complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 30kt/a合成氨变换工段工艺初步设计 摘 要 变换工段是指一氧化碳与水蒸气反应生成二氧化碳和氢气的过程。一氧化碳变换既是原料气的净化过程,又是原料气制备的继续。目前,变换工段主要采用中变串低变的工艺流程。本设计针对中低温串联变换流程进行设计,对流程中各个设备进行物料、能料衡算、以及设备选型,并绘制了带控制点的流程图。 关键词:合成氨,变换,工艺设计,设备选型 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 30kt/a Retention Of Ammonia Synthesis Process Preliminary Design Abstact Transform section refers to the reactions that produce carbon dioxide carbon monoxide and hydrogen and water vapor in the process. Carbon monoxide transformation is the gas material purification process, and the preparation of gas material to continue. At present, the transformation mainly by grow string sections of variable process low. This design of low-temperature series transformation process of process design, materials, each device can material calculation, and the equipment selection, and plotted take control in the flow chart and variable furnace equipment assembly drawing. Keywords:ammonia, transformation, process design,equipment choice 目 录 摘 要 ............................................................................................................................................ Ⅰ ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... Ⅱ 1绪论 ............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 1.1前言 .............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 1.2 氨的性质和用途 ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.2.1 氨的物理性质 .................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.2.2氨的化学性质 ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.2.3氨的用途 ............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.3变换工艺原理 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 1.4工艺条件 ...................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.4.1 压力 ...................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.4.2 温度 ...................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.4.3汽气比 ................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.5工艺流程确定 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 1.5.1工艺流程简图 ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.5.2流程工序简述 ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.5.3主要设备的选择说明 ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 2物料与热量衡算 ................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.1已知条件 ...................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.2中变炉的物料与热量衡算 .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.2.1水气比的确定 ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.2.2中变炉CO的实际变换率的求取 ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 2.2.3中变炉的物料衡算 ............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.2.4对出中变炉的变换气的温度进行估算 ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.2.5中变炉的热量衡算 ............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.2.6中变炉催化剂平衡曲线 ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.2.7最佳温度曲线的计算 ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.2.8 中变催化剂操作线的计算 .................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 2.3低变炉的物料与热量衡算 .......................................................................................................... 14 2.3.1低变炉CO的实际变换率的求取 ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 III complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 2.3.2.低变炉的物料衡算 ............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.3.3对出低变炉的变换气温度进行估算 ................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.3.4低变炉的热量衡算 ............................................................................................................... 17 2.3.5低变炉平衡曲线、最适宜温度曲线及操作线计算 ........................................................... 18 2.4废热锅炉的热量和物料衡算 ...................................................................................................... 20 2.4.1物料衡算 ............................................................................................................................... 20 2.4.2热量衡算 ............................................................................................................................... 21 2.5水蒸汽的加入 .............................................................................................................................. 22 2.6主换器的物料与热量的衡算 ...................................................................................................... 22 2.6.1物料衡算 ............................................................................................................................... 22 2.6.2热量计算 ............................................................................................................................... 23 2.7调温水加热器的物料与热量衡算 .............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3设备的计算 ............