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【#英语资源# 导语】游泳是人在水的浮力作用下产生向上漂浮,凭借浮力通过肢体有规律的运动,使身体在水中有规律运动的技能。人在游泳的时候,各种器官都要参与,消耗的能量比较多,能够促进血液循环,为器官提供更多的营养物质。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  "Finally, it's summer vacation... Finally, I can learn to swim..."

  Today is the first day of summer vacation. My mother promised to let me learn swimming this summer vacation. I'm so happy.

  After breakfast, I took my mother to the swimming pool in advance. At a glance, there was a large swimming pool with clear and blue water. It has five lanes, in which adults and children are swimming. Some of them are like frogs and some are like fish swimming freely in the water, which makes me envy them. I shouted to my mother to change my swimsuit. My mother said, "wait a minute, it's not time yet. The teacher didn't come." "It's time to change. It's time to change. I can wait." My mother had no choice but to let me change into a swimsuit. After changing my swimsuit, I rushed to the pool and waited for the teacher while watching others swim.

  After a while, the teacher came, a male teacher and a female teacher. The male teacher looked very strict, and there was no smile on his face, but the female teacher looked very gentle. The teacher first let us warm up and teach us the movements of our hands and feet by the pool. After warming up, the male teacher shouted, "put the swimming trap on your body, line up to get into the water, and remember your actions." I was so nervous that my heart kept beating. When I first got into the water, the water was so cold that I shivered. Swimming, unconsciously, it has been an hour. It's time to finish class, alas. How can time pass so quickly, but there is no way but to wait for tomorrow.

  In the next few days, I practiced according to the teacher's requirements. On the fifth day, I could finally swim in a swimming circle. Now, I can swim freely in the water like a fish or a frog.

  Swimming is so interesting. I finally learned to swim.


  When the hot summer comes, what is imprinted in my mind is coolness - water, swimming. But every summer, I can only bubble in the shallow water area of the pool and wade on the beach. I'm really unwilling. Dad often says that our family are all "dry ducks"!

  When the summer vacation came this year, my mother silently enrolled me in the swimming training class. The 15 day swimming training class was over. Because my mother wanted to take my brother and my father was often on business, they had no time to accompany me to class. I went to class by bus myself. Even so, I completed the training very independently.

  While my father was at home this afternoon, he said to check whether I learned to swim, so after lunch, we came to the swimming pool of No. 1 middle school with swimming equipment. Although the training was over, I can't forget the coach's words. Before swimming, we should do preparatory exercises, exercise our muscles and bones, and prevent and reduce the accidents caused by leg cramps during swimming. In order to quickly adapt to the water temperature and avoid the discomfort caused by the sudden launching of the body, Let your body get wet after warming up.

  With the preparations finished, we can finally go swimming. I held my breath and fell into the water. My hands were rowing in the water, like an oar. I stretched out my hands, rowed and kicked my legs, like a big frog swimming in the water. Dad showed a satisfied smile on his face on the shore. I'm no longer a dry duck.

  From the beginning of bathing, I was afraid of the water flowing to my face. Until now, I can swim 20 meters independently in the deep water area. During this period, I couldn't do without the earnest instruction of the coach, the encouragement of my peers and parents, and my spirit of continuous progress.


  Summer vacation is coming, and I decide to take good physical exercise. But how to exercise? Running, too fierce; Doing exercises is too leisurely; Swimming, just right. I told my father what I thought, and my father agreed. Just get ready with me.

  This morning, I got up early. My father took me to the Liujiang River. I changed my swimsuit upstream and jumped into the water like a carp. Wow. It's so cool in the water. Seeing that I quickly adapted to the water, my father took me to swim to the middle of the river. But after all, I haven't been swimming for a long time. My physical strength was out of support and I choked on the water three times. My father hurriedly held me in the swimming circle and said to me, "son, you need to exercise more physical strength, and your posture is not in place." "Dad, can you swim to me?" Dad swam to me immediately. I saw dad. In the water. Swim around like a fish. When can I be like my father. I decided to learn from my father. Although I choked a few saliva, these are nothing. Sure enough, I practiced more and more freely, and finally I almost swam the same as my father

  The next day, my father took me to swim again. I looked at the vast Liujiang River, and my excitement rushed into my mind. Unable to suppress my excitement, I swam towards the middle of the river. As soon as I got to the river, I fell headlong into the river. I straightened my hands and tried to keep my body in a line. Then I rowed sideways towards both sides. My body surfaced. After inhaling, my feet kicked again, and I moved forward a lot. The father beside me also praised me for making much progress.

