技巧一:多用对偶句,四字词 受中庸哲学思想的影响,中国人的美学观点中特别强调平衡美,除了极为频繁地使用对仗这一修辞格,还大量使用四字词组 I believe both the Chinese and Americans aspire to many of the same things: to provide for our families, to teach our children, to build our communities, to protect our earth, to shape our own futures and pass brighter possibilities on to our children. 我相信中国人民与美国人民在许多方面有着共同的渴望。我们都希望能够维持家庭、教育子女、建设家园、保护地球、创造我们自己的未来、并为子孙后代提供更光明的未来。 Having 1.3 billion people, nearly a quarter of mankind, healthy, well-fed, clothed and housed, educated and given the opportunity for a higher standard of living – is in the interest of good and decent people everywhere. 让占世界人口四分之一的十三亿中国人身体健康、丰衣足食、居得其所、接受教育、改善生活,是符合所有善良正直人们的愿望的。 Skills, know-how and effective communications are critical in developing efficient foreign trade exchange operations. 运用各种技巧、专门知识和开展有效沟通对于外贸交易的成功是举足轻重的。 技巧二:形合与意合 中翻英要多加连接词(关系代词、关系副词、并列连接词、从属连接词) 关系代词:who, whom, which, that, what 关系副词:when, where, why, how 并列连接词:and, or, but, both … and …, either …or …, neither … nor …, not only … but also …, so that, as well as, rather than, etc. 技巧三:选主语 中文或隐含主语,多主语,主语非名词,零位主语 1,无主语要加 知己知彼,百战不殆。 You can fight a hundred battles without defeat if you know the enemy as well as yourself. 2,多个主语要选 三十年的时间已经充分证明,我们进行改革开放的方向是正确的,信念是坚定的,步骤是稳妥的,方式是渐进的,取得的成就是巨大的。 The practice in the past 30 years has eloquently proved that the direction of our reform and opening-up is right, our conviction is firm, our steps are steady, our approach is gradual and our achievements are huge. The practice in the past 30 years has eloquently proved that we are right in direction, firm in conviction, steady in our steps and gradual in our approach when carrying out the reform and opening-up and have achieved tremendous success. 3,主语不是名词要变为名词 采用新工艺大大降低了产品的成本。 The adoption of the new process has greatly cut the cost of production. 4,零位主语 刮风了,下雨了。 It is windy and rainy. 技巧四:谓语选用 1)没有定式动词 小周湛江人 2)多项连动 我下了班回去洗了衣服 3)兼语式 他叫我打开灯开关 Eg:他们利用持久战术把敌人引到内陆加以歼灭。 They used a prolonged war to draw the enemy into the hinterland and wiped them out. They drew the enemy into the hinterland and wiped them out with a prolonged war. They wiped out the enemy after drawing them into the hinterland with a prolonged war. 我们要加快技术改造的步伐,引进先进设备,增加产品品种,提高产品质量。 We need to make great efforts in speeding up the technical renovation and introducing advanced equipments for more variety and better quality 技巧五:中文闭合型与英文开放型句式 我们支持发展中国家改善他们的原料、初级产品和制成品的贸易条件,扩大销售市场,确定公正价格等迫切要求。 We support the urgent demand of the developing countries for improving the trade terms for their raw materials, primary products and manufactured goods, expanding their sales market and setting fair prices. The cooperation of countries with different social and economic systems and political objectives certainly contributes to safeguarding peace, for such a cooperation lessens differences and encourages peaceful coexistence. 具有不同社会和经济制度以及不同政治目标的国家之间的合作肯定有助于维护和平,因为这种合作能够减少分歧,促进和平共处。 技巧六:中文的动态与英文的静态 中国幅员辽阔,自然资源丰富,廉价劳动力充裕,税收低,消费者市场不断增长,基础设施不断完善。 China boasts vast territory, abundant natural resources, rich inexpensive labour, low taxation, a 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/0b650d5ebe23482fb4da4cc7.html