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.1中变炉的计算 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.1触媒用量的计算 ................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.2中变催化床层触媒用量 ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.3触媒直径的计算 ................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.4中变炉工艺计算汇总 ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.5中变炉壁厚的计算 ............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.6封头的选择 ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.7群座 ....................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.8地脚螺栓 ............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.9人孔 ....................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.10排气孔 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.11接管 ..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.12引出通道管 ......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.13法兰 ..................................................................................................................................... 33 3.1.14筋板 ..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.15中变炉材料与零部件一览表 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.2低温变换炉计算 .......................................................................................................................... 34 3.2.1已知条件 ............................................................................................................................... 34 3.2.2 催化剂用量计算 .................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.2.3 催化剂床层直径计算 .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.2.4封头的选择 ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.2.5塔高的计算 ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3主换热器的计算 .......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3 .1已知条件 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.3 .2设备直径与列管数量确定 .................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.3.3传热系数的验算 ................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3.4壳侧对流传热系数计算 ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3.5总传热系数核算 ................................................................................................................... 44 3.3.6传热面积的核算 ................................................................................................................... 44 4汇总 ............................................................................................................................................. 46 4.1物料汇总表 .................................................................................................................................. 46 4.2热量汇总表 .................................................................................................................................. 47 4.3主要设备一览表 .......................................................................................................................... 49 5设计评述 ................................................................................................................... 50 参考文献 ....................................................................................................................................... 51 致谢 ................................................................................................................................................. 52 V complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 1绪论 1.1前言 中国合成氨是在20世纪30年代开始的,合成氨生产经过多年的发展,现已发展成为一种成熟的化工生产工艺。合成氨生产的原料气过程包括造气、净化、以及压缩和合成。各种方法制取的原料气都含有CO,而CO是合成氨催化剂的毒物,所以必须进行净化处理。通常,先经过CO变换反应,使CO转化为易于清除的CO2和氨合成所需要的H2。因此,CO变换既是原料气制造的继续,又是净化的过程。最后剩下的少量的CO用液氨洗涤法,或是低温变换串联甲烷化法加以脱除。 变换工段是指CO与水蒸气反应生成二氧化碳和氢气的过程。在合成氨工艺流程中起着非常重要的作用。 目前,变换工段主要采用中变串低变的工艺流程,这是从80年代中期发展起来的。所谓中变串低变流程,就是在B109等Fe-Cr系催化剂之后串入Co-Mo系宽温变换催化剂。在中变串低变流程中,由于宽变催化剂的串入,操作条件发生了较大的变化。一方面入炉的蒸汽比有了较大幅度的降低;另一方面变换气中的CO含量也大幅度降低。由于中变后串了宽变催化剂,使操作系统的操作弹性大大增加,使变换系统便于操作,也大幅度降低了能耗。 1.2 氨的性质和用途 氨分子式NH3,相对分子量为17.03。氨分子为三角锥型分子,是极性分子,在标准状态下是无色气体,比空气轻,具有特殊的刺激性臭味。人们在大于100cm3/m3氨的环境中,每天接触8h会引起慢性中毒。 1.2.1 氨的物理性质 1、色、味、态:无色、刺激性气味 2、密度:比空气轻, 0℃,0.1MPa时为0.7741g/L 3、溶解性:极易溶于水(1:700),溶解时放出大量的热,可生成含NH315%~30%的氨水,氨水溶液是碱性,易挥发。 4、沸点:-33.35℃(0.1MPa),易液化(液氨可做制冷剂) 5、腐蚀性:液氨或干燥的氨气对大部分物质没有腐蚀性,但在有水的条件下,对铜、银、锌等金属有腐蚀作用。 1.2.2氨的化学性质 氨在常温时相当稳定,在高温、电火花或紫外光的作用下可分解为氮和氢,complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 其分解速度在很大程度上与气体接触的表面性质有关。 氨是一种可燃性物质,自燃点为630℃,一般较难点燃。 氨与空气或氧的混合物在一定范围内能够发生爆炸。常温,常压下的爆炸范围分别为15.5%~28%( 空气)和13.5%~82%(氧气)。 氨易与许多物质发生反应,例如在铂催化剂作用下能与氧反应生成NO。 氨的性质比较活泼,能与各种无机酸反应生成盐,例如 NH3 + HCl → NH4Cl NH3 + HNO3 → NH4NO3 2NH3 + H2SO4 →(NH4)2SO4 NH3 + H3PO4 → (NH4)H2PO3 2NH3 + H3PO4 →(NH4)2HPO3 氨也能和CO2反应生成氨基甲酸氨,脱水生成尿素。利用氨与各种无机酸反应制取磷酸铵,硝酸铵,硫酸铵;与CO2和水反应生成碳酸氢氨。 氨能生成各种加成配位化合物,它们和水合物类似,通称氨合物或氨络物,例如对应CaCl2.6H2O和CuSO4.4H2O,也分别有CaCl2.6NH3和CuSO4.4NH3。 