  Swimming is not only a sport, but also a skill. To reduce the occurrence of drowning, a philosopher once said to a boatman, "if you can't swim, you lose your whole life." It can be seen how important swimming is.


  Every summer vacation, I see others swimming in the swimming pool, and I really want to learn swimming! Finally, in July this year, I officially became a student of the junior class of Bijiashan middle school swimming pool.

  Coming out of the dressing room, I put on my swimming trunks and goggles. Everything was ready except getting into the water. I walked to the pool. The wide swimming pool was like a huge emerald, and countless people were swimming in it; Looking back at the shore, there were a sea of people, bustling. I was excited for a while, then I dived and rushed into the swimming pool.

  What I want to learn is breaststroke. After the coach taught us some basic movements, we were asked to practice freely. When practicing leg movements, I was more than enough, and practicing hand movements was also passable, but the breathing breaststroke was too difficult. My face was embarrassed, but seeing the coach's strict eyes, I had to continue to practice. Once, when I was exhausted and couldn't swim well, I became impatient. I pulled off my goggles and threw them into the water. At that moment, I thought backwards: Hey, no, what am I doing here? Swimming! Others can swim well, so can I!

  So I plunged into the water, fished out my goggles and put them on again. After five days of training, I learned the breathing breaststroke. Soon, I tasted the sweetness, and I could swim back and forth in one breath.

  Although I could swim one round trip, the coach shook his head and said seriously, "what's a round trip? You must swim 10 rounds for me today!" I was so surprised that I almost fainted. My mouth was wide open that my chin was almost glued. I saw people on the shore talking and laughing, as if laughing at me. Driven by anger, I opened an invincible mode, with hands like oars, legs like propellers, and walking in the water like land. In a moment, ten people swam back and forth.

  Eating the hot dog my mother rewarded me, I realized a truth - nothing is difficult in the world, just be afraid of those who want it.


  In the summer vacation, my father and mother took me to the swimming pool in Hushan to learn swimming. I brought a swimming ring, swimming eyes, swimming cap and swimming suit. As soon as I came to the swimming pool, I couldn't help exclaiming, "Wow! How big! I like swimming here so much!"

  I changed my clothes and came to the swimming pool. My feet couldn't help shaking. At this time, my father suddenly pushed me into the water, made me drink several salivas, and almost drowned me. I immediately hugged the swimming ring and put it on my body.

  Dad swam over and wanted me to swim. I firmly said, "I must learn by myself."

  I swim with my left hand first. I use my whole body strength on my left hand. At the same time, the swimming circle slides on my left wrist, and my right hand is also rowing hard, with my head offset to the left. Feet! It bounced and splashed with beautiful spray. After I learned it with my left hand, I learned it with my right hand. I also concentrated all my strength on my right hand, my head shifted to the right, my left hand was also rowing hard, and my feet were bouncing. Because it's not very suitable to swim with my right hand. The water enters my mouth and nose. It's so uncomfortable that I can't breathe and suffocate me. Finally, I didn't swim in the swimming circle. I splashed my hands hard, kicked the water, and drank a lot of water, all of which went into my nose. At this time, my father swam over. After his guidance, I finally learned.

  After this, I understand that no matter what I do, I can't learn without suffering.

  Mom and dad have gone up. I should go up too. I've changed my clothes. I reluctantly left the swimming pool.


  The hot summer vacation is coming, and now the sport is swimming. So my mother and I immediately signed up in the gym.

  Pan, pan, finally came the day of swimming. We first did warm-up exercises, and then we dived like a group of ducklings. Wow, the water is so cold! I know nothing about swimming. Looking at the eager appearance of other companions, I began to learn slowly from breathing.

