
时间:2022-09-30 22:04:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】金秋十月鲜花艳,红旗飘扬秋菊香;唱响红歌颂祖国,祖国华诞万民贺;盛世太平百姓安,家家户户笑开颜;齐声恭祝祖国好,千秋万代国运昌!以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  On the National Day, my father took me to Tianmu Mountain, where the grass was green, the tall trees were green, and there were small flowers blinking in the grass. We had a good time.

  At the foot of the mountain, we found a group of lambs, and I wanted to feel their hair. I boldly walked forward by myself. When I came to them, I gently stroked the hair of a lamb. Its hair was soft, like people's curly hair stuck on it. It was fun! In the lake at the foot of the mountain, I found a small boat and jumped onto it with my father. We set the oars, I was responsible for rowing, and Dad controlled the direction. In this way, we formed a small team, rowing through one bay after another. My father saw that I was not skilled, so he had to paddle himself. I looked at the boat and found a mop on it, so I used it as a tool to row.

  After rowing for a while, my father and I began to play the game of fishing. I poured some fish food into a big mouth bottle and put it into the water. After a while, a small fish caught the bait and bumped into it. I quickly grabbed it and put it in a basin with water. Then I caught several more. However, when I saw them swimming anxiously in the basin, I thought they would lose their freedom and happiness. I felt sorry for them, so I let them go again.

  In this way, we had a happy afternoon!


  The National Day on October 1 is the birthday of our mother, a day for national celebration, a day of excitement, happiness, and charm

  In this beautiful festival, I went to a small village in Lin'an. There are lush forests and mountains everywhere. I live in a homestay. The name of each room in this homestay is also very interesting. The best name I remember is Shaohua's father! This name makes people feel very kind. The guests who stay in the hotel give the guests a feeling of returning to their own homes. It's good to feel at home!

  After we settled in the homestay, my parents took me to climb the mountain. Although it is autumn, the mountain is still green and luxuriant. The trees on the mountain are densely covered with shade and crowded together. If you look at them from high altitude, you will feel that the trees are like a group of ants moving. Walking on the mountain road, a breeze blew and it was very cool. Walking in the mountain forest, we felt our whole body and mind relaxed and really enjoyed the relaxation and pleasure of the holiday. The sun is going to set. It's time for me to have dinner. We turned around three times at a time and reluctantly went down the mountain.

  This National Day is the happiest holiday I have ever had!


  On October 2, my parents and I went to Zhengzhou Meteorological Station to visit.

  When I came to the hall, I saw a big globe. When I looked at the globe, I thought that our earth was so big, with land, rivers and mountains. It was really big!

  Then we came to the earthquake experience area, which is a very small hall and can only accommodate more than 20 people. I was very excited and waited for the experience. After it was quiet, the teacher asked us to stand on the board and look at the computer. Then the teacher turned off the light and the room was very dark. A video about the earthquake appeared on the computer screen. At the same time, my feet began to shake. I was very nervous and scared, but soon the earthquake experience was over. I really don't want such a disaster as earthquake in my life.

  Then we went to watch 4D movies, which I never saw. After entering the screening hall, the teacher gave us glasses to watch the 4D movie. The movie started. It was terrible and shocking! At one time, animals rushed at me with their mouths open, at another time, huge rocks hit me, at another time, trains drove past me, and chairs shook violently with the picture, spraying water, snowflakes, etc. Although my clothes were wet, I was very happy.

  Finally, we visited other museums, which were very interesting.

  Through this visit, I learned a lot about weather. It's really a happy and meaningful day!


  The annual National Day is coming, and new red flags and beautiful lanterns are hanging on the streets. People put down their usual tense mood of study and work, wear casual clothes, and take their families and relatives out to play happily.

  Today is sunny. My mother and I also went out to play during the holiday. First of all, we went to Grandma's house. Grandma's house is also a picture of National Day. The streets are clean and tidy, with five-star red flags flying everywhere. In addition to celebrating the National Day, people also have a picture of harvest and planting. My mother and I played at my grandmother's house for a few days, and then went to the zoo. We got on the bus all the way, and everyone's face showed a happy smile. The doors of hotels, buildings and factories are decorated with colorful flowers, and the ground is spotless.