1.2.3氨的用途 氨在国民经济中占有重要地位。氨是最为重要的基础化工产品之一,其产量居各种化工产品的首位;同时也是能源消耗的大户,世界上大约有10%的能源用于生产合成氨。 现在约有80%的氨用来制造化学肥料,其余作为生产其它化工产品的原料。 除液氨可直接作为肥料外,农业上使用的氮肥,例如尿素、硝酸铵、磷酸铵、硫酸铵、氯化铵、氨水以及各种含氮混肥和复肥,都是以氨为原料的。 氨在工业上主要用来制造炸药和各种化学纤维及塑料。从氨可以制得硝酸,进而再制造硝酸铵、硝化甘油、三硝基甲苯和硝基纤维素等。在化纤和塑料工业中,则以氨、硝酸和尿素等作为氮源,生产己内酰胺、尼龙6单体、己二胺、人造丝、丙烯氰、酚醛树脂和脲醛树脂等产品。 氨的其它工业用途也十分广泛,例如,用作制冰、空调、冷藏等系统的制冷剂,在冶金工业中用来提炼矿石中的铜、镍等金属,在医药和生物化学方面用作生产磺胺类药物、维生素、蛋氨酸和其它氨基酸等等。 1.3变换工艺原理: 一氧化碳变换反应式为: CO + H2O = CO2 + H2 +Q (1-1) CO + H2 = C + H2O (1-2) 其中反应(1)是主反应,反应(2)是副反应,为了控制反应向生成目的产物的方向进行,工业上采用对式反应(1—1)具有良好选择性催化剂,进而抑制其它副反应的发生。 有氧存在时,变换过程中还包括下列反应式: H2 + O2 = H2O +Q 一氧化碳与水蒸气的反应是一个可逆的放热反应,反应热是温度的函数。每反应1%(体积、湿基)的CO,可使气体温度升高11~12℃,生产上对于变换反应进行的程度常用变换率[1]来表示: 变换率=(Vco- Vco’)/[ Vco(100+ Vco’)]×100% 上式中Vco—转化气CO体积百分数,Vco’—变换气中CO体积百分数 从制氢和净化的角度考虑,最终变换率越高越好,如果气体中CO含量高,在甲烷化过程中消耗大量的氢。一个体积的CO需要水消耗三个体积的氢而生成甲烷,CH4在合成氨中是惰性气体,它会降低合成的有效压力,增大驰放气量和冷冻量的消耗,所以要求有较高的变换率。一般将低变出口气(CO)浓度降至0.2~0.3%左右即可。 1.4工艺条件 综合对反应热力学、动力学及催化剂的讨论并考虑工艺的其它特点,变换过程工艺条件综述如下。 1.4.1 压力 压力对变换反应的平衡几乎没有影响。但是提高压力将使析炭和生成甲烷等副反应易于进行。单就平衡而言加压并无好处。但从动力学角度,加压可提高反应速率。从能量消耗上看,加压也是有利。由于干原料气摩尔数小于干变换气的摩尔数,所以,先压缩原料气后再进行变换的能耗,比常压变换再进行压缩的能耗底。具体操作压力的数值,应根据中小型氨厂的特点,特别是工艺蒸汽的压力及压缩机投各段压力的合理配置而定。一般小型氨厂操作压力为0.7~1.2MPa,中型氨厂为1.2~1.8Mpa,以天然气为原料的大型氨厂变换压力由蒸汽转化的压力决定[3]。本设计的原料气由小型合成氨厂天然气蒸汽转化而来,故压力可取1.7MPa。 1.4.2 温度 变化反应是可逆放热反应。从反应动力学的角度来看,温度升高,反应速率常数增大对反应速率有利,但平衡常数随温度的升高而变小,即 CO平衡含量增大,反应推动力变小,对反应速率不利,可见温度对两者的影响是相反的。因而 3 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 存在着最佳反应温对一定催化剂及气相组成,从动力学角度推导的计算式[3]为 Tm=Te RTeE21lnE2E1E1式中Tm、Te—分别为最佳反应温度及平衡温度,最佳反应温度随系统组成和催化剂的不同而变化。 1.4.3汽气比 水蒸汽比例一般指H2O/CO比值或水蒸汽/干原料气(摩尔比).改变水蒸汽比例是工业变换反应中最主要的调节手段。增加水蒸汽用量,提高了CO的平衡变换率,从而有利于降低CO残余含量,加速变换反应的进行。由于过量水蒸汽的存在,保证催化剂中活性组分Fe3O4的稳定而不被还原,并使析炭及生成甲烷等副反应不易发生。但是,水蒸气用量是变换过程中最主要消耗指标,尽量减少其用量对过程的经济性具有重要的意义,水蒸汽比例过高,将造成催化剂床层阻力增加;CO停留时间缩短,余热回收设备附和加重等,所以,中(高)变换时适宜的水蒸气比例一般为:H2O/CO=3~5,经反应后,中变气中H2O/CO可达15以上,不必再添加蒸汽即可满足低温变换的要求[3]。 1.5工艺流程确定 工艺流程设计的依据,首先是原料气中CO含量。CO含量高则采用中(高)温变换。目前的变化工艺有:中温变换,中串低,全低及中低低4种工艺。本设计是以天然气蒸汽转化法制氨,CO含量是12.6%,由于原料气中CO含量较低,选用中串低工艺,即中变催化剂只需配置一段[3]。而后变化气经主换器冷却后进入低变炉。 1.5.1工艺流程简图 512转化气水蒸气3变换气4 图1-5-1 一氧化碳中低温串联变换流程示意图 1-废热锅炉; 2-中变炉; 3-主换热器; 4-调温水加热器;5-低变炉 1.5.2流程工序简述 由二段转化炉来的转化气,经转化气废热锅炉换热,在废热锅炉中变换气从910℃降到310℃,在废热锅炉出口加入水蒸汽使汽气比达到3到5之间,并且调温至300—370℃后进入中温变换炉,转化气中的CO和H2O在350—450℃和铁催化剂的作用下,反应生成CO2和H2,使CO≤3%(干基)以下,在降温至200—250℃后,进入低温变换炉,在此温度和铜催化剂的作用下,进一步进行CO的变换反应,是低变出口气体中CO≤0.3%,再进入甲烷化工段。 1.5.3主要设备的选择说明 中低变串联流程中,主要设备有中变炉、低变炉、废热锅炉、换热器等。低变炉选用B302Q型催化剂。以上设备的选择主要是依据所给定的合成氨系统的生产能力、原料气中碳氧化物的含量以及变换气中所要求的CO浓度。 5 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for theDepartment of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and 2物料与热量衡算 天然气成分:原始数据 表2.1.1 中变炉进口干气含量 基准:1tNH3/h 组 分 含量,% CO2 9.0 CO 12.4 H2 54.4 N2 23.54 Ar 0.22 CH4 0.44 合计 100 年工作日330天,其余数据自定。 2.1已知条件: 中变炉进口干气含量如表2.1.1所示 计算基准:1吨氨 计算生产1吨氨需要的变换气量: (1000/17)×22.4/(2×0.2354)=2798.74Nm3 因为在生产过程中物料可能会有损失,因此变换气量取2870.5 Nm3 年产30千吨合成氨生产能力(一年连续生产330天): 日生产量:30000/330=90.91T/d=3.79T/h 要求出中变炉的变换气干组分中CO%小于3%。 进中变炉的变换气干组分: 表2.1.2 中变炉进口干气体组成 基准:1tNH3/h 组 分 含量,% Nm3 kmol CO2 9.0 258.345 11.533 CO 12.4 355.942 15.890 H2 54.4 1561.552 69.719 N2 23.54 675.716 30.166 Ar 0.22 6.315 0.282 CH4 0.44 12.630 0.564 合计 100 2870.5 128.154 假设进中变炉的变换气温度为315℃,取变化气出炉与入炉的温差为65℃,出炉的变换气温度为380℃。进中变炉干气压力P中=1.75MPa. 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 物料与热量衡算 2.2中变炉的物料与热量衡算 2.2.1水气比的确定: 考虑到是天然气蒸汽转化来的原料气,所以取H2O/CO=3.5[1] 故V(水)=3.5Vco=3.5×355.942=1245.797Nm3 ,n(水)=55.616kmol 因此进中变炉的变换气湿组分 表2.2.1 中变炉入口湿气组成 基准:1tNH3/h 组 分 含量,% Nm3 kmol CO2 6.28 CO 8.65 H2 37.93 N2 16.42 Ar 0.15 6.315 0.282 CH4 0.31 H2O 30.26 合计 100 258.345 355.942 11.533 15.890 1561.522 675.716 69.719 30.166 12.630 1245.797 4116.297 0.564 55.616 183.77 2.2.2中变炉CO的实际变换率的求取: 要求变换气中CO含量为3%,故根据变换反应: CO+H2O=H2+CO2, 则CO的实际变换率公式[1]为: YaYaXp%=×100% Ya1Ya式中Ya、Ya'分别为原料及变换气中CO的摩尔分率(干基) 所以:Xp=(12.4-3)×100/[(100+3)×12.4]×100%=73.60% 2.2.3中变炉的物料衡算 已知: 进中变炉的变换气湿组分 如表2.2.1所示 CO的实际变换率为73.60%. 则反应掉的CO的量为: 355.942×73.60%=261.973 Nm3 =11.695kmol 出中变炉的CO的量为: 355.942-261.973=93.969 Nm3 =4.195kmol 7 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for theDepartment of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and 则反应后出中变炉的各组分的量分别为: H2: 1561.522+261.973=1823.495 Nm3 =81.406kmol CO2: 258.345+261.973=520.318 Nm3 =23.228kmol 故出中变炉的变换气干组分的量: V总(干)=93.969+1823.495+520.318+675.716+6.315+12.630=3132.443 Nm3 =139.841kmol 故出中变炉的变换气干组分中CO的含量: CO%=(93.969÷3132.443)×100%=3.00% 同理得: CO2%=(520.318÷3132.443)×100%=16.61% H2%=(1823.495÷3132.443)×100%=58.21% N2%=(675.716÷3132.443)×100%=21.57% Ar%=(6.315÷3132.443)×100%=0.20% CH4%=(12.63÷3132.443)×100%=0.41% 所以出中变炉的变换气干组分: 表2.2.2 中变炉出口干气组成 基准:1tNH3/h 组 分 含量,% Nm3 kmol CO2 16.61 520.318 23.228 CO 3.00 93.969 4.185 H2 58.21 1823.495 81.406 N2 21.57 675.716 30.166 Ar 0.20 6.315 0.282 CH4 0.41 12.630 0.564 合计 100 3132.443 139.831 