calling, "Eat!" We had to go home reluctantly.

  In the afternoon, eating the water chestnut picked by myself, I felt very fragrant and sweet!