  The zoo is also a lively scene. People hold national flags and take their families and friends to play. The children happily chase and blow colorful bubbles. People come to various scenic spots in groups to leave beautiful memories. In order to preserve memory, my mother and I also took several photos excitedly. Everyone is immersed in the sea of joy.

  In this happy day, I will study hard under the flying five-star red flag to repay the motherland. At the same time, in this beautiful festival, I wish the motherland prosperity and more beautiful!


  October 1 is the National Day. On this day, my schedule is also full.

  In the morning, the students of our school orchestra gathered at Yintai Union Square for a flash show, in which I played saxophone. Many parents and passers-by came to the scene, each waving a bright red flag to set off the festivity of the festival. The performance was very successful and the whole audience applauded loudly. After the performance, I made an appointment with some classmates to go to Victoria Hotel for lunch. We ordered a lot of delicious dishes, including shrimp dumplings, steamed buns, grilled chicken, and so on. We ate with gusto, talking and laughing, and were very happy.

  After lunch, we went to Yintai together. The shopping mall was crowded. After separating from my classmates, my parents took me to Wuma Street. Wuma Street has a new look, and many visitors have taken pictures to commemorate it. I entered the exhibition hall of Wenzhou Imperial Examination Test Institute, where I learned about Wenzhou's top scholars in civil and martial arts, Wenzhou Normal School, and Yongjia School. It is really a place of great knowledge.

  In the evening, my parents and I had "Second Senior Brother Pig's Feet" and Wenzhou wonton, which were very delicious. The lights lit up the night sky of the city. There were still many tourists on the road. The traffic lights at the intersection flashed alternately, as if playing music for the night of the city. My father drove me along the riverside road to enjoy the Oujiang River light show. The colorful lights are really beautiful!

  This is really a full and happy day!


  Today is the National Day. I went to visit the Jinan Science and Technology Museum with my teachers and students in a happy mood.

  I woke up at more than six in the morning, so excited that I didn't feel sleepy at all. Looking forward to it, my mother finally packed up her things, and we went to the assembly place to take the bus. We played with each other in the car, and soon arrived.

  When I came to the Science and Technology Museum, the first thing I saw was a huge globe clearly marked with the name of each country. I found the position of China on the earth at a glance.

  Inside is the Children's Science and Technology Museum. In front of many mirrors, some of us are getting fatter, some are getting shorter, some are getting thinner, and some are getting taller. It's interesting. When passing through the time-space tunnel, the constantly rotating sphere around the tunnel makes people feel dizzy, creating the feeling of passing through time-space; In the Forest Park, we played with some funny toys, such as Father Tree patting his face and monkey swing.

  In the lobby on the second floor, we were just in the act of "getting angry". The actors' hair stood up one by one by the "electricity". It was really scary, but they had nothing to do. In the science and technology museum, there are also tilting cabins, tubeless faucets, etc., which let us experience interesting experimental phenomena. However, it is a pity that I am only in the fifth grade. There are many scientific phenomena that I cannot understand. We still need to keep learning and thinking in the future.

  On the way back, we communicated with each other about our visit experience, and our happy laughter still rippled on the car.


  On the National Day, Dad led us to the Botanical Garden. Among them, there are cacti, water flute lotus, drunken grass, pitcher grass... The most noticeable is the flytrap.

  The fly trap has a shell like "mouth", with a row of small thorns on the edge of the "mouth", just like a tiger's mouth ready to launch its deadly strike.

  Soon, several unlucky flies came. These flies ate honey in the "mouth" of the fly trap, and one of them was the most unlucky. It happened to be in the middle of the "mouth" of the fly trap, and the mouth "snapped" together. The small thorns were originally red. After they lived together, they became green and gradually merged together. Then, the mouth slowly changed from the original bright red to green. At first glance, it really looks like green dumplings. In this way, after a few minutes, the big green dumplings slowly recovered to their original appearance. Only the fly had wings and retreated.