剩余的H2O的量为: 1245.797-261.973=983.824 Nm3 =43.921kmol 故出中变炉的变换气湿组分的体积: V总(湿)=V总(干)+V(水)=3132.443+983.824=4116.267Nm3 =183.762kmol 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 物料与热量衡算 故出中变炉的变换气湿组分中H2O的含量 H2O%=(983.824÷4116.267)×100%=23.90% 故出中变炉的变换气湿组分中CO2的含量 CO2%=(520.318÷4116.267)×100%=12.64% 同理可得: CO%=(93.969÷4116.267)×100%=2.28% H2%=(1823.495÷4116.267)×100%=44.30% N2%=(675.716÷4116.267)×100%=16.42% CH4%=(12.63÷4116.267)×100%=0.31% Ar%=(6.315÷4116.267)×100%=0.15% 所以出中变炉的变换气湿组分的含量(%): 表2.2.3 中变炉出口湿气组成 基准:1tNH3/h 组 分 含量,% Nm3 Kmol CO2 12.64 520.318 23.228 CO 2.28 93.969 4.195 H2 44.30 1823.495 81.406 N2 16.42 675.716 30.166 表2.2.4 中变炉物料衡算汇总表 基准:3.79tNH3/h 设备 物料 组分 CO2 CO H2 N2 Ar CH4 H2O 合计 kmol/ h 43.710 60.223 264.235 114.329 1.069 2.138 210.785 696.489 入口气体组成 Nm3/h 979.128 1349.020 5918.168 2560.964 23.934 47.868 4721.571 15600.653 V% 6.28 8.65 37.93 16.42 0.15 0.31 30.26 100 kmol/h 88.034 15.899 308.529 114.329 1.069 2.138 166.461 696.459 中变炉 出口气体组成 Nm3/h 1972.005 356.143 6911.046 2560.964 23.934 47.868 3728.693 15600.653 V% 12.64 2.28 44.30 16.42 0.15 0.31 23.90 100 Ar 0.15 6.315 0.282 CH4 0.31 12.630 0.564 H2O 23.90 983.824 43.921 合计 100 4116.267 183.762 9 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for theDepartment of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and 2.2.4对出中变炉的变换气的温度进行估算: 已知出中变炉的变换气湿组分的含量(%)如表2.2.3所示 中变炉出口的平衡常数[1]: Kp=(H2%×CO2%)/(H2O%×CO%)计算 Kp=(44.30%×12.64%)/(23.90%×2.28%)=10.3 得Kp =10.3 查《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》知当Kp=10.3时t=415℃ 设平衡温距为35℃,则出中变炉的变换气温度为: 415℃-35℃=380℃ 2.2.5中变炉的热量衡算 已知条件:进中变炉催化床层的变换气温度:315℃ 出中变炉催化床层的变换气温度:380℃ 入热: 反应放热Q:在变换气中含有H2 、CO、CO2、H2O,这四种物质会发生以下反应: CO+ H2O= H2+ CO2 该反应是放热反应. 反应取(315+380)/2=347.5℃时的热效应,由《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》表4-2-1~表4-2-4查得H2 、CO、CO2、H2O的生成焓,列于下表: 表2.2.5 347.5℃时的生成焓 单位(kJ/kmol) 组分 Ht 放热: CO +H2O=CO2+H2 (1) △H1=(∑Hi)始-(∑Hi)末 H2 9646 CO - CO2 - H2O - =- +9646++ =-38611kJ/kmol Q1=11.695×(-38611) =-.645kJ 则气体反应共放热: Q=Q1=.645kJ 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 物料与热量衡算 气体吸热Q2 变换气在347.5℃时各组分的比热容,由《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》 K) P429-P435查得,热容的单位为kJ/(kmol·查《物理化学教程》得Ar的热容为21 .02 kJ/(kmol·K) 表2.2.6 347.5℃时的比热容 单位kJ/(kmol·K) 物质 Cp CO 30.9 CO2 47.6 H2 29.5 H2O 37.4 N2 30.8 CH4 54.3 Ar 21.02 所以平均热容: Cpm=∑Yi·Cp Cpm=30.9×0.0228+47.6×0.1264+29.5×0.4430+37.4×0.2390+30.8×0.1642+54.3×0.0031+21.02×0.0015=33.99 kJ/(kmol·K) 所以气体吸热Q2=33.99×183.762×(380-315) =.575kJ 假设热损失Q3(一般热损失都小于总热量的10%) 根据热量平衡得: Q= Q2+Q3 则 Q3=.645-.575=45561.07 kJ 2.2.6中变炉催化剂平衡曲线 根据H2O/CO=3.5,由文献《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》上的公式 XP =Uq×100% 2AWU= KP(A+B)+(C+D) q=U24WV V=KPAB-CD W=KP-1 其中A、B、C、D分别代表CO、H2O、CO2及H2的起始浓度 例:计算380℃时CO的平衡变化率。 解: 查文献《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》P431,380℃时KP =14.685,而CO、H2O、 CO2及H2的起始浓度如表2.2.1所示, 11 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for theDepartment of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and U=14.685×(8.65+30.26)+(6.28+37.93)=615.603 V=14.685×8.65×30.26-6.28×37.93=3605.584 W=14.685-1=13.685 q=615.6032413.6853605.584=426.143 XP=615.603426.142=0.8003 28.6513.685计算结果列于下表: 表2.2.7 各温度下的平衡转化率 T/℃ T/K Xp 300 573 0.9153 320 593 0.8915 340 613 0.8642 360 633 0.8337 380 653 0.8003 400 673 0.7643 420 693 440 713 0.7264 0.6869 中变炉催化剂平衡曲线如图2.2.1. 2.2.7最佳温度曲线的计算 由于中变炉选用B109型催化剂, 最适宜温度曲线由式[3]TmTe RTeE21lnE2E1E1进行计算。 或者由式[1]Tmlg[E2]1.88E1(AAXp)(BAXp)1986(CAXp)(DAXp)查文献《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》P734,可知B109型催化剂的正反应活化能分别为E1=16046kcal/kmol=67156kJ/kmol,CO变换的逆反应活化能E2 为: E2-E1=r(-ΔHR) 对于变换反应r=1,则 E2=(-ΔHR)+ E1 ΔHR为反应热,取其平均温度下的值,即(330+380)/2=347.5℃,由前面的计算可知: -ΔHR =ΔH1=38611kJ/kmol E2=67156+38611= kJ/kmol 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 物料与热量衡算 最适宜温度计算结果列于下表中: 表2.2.8 最适宜温度 Xp Tm, K tm, ℃ 0.9153 540.15 267.2 0.8915 558.3 285.3 0.8642 576.4 303.4 0.8337 594.4 321.4 0.8003 612.2 339.2 0.7643 629.8 356.8 0.7264 0.6869 647.3 374.3 664.7 391.7 将以上数据作图即得最适宜温度曲线如图2.2.1. 2.2.8 中变催化剂操作线的计算 由中变炉催化剂变换率及热平衡计算结果知: 中变炉入口气体温度 315℃ 中变炉出口气体温度 380℃ 中变炉入口CO变换率 0 中变炉出口CO变换率 73.60% 由此可作出中变炉催化剂反应的操作线见图2.2.1。 . 图2.2.1 中变炉工艺条件计算图 13 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for theDepartment of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and 2.3低变炉的物料与热量衡算 低变气进口物料及组成 同中变炉出口 已知条件: 进低变炉的湿组分: 表2.3.1 低变炉进口湿气组成 基准:1tNH3/h 组 分 含量,% Nm3 kmol CO2 12.64 520.318 23.228 CO 2.28 63.969 4.195 H2 44.30 1823.495 81.406 N2 16.42 675.716 30.166 Ar 0.15 6.315 0.282 CH4 0.31 12.630 0.564 H2O 23.90 合计 100 983.824 4116.267 43.921 183.762 所以进低变炉催化床层的变换气干组分: 表2.3.2 低变炉进口干气组成 基准:1tNH3/h 组 分 含量,% Nm3 kmol CO2 16.61 520.318 23.228 CO 3.00 93.969 4.185 H2 58.21 1823.495 81.406 N2 21.57 675.716 30.166 Ar 0.20 6.315 0.282 CH4 0.41 12.630 0.564 合计 100 3132.443 139.831 2.3.1低变炉CO的实际变换率的求取: 要将CO%降到0.3%(湿基)以下,则CO的实际变换率[3]为: Xp%=YaYa×100%=(2.28-0.3)×100/[2.28×(100+0.3)] ×100% Ya1Ya =86.58% 2.3.2.