  "Poof!" I drank a few mouthfuls in a row, and my nose was sour. I thought angrily: hum, what's great, isn't it just a breath? Still want to embarrass Miss Ben?

  With this idea, I learned to breathe and began to slide. Gliding is very important in swimming. It can make you swim easily and quickly. Facing the water of 1 meter and 20 cm, I just don't dare to slide out. Such deep water is no joke! The coach said to me calmly, "overcome psychological obstacles and swim forward boldly."

  After listening to it, I learned boldly. He also taught me how to kick my legs and made a lot of progress soon, which made the coach very happy.

  After 10 days of hard training, I finally mastered the skill of breaststroke. This is the result of my efforts in the past 10 days.

  Time passed quickly. 14 days passed in a blink of an eye. I also learned a variety of swimming postures, ah! This is really a happy summer vacation!


  It feels good to have a holiday. There is no sweet alarm bell to wake me up. There is no need to dress and wash in a hurry. There is no need to go to bed and get up early... This is the life I have always liked, and it is not limited to other people's constraints. Like a bird that has been locked in a cage for a long time, one day it can finally leave the cage and fly freely in the air.

  I plan my summer schedule. Every morning, I go out for morning running at 6 o'clock, have breakfast at 7 o'clock, watch TV at 8 o'clock, go to cram school at 9 o'clock, do my homework at 11 o'clock, eat at 12 o'clock, do my homework from 13 to 15 o'clock, rest at 16 o'clock, watch TV at 19 o'clock, and go to bed at 21 o'clock.

  But such a plan is only a week, and I can't stick to it. Because I think my good summer vacation is also arranged like this, doesn't it mean that I flew out and fell into a bird cage? So I plan to go out with my sister today to have a good time.

  My sister and I went to the beach to swim first. I'm a dry duck and can't swim, so I set up a stupid and heavy swimming circle and went into the water. My sister always laughed at me. In order not to let others laugh at me again, I decided to let my sister teach me how to swim.

  My sister told me that when swimming, my legs should be pushed back hard and my head should be raised, so I won't drink water. Somehow, my body can't float. After drinking a few mouthfuls of cold water, I was very depressed. This time, I cheered for myself, took another breath, and dived into swimming. This time, it wasn't so bad. I swam. Although he swam, his posture was too awkward. You see, your head sank into the water, your feet were high, and you were swimming around in the same place. My sister handed me the lifebuoy, but I didn't ask for it. I knew that if I took the lifebuoy, I couldn't learn to swim well. My sister kept encouraging me, and my confidence was more abundant. Gradually, my head was raised higher and higher, and finally I could surface. I was no longer so embarrassed, and the speed of swimming was faster and faster. I was happy to swim from one end to the other. I somersaulted in the water and made a face at my sister from time to time to enjoy the happiness of success together.

  In the summer vacation, I learned to swim, and I will never forget the happiest summer vacation!


  It was very hot in the summer vacation. My mother signed up for a fun swimming class for me. I was very excited. Today is my first day of learning swimming. The coach and teacher asked us to put on glasses, swimsuits and swimming caps first, and the preparations are done.

  The coach first asked us to reach the bottom with our feet. When our feet were next to the bottom, we only had one head exposed outside the water. Then, the coach asked us to take a big breath, and then buried the whole head in the water. I practiced holding my breath. I buried my head first. I was a little afraid. I also found a lot of fun under the water. I saw a lot of dark things. I felt very curious, so I buried my head in the water again. I could hold my breath for up to 5 seconds, The coach also taught us to learn to float on the water. In class, the coach also praised me. I'm so happy.

  Finally, the coach also taught us to learn to shoot water. I did a good job. In the last few minutes, the coach let us play for a while. I was so happy!

  I went to learn swimming this morning. I came very early and came to the swimming class at 8:30. We first did warm-up exercises. In the first quarter, there were 4 eight beats of head movement, the second quarter was 4 eight beats of chest expansion movement, and in the third quarter, there were 4 eight beats of abdominal and back movement, requiring hands to touch feet. In the fourth quarter, there were 4 eight beats of thigh movement, and in the fifth quarter, there were 4 eight beats of calf movement.

