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  中国古代的张骞被誉为“中国走向世界第一人”。公元前(B.C.)138年,张骞出使西域(the Western Regions),他在途中被匈奴部族(the tribe of Xiongnu)俘虏,被迫在匈奴地区生活十多年。在此期间,他一直在等待机会返回祖国。张骞最终于公元前126年回当了西汉(the Western Han Dynasty)的都城长安。得益于这次经历,张骞对西域的地理、物产、风俗有了详细的了解,为开辟丝绸之路提供了宝贵的资料。
  Zhang Qian in ancient China is regarded as "the first Chinese stepping to the world".In 138 B.C., Zhang Qian went on a mission to the Western Regions.In his travel, he was captured by the tribe of Xiongnu and forced to stay in the Xiongnu Region for more than ten years.During this period, he was waiting for a chance to get back to his motherland. In the end, Zhang Qian managed to go back to Chang'an, the capital of the Western Han Dynasty, in 126 B.C. Thanks to his exprience, Zhang Qian had a detailed knowledge of the geography, products and customs of the Western Regions,providing precious information for opening up the Silk Road.