低变炉的物料衡算 反应掉的CO的量为: 93.969×86.58%=81.358 Nm3 =3.632kmol 出低温变换炉CO的量: 93.969-81.358 =12.611 Nm3 =0.563 kmol 出低温变换炉H2的量: 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 物料与热量衡算 1823.495+81.358=1904.853 Nm3 =85.038 kmol 出低温变换炉H2O的量: 983.824-81.358=902.466Nm3 =40.289 kmol 出低温变换炉CO2的量: 520.318 +81.358=601.676 Nm3 =26.861 kmol 出低变炉催化床层的变换气干组分的体积: V总(干)=601.676+12.611+1904.853+675.716+6.315+12.630=3213.801 Nm3 =143.473 kmol 故出低变炉催化床层的变换气干组分中CO的含量: CO%=(12.611÷3213.801)×100%=0.39% 同理得: CO2%=(601.676÷3213.801)×100%=18.72% H2%=(1904.853÷3213.801)×100%=59.27% N2%=(675.716÷3213.801)×100%=21.03% Ar%=(6.315÷3213.801)×100%=0.20% CH4%=(12.630÷3213.801)×100%=0.39% 出低变炉的干组分: 表2.3.3 低变炉出口干气组成 基准:1tNH3/h 组 分 含量% Nm3 Kmol CO2 18.72 601.676 26.861 CO 0.39 12.611 0.563 H2 59.27 1904.853 85.038 N2 21.03 675.716 30.166 Ar 0.20 6.315 0.282 CH4 0.39 12.630 0.564 合计 100 3213.801 143.474 出低变炉催化床层的变换气湿组分的体积: V总(湿)=V总(干)+V(水)= 3213.801+902.466=4116.267Nm3 =183.762kmol 15 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for theDepartment of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and 故出低变炉催化床层的变换气湿组分中CO的含量: CO%=(12.611÷4116.267)×100%=0.31% 同理: CO2%=(601.676÷4116.267)×100%=14.62% H2%=(1904.853÷4116.267)×100%=46.28% N2%=(675.716÷4116.267)×100%=16.41% Ar%=(6.315÷4116.267)×100%=0.15% CH4%=(12.630÷4116.267)×100%=0.31% H2O%=(902.466÷4116.267)×100%=21.92% 所以出低变炉的湿组分: 表2.3.4 低变炉出口湿气组成 基准:1tNH3/h 组 分 含量% Nm3 Kmol 表2.3.5 低变炉物料衡算汇总表 基准:3.79tNH3/h 物料 组分 CO2 CO H2 N2 Ar CH4 H2O 合计 kmol/h 88.034 15.899 308.529 114.329 1.069 2.138 166.461 696.459 入口气体组成 Nm3/h 1972.005 356.143 6911.046 2560.964 23.934 47.868 3728.693 15600.653 V% 12.64 2.28 44.30 16.42 0.15 0.31 23.90 100 kmol/h 101.803 2.134 322.294 114.329 1.069 2.138 152.695 696.822 低变炉 出口气体组成 Nm3/h 2280.352 47.796 7219.393 2560.964 23.934 47.868 3420.346 15600.653 V% 14.62 0.31 46.28 16.41 0.15 0.31 21.92 100 CO2 14.62 601.676 26.861 CO 0.31 12.611 0.563 H2 46.28 1904.853 85.038 N2 16.41 675.716 30.166 Ar 0.15 6.315 0.282 CH4 0.31 12.630 0.564 H2O 21.92 902.466 40.289 合计 100 4116.267 183.763 2.3.3对出低变炉的变换气温度进行估算: 根据:Kp=(H2%×CO2%)/(H2O%×CO%) 计算Kp=(46.28%×14.62%)÷(21.92%×0.31%)=99.57 得Kp=99.57 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 物料与热量衡算 查《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》可知,Kp=99.57时t=241℃ 设平均温距为20℃,则出低变炉催化床层的变换气温度为: t=241-20=221℃ 2.3.4低变炉的热量衡算 已知条件:进低变炉催化床层的变换气温度为:197℃ 出低变炉催化床层的变换气温度为:221℃ 变换气反应放热Q1: 反应取(197+221)/2=209℃时的热效应,由《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》表4-2-1~表4-2-4查得H2 、CO、CO2、H2O的生成焓,列于下表: 表2.3.6 205℃时的生成焓 单位(kJ/kmol) 组分 Hi 放热: CO +H2O=CO2+H2 (1) H2 5376 H2O - CO - CO2 - △H1=(∑Hi)始-(∑Hi)末 =(-)+(-)-[(-)+5376]=39904kJ/kmol 所以:Q1=3.632×39904 =.328kJ 气体吸热Q2: 气体吸热时的平均温度:(197+221)/2=209℃,T=482K 变换气在205℃时各组分的比热容,由《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》 K) P429-P435查得,并列于下表。热容的单位为kJ/(kmol·查得Ar的热容为21 .0 kJ/(kmol·K) 表2.3.7 205℃时的比热容(单位:kJ/(kmol·K) 物质 Cp CO 29.9 CO2 43.5 H2 28.9 H2O 35.5 N2 30.0 CH4 45.7 Ar 21.0 所以得:Cpm=∑Yi·Cp =0.0031×29.9+0.1462×43.5+0.4628×28.9+0.2192×35.5+0.1641×30+0.0015× 17 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for theDepartment of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and 21.0+0.0031×45.7 =32.70kJ/(kmol·K) 故:Q2=32.70×183.763×(221-197) =.202kJ 热损失 : Q3=Q1-Q2 =.328-.202=714.126 kJ 2.3.5低变炉平衡曲线、最适宜温度曲线及操作线计算 (1)低变炉催化剂平衡曲线 根据公式[1]XP=Uq×100% 2AWV=KPAB-CD q=U24WV U=KP(A+B)+(C+D) W=KP-1 其中A、B、C、D分别代表CO、H2O、CO2及H2的起始浓度 表2.3.8 各温度下的平衡转化率 t/℃ T/K Xp 低变炉催化剂平衡曲线如图2.3.1. 140 413 160 433 180 453 0.9613 200 473 0.9374 220 493 0.9100 240 513 0.8703 260 533 0.8193 280 553 0.7562 0.9862 0.9762 (2)最佳温度曲线的计算 由于低变炉选用B302Q型催化剂。 查《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》P740,B302Q型催化剂的正反应活化能分别为E1=43338kJ/ kmol CO变化反应的逆反应活化能E2为: E2- E1=r×(-△H) 对于CO变换反应r=1,则E2=(-△H) + E1 △H为反应热,取其平均温度下的值,即: 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 物料与热量衡算 (197+221)/2=209℃,T=482K 由《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》表4-2-1~表4-2-4查得H2 、CO、CO2、H2O的生成焓,列于下表: 表2.3.9 209℃时的生成焓(单位:kmol) 组分 Hi H2 5405 H2O - CO - CO2 - 放热: CO +H2O=CO2+H2 (1) △H1=(∑Hi)始-(∑Hi)末 =(--)-[ 5405+ ( -) ]=39904kJ/kmol E2 =39904+43338=83242kJ/kmol 最适宜温度曲线由式[3]Tm=Te RTeE21lnE2E1E1或者由式[1]Tm1986进行计算 (CAXp)(DAXp)Elg[2]1.88E1(AAXp)(BAXp)最适宜温度计算结果列于下表中: 表2.3.10 最适宜温度 Xp Tm/K tm/℃ 0.9862 0.9762 384.1 111.1 402.6 129.6 0.9613 420.8 147.8 0.9374 440.6 167.6 0.9100 456.9 183.9 0.8703 474.9 201.9 0.8193 492.6 219.6 0.7562 510.2 237.2 将以上数据作图即得最适宜温度曲线如图2.3.1。 (3)低变催化剂操作线计算 由低变催化剂变换率及热平衡计算结果知: 低变炉入口气体温度 197℃ 低变炉出口气体温度 221℃ 低变炉入口CO变换率 73.60% 19 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for theDepartment of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and 低变炉出口CO变换率 86.58% 低变催化剂操作线见图2.3.1。 