  Later, we saw several other plants, but none of them could compare with the Venus flytrap. At this time, the mouth of the Venus flytrap became a big mouth. Because it is so fast and sharp, I want to give it another title - Lion Grass.

  This trip to the Botanical Garden made me know a lot of plants, more about the habits of Venus flytrap, and how it catches grass. So I had an idea to make a specimen album on the National Day to record those happy times.


  This National Day holiday, our family went to Ankang. The scenery there is so beautiful! The mountains rise and fall, the sky is blue, the lake is wide and calm, and there are towering trees. The beautiful scenery is really relaxing.

  The first scenic spot we went to was Ying Lake. Of course, sailing is indispensable for playing Ying Lake. My sister and I are very excited. We boarded a big white boat, which moved slowly on the calm lake. The sun shines on the water, sparkling, and sometimes there is a breeze blowing, which is really great.

  Yinghu Lake has three islands: Birdsong Forest, Luojin Island and Cuiping Villa. The first stop is Birdsong Forest, where there are many fish sellers. These fish are small silverfish peculiar to Yinghu Lake. The fragrance goes straight into my nose. Finally, we couldn't resist the temptation of grilled fish and ate a dozen at a time. Although there are not many birds in the forest, this is a good place to rest.

  We went to Luojin Island by boat again. There is a tall tower on the island. I climbed to the height of. Looking around, I saw the green mountains, the calm lake and the panorama of Luojin Island.

  The third place we arrived was Cuiping Villa, where there were tall and straight bamboo forests. Forty or fifty bamboo forests gathered together, completely covering the hot sun.

  During the two-day trip, we also visited Xiangxi Cave and Han River, and took many photos as souvenirs. I saw some new things, which increased my knowledge and enriched my life. I will never forget this happy and healthy trip.


  Today, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the autumn is crisp. My parents and I go to the park happily.

  It's almost the park. From a distance, a colorful dragon flies at the gate of the park. A closer look revealed that it was a dragon boat made of colorful flowers. Entering the park, you can see the interesting "two dragons playing with pearls". Two dragons are fighting for a lantern, attracting many people to watch. There are many strange shapes made of colorful flowers and plants in the park, which make the whole park beautiful.

  After enjoying the flowers, we went straight to the amusement park. We first played with the bumper car. There was a sight on the front and back of the bumper car, and a gun on the car. After hitting the sight, the leather hammer on the head knocked on the head. My father is skilled in driving, and I can shoot accurately, so I shoot when my father drives. We hit others 32 times and were hit 4 times. We won. Great! Then I went to sit on the swing. Once I got on the swing, the swing began to turn. I was high and low, just like a pair of wings, flying in the air. I exclaimed with joy: "It's so exciting!" After sitting on the swing, my head felt dizzy, but I still thought it was very interesting. I would like to sit next time.

  Finally, we went to paint Baiyun Ceramics and painted a colorful car. My father also bought me a hat made of paper that will deform.

  The park was so interesting that it was already afternoon before I knew it. I had to go home with my parents reluctantly.


  Today is the National Day on October 1st. It is the mother's 73rd birthday.

  In order to celebrate this day, my mother, Aunt Hongpei and brother Wang Ziqi and I went to the Forest Park to see the long-awaited dinosaur after dinner this morning. We arrived at the Forest Park by bus.

  When we arrived at the Forest Park, we made a big circle and decided to go to the Panda Park. There is also Dinosaur Paradise. Let's buy tickets first. After buying tickets, we went in, and the uncle who checked the tickets at the gate gave us a conch. I can't wait to rush in with my conch. There are many animals there, such as carapace, stegosaurus, spinosaurus, giant pandas, cattle, zebras, real crocodiles, and thunder dragons. However, these animals are all fake except crocodiles. I was disappointed and felt cheated. Although we have been cheated, we are in a beautiful mood to play!

  We played for a long time before returning home. My mother and I went to visit brother Wang Ziqi again. I really enjoyed myself today!

  Mother's postsc ript: I'm so disappointed. I can't see the real scene when I look at the beautiful propaganda pictures. Let's take advantage of the good fortune and return from the bad fortune! However, the children had fun! It's worth it!
