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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! 与农业相关的食品安全(food safety)问题在中国越来越受关注。在过去几十年里,中国的快速发展催生了大约50万食品制造商。这些食品制造商遍布全国,因此很难监督他们。中国正采取一系列措施来改善现状。2003年,中国政府设立了国家食品药品监督管理局(State Food and Drug Administration)来规范和全面监督食品。2009年,中国通过了《食品安全法》,法规中列出了上百个食品生产标准。
Food safety in China is a growing concern relating to agriculture.China's rapid growth in the past few decades has given rise to about half a million food producers.It is difficult to supervise these food producers, because they are spread throughout the country.China is taking a series of measures to improve the present situation.In 2003, Chinese government established the State Food and Drug Administration to regulate and comprehensively supervise food products.In 2009,China adopted the Food Safety Law.Hundreds of standards of food production are listed in the law.
1.与农业相关的食品安全问题在中国越来越受关注:“与农业相关”翻译为relating to agriculture:“越来越受关注”即日益关注,关注度上升,故可译为a growing concern.
2.在过去几十年里,中国的快速发展催生了大约50万食品制造商:“在过去几十年里”可用in the past few decades表达:“催生”可用give rise to表达。
3.中国正采取一系列措施来改善现状:“采取措施”可译为take measures to.