图2.3.1 低变炉工艺条件计算图 2.4废热锅炉的热量和物料衡算 2.4.1物料衡算 已知条件: 进废热锅炉的转化气组份: 表2.4.1 进废热锅炉的转化气组成 基准:1tNH3/h 组 分 含量,% Nm3 kmol CO2 6.86 258.345 11.533 CO 9.46 355.942 15.890 H2 41.48 1561.522 69.719 N2 17.95 675.716 30.166 Ar 0.17 6.315 0.282 CH4 0.34 12.630 0.564 H2O 23.74 893.770 39.900 合计 100 3764.24 168.054 进废热锅炉的温度为:910℃ 出废热锅炉的温度为:310℃ 进出设备的水温:20℃ 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 物料与热量衡算 出设备的水温:310℃ 进出设备的转化气(湿):168.054 kmol 进出设备的水量:X kmol 在设备里无物料的变化。 2.4.2热量衡算: (1) 入热: 水的带入热Q1 水在20℃时 Cp=33.52 kJ/(kmol·K) 所以:Q1=X×(20+273)×33.52 =9821.36X 转化气的带入热Q2: 转化气在910℃时T=1183K, 变换气在910℃时各组分的比热容,由《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》 K) P429-P435查得,并列于下表。热容的单位为kJ/(kmol·查得Ar的热容为21 .03kJ/(kmol·K) 表2.4.2 910℃时的比热容(单位:kJ/(kmol·K)) 组分 Cp CO 33.27 H2 31.2 CO2 54.33 H2O 42.8 N2 32.96 CH4 78.94 Ar 21.03 故Cpm=∑Yi·Cp =33.27×0.0946+31.2×0.4148+54.33×0.0686+42.8×0.2374+32.96×0.1795+78.94×0.0034+21.03×0.0017 =36.197kJ/(kmol·K) 所以: Q2=36.197×168.054×(910+273) =.905kJ (2)出热: 转化气的带出热Q3: 转化气在310℃时T=583K 变换气在310℃时各组分的比热容,由《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》 21 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for theDepartment of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and K) P429-P435查得,并列于下表。热容的单位为kJ/(kmol·查得Ar的热容为21 .03kJ/(kmol·K) 表2.4.3 310℃时的比热容(kJ/(kmol·K)) 组分 Cp CO 30.76 H2 29.38 CO2 47.25 H2O 36.55 N2 30.44 CH4 52.73 Ar 21.03 所以:Cpm=∑Yi·Cp =30.76×0.0946+29.38×0.4148+47.25×0.0686+36.55×0.2374+30.44×0.1795+52.73×0.0034+21.03×0.0017 =32.694kJ/(kmol·K) 因此: Q3=32.694×168.054×(310+273)=.410kJ 水的带出热Q4: 水在310℃,T=583K时的热容为:Cp=36.55 kJ/(kmol·K) 所以得:Q4=X×36.55×583 =21308.65X 热损失Q5: 设Q5=0.04Q,即 Q5=0.04×(Q1+ Q2) 热量平衡: 0.96×(Q1+ Q2)= Q3+ Q4 0.96×(9821.36X +.905)=21308.65X +.410 X=309.278kmol 2.5水蒸汽的加入 要使H2O/CO=3.5还要加入的水量为: (1245.797-893.770)=352.027Nm3=15.72 kmol 2.6主换器的物料与热量的衡算 2.6.1物料衡算 已知条件: 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 物料与热量衡算 进出设备的变换气的量:183.762 kmol 进出设备的水的量:X kmol 物料的量在设备中无变化。 温度: 变换气进设备的温度:380℃ 变换气出设备的温度:260℃ 水进设备的温度: 20℃ 水出设备的温度: 90℃ 2.6.2热量计算: (1) 入热: 变换气带入热:Q1 变换气在380℃时各组分的比热容,由《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》 K) P429-P435查得,并列于下表。热容的单位为kJ/(kmol·查得Ar的热容为21 .0kJ/(kmol·K) 表2.6.1 380℃时的比热容(单位kJ/(kmol·K)) 组分 Cp CO 31.01 H2 29.58 CO2 48.27 H2O 37.76 N2 30.98 CH4 55.78 Ar 21.0 故:Cpm=∑Yi·Cp =31.01x0.0228+29.58x0.443+48.27x0.1264+30.98x0.1642+55.78x0.0031+21x0.0015+37.76x0.239 =34.228kJ/(kmol·K) 所以: Q1=183.762×34.228×(380+273) =.146kJ 水的带入热Q2: 水在20℃时Cp=33.52 kJ/(kmol·K) 所以得: Q2=X ×(20+273) ×33.52=9821.36X 出热: 变换气在260℃时各组分的比热容,由《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》 23 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for theDepartment of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and K) P429-P435查得,并列于下表。热容的单位为kJ/(kmol·查得Ar的热容为21 .01kJ/(kmol·K) 则计算结果得: 表2.6.2 260℃时的比热容(单位kJ/(kmol·K)) 组分 Cp CO 31.3 H2 29.1 CO2 45.24 H2O 36.31 N2 30.37 CH4 49.28 Ar 21.01 故:Cpm=∑Yi·Cp =31.3x0.0228+29.1x0.443+45.24x0.1264+36.31x0.239+30.37x0.1642+49.28x0.0031+21.01x0.0015 =33.172kJ/(kmol·K) 所以得: Q3=33.172×533×183.762=.383kJ 水的带出热Q4: 水在90℃时Cp=34.14 kJ/(kmol·K) 得: Q4=X×34.14× (90+273) =12392.82X 热损失Q5:取0.04Q 根据热量平衡: 0.96(Q1+Q2)=Q3+Q4 0.96(.146+9821.36X)= .383+12392.82X X=234.090kmol 2.7调温水加热器的物料与热量衡算 以知条件: 入设备的变换气温度:260℃ 出设备的变换气温度:197℃ 进设备的湿变换气的量:183.762kmol 变换气带入的热量:Q1=.383kJ 变换气带出的热Q2: 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 物料与热量衡算 变换气在197℃时各组分的比热容,由《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》 K) P429-P435查得,并列于下表。热容的单位为kJ/(kmol·查得Ar的热容为21 .03kJ/(kmol·K) 表2.7.1 197℃时的比热容(单位:J/(kmol·K)) 组分 Cp CO 29.86 H2 28.84 CO2 43.35 H2O 35.47 N2 30.02 CH4 45.42 Ar 21.01 故Cpm=∑Yi·Cp =29.86x0.0228+28.84x0.443+43.35x0.1264+35.47x0.239+30.02x0.1642+45.42x0.0031+21.01x0.0015 =32.515kJ/(kmol·K) 所以得: Q2=183.762×32.515×470 =.072kJ 设备及管道损失取Q3:0.04Q1 变换气放出的热量:Q=Q1-Q2-Q3=0.96×.383-.072=.856kJ 25 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 3设备的计算 3.1中变炉的计算 3.1.1触媒用量的计算 根据文献《3000吨型合成氨厂工艺和设备计算》可知: Vr=T0·V0 式中 Vr ——触媒体积,Nm3 T0 ——标准接触时间,h· m3 / Nm3 V0——通过触媒的气体体积,Nm3 标准接触时间的计算公式如下: T0Kp2Wnuquq lnlnkq2Wnuquq式中:W=Kp-1; U=Kp(A+B)+(C+D); V=KPAB-CD; q=U24WV Kp——反应平衡常数; k——反应速度常数; n——变换的CO的量,摩尔分率; 其中A、B、C、D分别代表CO、H2O、CO2及H2的起始浓度 3.1.2中变催化床层触媒用量 计算基准:3.79T/h 已知条件: 中变催化床层变换气进口温度为:315℃; 中变催化床层变换气出口温度为:380℃ 平均温度为:(315℃+380℃)/2=347.5℃ 进中变炉催化剂干气量:2870.5×3.79=10879.195Nm3/h 出中变炉催化剂湿气量:4116.267×3.79=15600.652Nm3/h 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 设备的计算 由《3000吨型合成氨厂工艺和设备计算》得到在347.5℃时反应速度常数k=3600, 加压时取校正系数:2.8,则:k=3600×2.8=10080. 进中变炉变换气中N2%=16.42% 则:V0=(3790÷17)×22.4/(0.1642×2)=15206.706 Nm3/h 出中温变换炉的变换气中CO%=2.28% 出中变炉的变换气湿组分的含量(%):如表2-2-3所示。 