  The coach first let us put our calves into the water, then let us put our thighs into the water, and finally let us show only one head.

  Then let's put our heads in the swimming pool for three seconds. The person on my right forgot to bring a swimming mirror for the first time. The water entered her eyes. She kept rubbing and rubbing, rubbing her eyes like a little white rabbit. I look at the person on my left. She put her head in for 20 seconds before coming up.


  I can't swim before the summer vacation, so I envy min Siqi very much. Seeing that Min Siqi is swimming freely in the water like a small fish, I secretly made up my mind: I must learn to swim. I told my mother what I thought. My mother said, "since you want to learn swimming so much, let your father teach you tomorrow!" "Oh yeah! Great." I jumped up.

  The next day, my parents took me to the swimming pool. After changing my bathing suit, my father began to teach me how to swim. "If you want to learn to swim, you must first learn to hold your breath." Dad said. So I put my glasses on, pinched my nose, dived into the water and began to count the grids on the side of the swimming pool, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5..." I counted in my heart. As soon as I counted to 13, I felt a little overwhelmed. I secretly encouraged myself, "come on, come on, hold it for a while, hold it for a while." Finally, I surfaced when I counted to the 25th grid. Seeing that I could hold my breath for so long, my mother challenged me to try to swim by myself. I summoned up the courage and fell down. I rowed and rowed with both hands, but I couldn't float. Dad said, "is your hand only on one plane?" I nodded, "then you are wrong. You have to draw your hand down before it will float up." I tried several times. Although I didn't swim far, I could finally float. I kept practicing for some time, and finally I could swim from one side of the small swimming pool to the other! Dad said, "although you can swim now, you can only hold your breath for a while. You can't swim far. Now we practice breathing swimming." I began to learn to breathe with the help of the floating board. At the beginning, I always couldn't breathe. My father said that it would be better to practice more. Alas! Really, after practicing for a period of time, I can finally breathe freely without the help of the floating board. I'm so happy!

  A few days later, I asked min Siqi to go to the swimming pool together. We had a fierce competition in the swimming pool to see who swam to the opposite side first. Finally, I won, but min Siqi lost because she hadn't practiced swimming for some time.

  In this summer vacation, I not only learned to swim, experienced the fun of swimming, but also learned a truth: people should learn a new skill, not only have the right method, but also have perseverance.


  This summer vacation, my mother is going to take me to learn swimming. I don't want to mention how happy I am.

  Walking into the swimming pool, you can see a rectangular swimming pool. The water in the pool is blue and crystal clear. Many students are already doing warm-up exercises and are eager to try.

  At this time, the coach said, "the first step in learning to swim is to hold your breath well." I grabbed the railing, took a deep breath and buried my head in the water, but as soon as I got into the water, I felt my stomach like a bulging balloon, which was about to explode. I quickly put my head out of the water. In order to prolong the time of holding my breath, I practiced repeatedly. Finally, my kung fu was worthy of my heart. I was so happy that I could hold my breath in the water for a long time.

  Then, the coach taught us breaststroke leg: close, turn, push, clip. I did as the coach said, swam out, but my heart was like pregnant with a rabbit - seven up and eight down, one down, one up, one left, one right, and still fluttering in the water. When I got up, the coach told me, "relax and don't exert yourself." I summoned up my courage again and swam out, thinking every time: what if I sink? But as soon as I saw other students practicing so hard, I worked harder. After practicing and correcting again and again, I can finally swim as freely as a fish in the water. Then, the coach taught us the movements of our hands: stretch out, turn over, and then hold the water. In this way, I practice repeatedly, and finally I can swim around in the water, like a free fish.

  Now, not only am I not afraid of deep water, but I also have a strong interest in water. When I see the swimming pool, I want to rush into the water with a vigorous stride, and I am also adapted to the water temperature and lose my fear of water.

  In this hot summer season, I finally learned to swim!
