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【#英语资源# 导语】钓鱼让我明白做每一件事都有耐性,不能半途而废。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《有关钓鱼的英语作文范文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.有关钓鱼的英语作文范文 篇一

  During the summer vacation, my father saw that I had nothing to do and said, "Son, Dad will take you fishing!" "Okay, okay!" I exclaimed happily, "I can have my mother's braised fish for lunch

  Arriving by the small river, the scenery here is particularly beautiful. Son, son, we forgot to get the fishing rod. "After hearing my father say this, I followed him home to get the fishing rod.

  Finally, we can fish. My father tied the fishing line to the fishing rod and mixed some noodles and sesame oil to make bait. In the end, everything was ready, and my father and I came to the small river again. I took out the fishing rod I had prepared before and swung the hook into the river with a strong force. With a "whoosh" sound in my ear, the fishing line swung to the center of the small river. At that moment, my father called out to me, "Son, come on! I caught a big fish!" It was too late, and my float moved. I immediately lifted the fishing rod, but there was no fish on the hook. Damn it! I've been fooled by you, "I thought bitterly to myself. After a while, the fish float moved again. I pulled hard, no good, the hook got stuck on a piece of wood at the bottom of the water. I pulled hard and the fishing line broke. I had no choice but to have my father tie me a new one. I started fishing again, and I said to myself, "Fish, I can't be fooled by you anymore." Finally, my float moved again, and I patiently waited. Suddenly, the float shook hard, and the fish hooked. As soon as I lifted the rod, the fish caught me.

  At this moment, I saw that my father had already caught a bucket of fish. You can go home and eat fish! "I shouted happily.

2.有关钓鱼的英语作文范文 篇二

  We haven't returned to Grandma's house for a long time. Today, as my mother was on vacation, we closed our stall early and prepared to take my father's new car back to take a look.

  Along the way, we talked and laughed. The car window opens and the wind blows on my face, making it very comfortable. There are more and more trees on both sides of the road, and they are getting closer to home. After more than an hour, we arrived home.

  After lunch, I argued with my father to go fishing. We went to the store to buy fish hooks, fishing lines, plumb bob, and float, dug some earthworms in the vegetable field next to the house, and chopped a bamboo pole in the small bamboo forest. After Dad's manipulation, a simple fishing rod was made.

  We came to the pond and prepared to fish. Dad helped to thread the earthworm onto the fish hook. I don't know how to swing the fishing rod, so I'll let my dad teach me. I saw my father throw it hard and the hook was thrown into the pond. I used to use a fishing rod and kept a close eye on the water. Suddenly, I felt the fishing rod moving. I thought a fish was hooked, so I lifted the rod. Oh, there's nothing. Is it because I made a big move and the fish ran away? Next, I followed my father's example and threw the fish hook out, sitting quietly on the ground, waiting for the fish to hook again. This time, the fish seemed to have learned a lesson and never took the bait, which made me a bit impatient.

  The hook fish did not harvest, and I have come to understand a truth - no matter what you do, you must be patient and not impatient.

3.有关钓鱼的英语作文范文 篇三

  On Saturday afternoon, the sun was shining brightly, just like my mood. Our family was preparing to go fishing for big fat fish with fishing rods.

  When we arrived at the fish pond, we took out our fishing rods, hung the bait, and threw it towards the surface of the water. I waited quietly for a moment, and after a while, the float moved down a bit. I quickly pulled it, but the bait was still there and the hook was empty. I asked my father why, and he said, "Don't move the fish bit by bit when it floats. Wait a moment, the float suddenly sinks or rises, and then pull the fishing rod to catch the fish

  After listening to my father's words, I threw the fishing rod towards the water and continued fishing. After a while, the fishing float began to move again. Suddenly, as the float sank, I quickly pulled it up. This time, the fish caught the hook, and I was about to pull it ashore. The fish pulled hard in the water, as if tugging at me. As a result, the fish won, tearing off the hook and swinging its tail to swim away. At this moment, I heard my mother exclaim, "The fish is hooked!" I quickly ran over to help my mother lift the fish, press it down with a towel, remove the hook, and put it into the fishing gear containing the fish.

  Watching my mother catch a fish, I became anxious and wanted to catch it quickly. I sat down and waited quietly. After a while, the fishing float began to move again. I calmed down and suddenly, the fishing float ran diagonally in the water. My parents shouted in unison, "Hurry up!" I pulled hard and a ton sized fish caught the bait. I danced happily and was extremely proud. Then, we caught several fish one after another. The most interesting thing is the uncle next to him, who also keeps catching fish, but they are all small fish with long fingers. Compared to our big fish, they are really too small.

  Ah, we have a Dafengshou (Salad of assorted fresh vegetables). The whole family is happy to go home and eat fish!

4.有关钓鱼的英语作文范文 篇四

  Today is a sunny and cloudless day for fishing.

  After waking up early, my father took me to a small river to prepare for fishing. At first, there was some preparation work, including installing fishing rods, digging fish ponds, and waiting for a while. I put the bait on the fishing hook and started fishing. With a flick of the rod, I patiently waited on the chair. After a while, watching the buoy move a few times, my dad suddenly shouted, "Hurry up! I quickly used my sucking strength to pull the fishing rod, but it still couldn't move. "Dad, come over and help," I shouted loudly. We worked tirelessly to pull the big fish up. Looking at the fish I caught myself, I felt extremely proud.

  Next, my dad started fishing. He was agile and could swing for tens of meters. Before long, he caught a bigger fish, which was twice as large as mine. I was extremely happy. My dad was really amazing.

  After a while, our small fish bucket was almost full, and carrying the full harvest, we happily went home. At night, we ate the fish we caught ourselves, and our hearts were so happy.

5.有关钓鱼的英语作文范文 篇五

  My father likes fishing. he always goes fishing with his friends in autumn.

  One day, he took me to fish, too. in autumn, fish have grown up. it is the best season to fish. first, we chose a good place. then my father helped me put an earthworm onto the fishhook. afterwards, i threw the fishhook into the river. i waited for a long time. suddenly, i saw the float sink. i was very happy. i pulled it out of the water but i only saw half of the earthworm. the fish played a trick on me. i was very angry. but my father said to me, 'it takes time.

  You need to be more patient.' i tried again. a few minutes later, i caught a big fish and i showed it to my father. my father praised me, 'what a good angler you are!