n=8.65%-2.28%=6.37% 在347.5℃时,查《 小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》Kp=19.465 则: W=19.465-1 =18.465 U=19.465×(0.0865+0.3026)+(0.0628+0.3793) =8.016 V=19.465×0.0865×0.3026-0.0628×0.3793 =0.486 q=8.0162418.4650.486 =5.325 T0Kp2WnUqUqlnln kq2WnUqUq19.465218.4650.06378.0165.3258.0165.325lnln100805.3258.0165.325218.4650.06378.0165.325T0=0.h 所以: V =T0·V0 =0.×15206.71=10.36 m3 备用系数取:1.1 所以:V=10.36×1.1=11.40 m3 则中温变换炉触媒用量: V= 11.40m3 B109型触媒堆重度:1.45kg/L 空速=15600.652÷11.40=1368.478Nm3干气/(h· m3触媒) 说明空速合适(B109 干空速在800—1500h-1) 27 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 3.1.3触媒直径的计算 (1)变换炉设计应考虑催化剂床层的阻力降。阻力降与设备直径及催化剂床层高度有关。 要求中变催化剂床层阻力<6.86kPa 假设触媒直径为2.8m 计算触媒直径的公式: 催化剂床层阻力降[1]: fG1.91E△P=2.1103L 1.1dpE8△P——气体通过触媒床的压力降; f ——摩擦系数,一般取1.5; G——气体重量流速,公斤/(米2·小时); γ——气体在操作状态下的重度, 公斤/米3; dp——颗粒直径,米; L——触媒床高度,米; E=0.378+0.308 dp/ Dt Dt——触媒层直径,米; 上式适用于6.4~9.5mm粒度的催化剂,对于B109催化剂外型尺寸为7~9mm,所以可用上式求取。将催化剂的粒度折算成相当于同体积的球体直9×径 则: dp=0.01m 所以: E=0.378+0.308×0.01÷2.8 =0.3789 (2)中变炉催化床层的阻力降 中变炉催化床层变换气的平均温度:347.5℃ 中变炉段催化床层变换气的压力:1750kPa 中变炉催化床层变换气的平均分子量: M=∑Yi·Mi =44×0.0628+28×0.0865+2×0.3793+28×0.1642+ 16×0.0031+18×0.3026+39.948×0.0015 =16.10kg/koml 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 设备的计算 中变炉催化床层变换气的重度γ: γ=16.10 273347.5101.3322.42731750=5.461kg/m3 气体重度流量(湿)G: 16.1015600.652G= 3.14222.42.84=1821.943 kg/m2 ·h 催化床层的高度L: L= 11.40 3.142.824=1.852m 中变炉催化剂床层阻力降: fG1.91E △P = 2.1103L 1.1dpE81.91.5(1821.943)10.3789=2.1101.852 35.461(0.01)1.1(0.3789)8=30.289kgf/m2 =0.297kPa 计算结果△P<6.86 kPa,符合要求,中变炉催化剂床层直径2.8m可用. 3.1.4中变炉工艺计算汇总 (1)、催化剂体积为11.40m3,床层直径为2.8m,填料高度为1.8 m; (2)、干空速1368.478h-1; (3)、催化剂床层阻力降为0.297kPa; 3.1.5中变炉壁厚的计算 (1)、已知条件 PC1.11.751.925MPa,温度为350℃~450℃,压力为中压,介质属于易燃易爆的物质,查《化工设备机械基础》P310,所以选用15CrMoR (2)、确定参数 29 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and PC1.925MPa,Di2800mm,由[6]附录9,表16查得:[]t118MPa; 由[6]P93 表4—9查得:C10.8mm,钢板厚度:全部厚度; 由[6]P92 表4—8查得:针对GB6654-96,φ=1.0(采用双面焊对接接头,100%无损伤检测)C2=1mm 所以C=C1+C2=1.8mm (3)、计算厚度 由[6]P86式(4—5)查得: SPCDi1.925280023.03mm t2[]-PC21181.0-1.925由[6]P95图4—2得: 在考虑腐蚀裕度C2,于是由[6]P86式(4-6a),得到中变炉得设计壁厚为: SdC223.03124.03mm 故Sd24.030.824.83mm 圆整后取Sn26mm,复验Sn6%266%1.56mm>0.8mm,故最后取C10.8mm,该塔体可以用厚度为26mm的15CrMoR钢板制造。 (4)、校核 由[6]P96查得式(4—18):TPT(DiSe)≤0.9s 2SeMPa 式中:PT1.25P1.251.9252.4063Se=Sn-C26-1.824.2mm, 由[6]P310附录9,表16查得:σs=295MPa,则: 2.4063(280024.2)T140.411MPa 224.20.9φσs=0.9×1×295=265.5MPa>σT,所以水压试验强度足够。 所以该塔是一个直径为2800mm,壁厚为26mm的15CrMoR制成。 3.1.6封头的选择 (1)封头分为椭圆形封头、碟形封头等几种,本设计选用椭圆形的封头,由公称直径Dg=2800mm,查[8]P331,表2-7-1查得: 表3.1.1 封头的尺寸(JB1154-73) 公称直径 Dg(mm) 2800 曲面高度 h1(mm) 700 直边高度 h2(mm) 50 内表面积 F(m2) 8.91 容积 V(m3) 3.18 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 设备的计算 (2)、封头厚度的计算 由[6]P101式4-21查得: S=PCDi2[σ]tφ-0.5PC 已知:PC1.925MPa,Di2800mm,[]t118MPa,1.0,代入上式,则: 1.9252800S22.93mm 21181.0-0.51.925SdSC222.93123.93mm,C10.8mm, SdC123.930.824.73mm 圆整后取Sn26mm,复验Sn6%266%1.56mm>0.8mm,故最后取C10.8mm,该封头可以用厚度为26mm的15CrMoR钢板制造。 3.1.7群座 塔底常采用群座支撑,群座的结构性能好,连接处产生的局部阻力小,所以它是塔设备的主要支座形式,为制作方便,一般采用圆筒形,由于群座内径>800mm,故其厚度取16mm。 塔的高度:HH1h1h22L2L耐2L/h/ =3500+700+50×2+2600+2×300+2×600+300 =9000mm 其中: H1—裙座高度,mmh1—封头短半轴高度,,mmh2—封头直边高度,mmL/—开人孔的空间距离;h—进气管高出塔的高度,mm由[9]P479表3-2-25查得: 表3.1.2 裙座尺寸(q0=35公斤/米2) 塔径Dg(mm) 2800 SC(mm) 5.1 S环(mm) 11.2 Z—M 12—27 由[9]P327表3-2-8查得: 基础环内径:Dbi2800216(0.2~0.4)103 =2532mm 基础环内径:Dbo2800216(0.2~0.4)103 =3132mm 圆整:Dbi=2600mm;Dbo=3130mm,基础环厚度,考虑到腐蚀裕度取18mm,群 31 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 座高度取3.5mm,地脚螺栓直径去M27. 表3.1.3 裙座基座尺寸 群座直径 (mm) 2800 D1 (mm) 3130 D2 (mm) 3000 D0 (mm) 2600 F环×102 (cm2) 238.14 W环×102 (cm2) 160.6 3.1.8地脚螺栓 由[9]P466表3-2-21查得: 表3.1.4 螺栓尺寸(M27) d4 34 d2 40 Sa 26 Sc 12 hf 300 l3 L+50 3.1.9人孔 采用A型人孔,由[7]P473查得: 表3.1.5 人孔尺寸 群座直径(mm) 1800≤D≤3400 数量(个) 2 D(mm) 450 M(mm) 200 H(mm) 900 3.1.10排气孔 由[7]P473表8-13查得: 表3.1.6 排气孔尺寸 群座直径 (mm) 1800≤D≤3400 排气孔直径 (mm) 108×4 数量 (个) 4 孔中心离切线距离H(mm) 230 3.1.11接管 nP0T1V0由公式:PV=nRT得,V1=,则: P1T0四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 设备的计算 中变炉入口流速:V而vv15600.652101.33(273315)0.540m3/s 175027336004V,查[9]金属设备P531,若中变炉入口管选用的内管尺寸为219×6mm, 2R0.54014.34m/s 0.21923.144表3.1.7 入口接管尺寸 内管(mm) 外管(mm) a(mm) b(mm) c(mm) H2(mm) δ(mm) 219×6 273×8 25 210 95 200 8 同理: 15600.652101.33(273380)0.600m3/s17502733600查[9]《金属设备》P531,若中变炉出口管选用的内管尺寸为219×6mm, 中变炉出口流速: Vv0.60015.94m/s 20.2193.144表3.1.8 出口接管尺寸 内管(mm) 外管(mm) a(mm) b(mm) c(mm) H2(mm) δ(mm) 219×6 273×8 25 210 95 200 8 3.1.12引出通道管 由[9]P466和P474查得: 表3.1.9 引出通道管尺寸 Dg(mm) 200 d3×S3(mm) 379×8 E(mm) 350 D(mm) ≤300 L(mm) 150 H(mm) 1600 3.1.13法兰 因为原料气为易燃易爆的气体,由[6]P149查得该采用榫槽面平焊法兰。 由[8]P387查得: 33 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 表3.1.10榫槽面法兰尺寸(HG5011—58)(单位:mm) Dg 200 dH 219 S 6 D 360 D1 310 D2 278 D3 239 D4 259 D5 238 续上 D6 260 b 32 b3 10 b4 11 f 3 f1=f2 4.5 h 92 d 25 质量 68.8 3.1.14筋板 由[9]P329查得: LD1z-S筋 其中D1:基础环外径3130mm; Z:地脚螺栓个数12; S筋:螺栓座筋板厚度,取12mm。 3.143130则:L-20 12=799mm 3.1.15中变炉材料与零部件一览表 表3.1.11材料与零部件一览表 名称 裙座 人孔 封头 接管 法兰 引出管 排气孔 塔体 标准号 J04-0091 JB1154-73 HG20595-97 HG5011-58 数量 1 2 2 2 2 1 4 1 备注 =2800 =450 =26 219×6 Pg25Dg200 510 100 =26 3.2低温变换炉计算 3.2.1已知条件: 平均操作压力 0.83Mpa. 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 设备的计算 气体进口温度 197℃ 气体出口温度 221℃ 平均温度 (197℃+221℃)/2=209℃ 气体流量(干) 3.79×3132.443=11871.959Nm3/h 湿气流量 3.79×4116.267=.652Nm3/h 进低变炉催化剂气体(干)组分 表3.2.1进低变炉催化剂气体(干)组分 组 分 含量,% Nm3 kmol CO2 16.61 520.318 23.228 CO 3.00 93.969 4.185 H2 58.21 1823.495 81.406 N2 21.57 675.716 30.166 Ar 0.20 6.315 0.282 CH4 0.41 12.630 0.564 合计 100 3132.443 139.831 入催化剂蒸汽比 R = R = 入口湿气中水蒸气含量 入口湿气中干气总量983.824 3132.443= 0.3141 3.2.2 催化剂用量计算 根据低变催化剂的选用原则,选B302Q型国产低变催化剂。 用B302Q型国产低变催化剂进行计算 V =T0·V0 V0的求取:进低变炉变换气中N2%=21.57% 则:V0=(3790÷17)×22.4/(0.2157×2)=11575.991 Nm3/h T0的求取:T0Kp2WnUqUqlnln kq2WnUqUq在209℃时,查《 小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》Kp=190.275 则: W=190.275-1 =189.275 U=190.275×(0.0228+0.2390)+(0.4430+0.1264) =50.383 35 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and V=190.275×0.0228×0.2390-0.4430×0.1264 =0.9809 q=50.38324189.2750.9809 =42.377 低变炉出口干气中CO含量: CO%=0.31% n=2.28%-0.31%=1.97% 由《3000吨型合成氨厂工艺和设备计算》得到在309℃时反应速度常数k=3571,加压时取校正系数:2.8,则:k=3571×2.8=10000. 故T0Kp2WnUqUq lnlnkq2WnUqUq190.2752189.2750.019750.38342.37750.38342.377lnln1000050.21150.38342.3772189.2750.019750.38342.377T0 =0.h 所以: V =T0·V0 =0.×11575.991 =11.391 m3 在采用中变串低变流程中,低变催化剂条件较好,故可以不考虑催化剂备用系数[1]。 3.2.3 催化剂床层直径计算 设计要求催化剂层总阻力<6.86KPa(即700mmH2O), 催化剂层阻力降采用下式计算 fG1.91EΔP=2.1×103L 1.1rdpE8 B302Q为球形催化剂,粒度为3~5mm,取其平均值为4mm, 即dp=4mm=0.004m 设催化剂床层直径为3.2m, 则: E=0.378+0.308 dpDt 0.004=0.378+0.308× 3.2四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 设备的计算 =0.3786 (1)催化剂床层阻力 气体平均分子量 M=∑YiMi =44×0.1264+28×0.0228+2×0.4430+28×0.1642+39.948×0.0031+18×0.2390 =16.109kg/koml 气体在进入低变催化剂层中的重度 16.10922.4209273101.333.336 kg/m3 273830式中:209为气体的平均温度值 气体质量流量G=16.10915600.652 22.43.14 43.22=1395.705kg/m3·h (2)催化剂层高 L11.3913.223.141.417m 4 所以:ΔP=2.1101.5(1395.705)1.9810.37863.336(0.004)1.1(0.3786)31.417 =62.824kgf/m2 =616.115 Pa 计算结果符合要求ΔP<6.86KPa,故取催化剂直径3.2m 3.2.4封头的选择 (1)封头分为椭圆形封头、碟形封头等几种,本设计选用椭圆形的封头,由公称直径Dg=3200mm,查[8]P331,表2-7-1查得: 37 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 表3.2.2 封头的尺寸(JB1154-73) 公称直径 Dg(mm) 3200 曲面高度 h1(mm) 800 直边高度 h2(mm) 50 内表面积 F(m2) 8.91 容积 V(m3) 3.18 3.2.5塔高的计算 塔底常采用群座支撑,群座的结构性能好,连接处产生的局部阻力小,所以它是塔设备的主要支座形式,为制作方便,一般采用圆筒形,由于群座内径>800mm,故其厚度取16mm。 塔的高度:HH1h1h22L2L耐2L/h/ =3500+800+50×2+2119+2×300+2×600+300 =8619mm 其中: H1—裙座高度,mmh1—封头短半轴高度,,mmh2—封头直边高度,mmL/—开人孔的空间距离;h—进气管高出塔的高度,mm 3.3主换热器的计算 3.3 .1已知条件: 进出设备的变换气的量:183.762 kmol 进出设备的水的量:234.090 kmol 水进主换热器的温度:20℃ 水出主换热器的温度:90℃ 变换气进主换热器的温度:380℃ 变换气进主换热器的温度:260℃ 气体平均温度:380260320℃ 2湿变换气组成: 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 设备的计算 表3.3.1换热器进口湿变换气组成 组 分 含量,% Nm3 kmol CO2 12.64 520.318 23.228 CO 2.28 63.969 4.195 H2 44.30 1823.495 81.406 N2 16.42 675.716 30.166 Ar 0.15 6.315 0.282 CH4 0.31 12.630 0.564 H2O 23.90 合计 100 983.824 4116.267 43.921 183.762 湿变换气分子量:M=16.109kg/koml 3.3 .2设备直径与列管数量确定: 采用列管换热器,变换气走管内,水走管间。 为使设备结构紧凑,减少热量损失,提高单位面积换热能力,拟采用φ25×2.5小列管,单程结构,并使热气体走管内,冷流体走管程. (1)列管数量估算 管内气体重量流量为: W==进设备湿变气总量湿变气分子量3.79 3600183.76216.1093.793.116kg/s 3600为使管内雷诺准数大于10000,估计重量流速为40kg/(m2.s),则需要列管数为:n=3.11640248(根) 4(2)设备直径与管板的确定 管板直径由下式确定 D=1.05t0.022n n——列管根数 ——管板填充系数,取0.9 t——管子中心距,取0.032m 所以 D=1.05tn=1.05×0.032248=0.558m 0.9 39 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 管板直径选用0.6m,设备内径为0.6m (3)设备规格选定: 设备内径取0.6m,列管25×2.5,采用正六角形排列,管间距取32mm, 管壁与壳壁净距不小于15mm。 (4)管子层数为:0.620.0258.5940.0320.5 取9层,由文献[12]查得管子数为495根,去掉4根拉杆,实际管数为491根。 管内变换气实际流速为: G=3.116(0.0250.005)^24s 20.211㎏/m2·4913.3.3传热系数的验算 管内给热系数的计算 列管换热器的管内给热系数由下式计算[1]: Nu= 0.023Re0.3Pr0.4 α内= 0.023Re= Gd0.80.4RePr d mPr= mCmm Cm=∑Yi·Cp m =yiMyMiiii 式中 m——混合气体在温度t时的粘度,mPa·s; yi——混合气体中i组分摩尔分数; Mi——混合气体中i组分的分子量; i——混合气体中i组分在温度t时的粘度。mPa·s 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 设备的计算 同理 myyiiiMiMi (1)粘度的计算: 查《化工原理》在320℃时,各气体的μ值如下: 表3.3.2 320℃时各气体的粘度(单位:mp·s) 组分 μ(mpa*s) CO2 0.0272 CO 0.0206 H2 0.0141 CH4 0.0190 N2 0.0286 Ar 0.0377 H2O 0.0206 根据公式得: y iMμm =yMiiii = 0.12640.0272440.02280.0206280.44300.014120.00310.0190160.1264440.0228280.443020.0031160.16420.0286280.00150.037739.9480.23900.0206180.1642280.001539.9480.239018=0.0231mPa·s=0.0831kg /(m2·h) (2)导热系数的计算: 查《化工原理》在320℃时,各气体的导热系数值如下: 表3.3.3 320℃时各气体的导热系数 组分 CO2 0.0345 CO 0.03741 H2 0.2476 CH4 0.0722 N2 0.0371 Ar 0.0258 H2O 0.039 m 根据公式得: m = 0.12640.0345440.02280.03741280.44300.247620.00310.0722160.1264440.0228280.443020.003116yyiiiMiMi 0.16420.0371280.00150.025839.9480.23900.039180.1642280.001539.9480.23901841 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and =0.0761kcal/(m2·h·℃) (3)比热容的计算: 变换气在320℃时各组分的比热容,由《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》 K) P429-P435查得,热容的单位为kJ/(kmol·比热容参数如表3.3.4 表3.3.4 0℃时的比热容(单位:kJ/(kmol·K)) 组分 Cp CO 30.68 H2 29.34 CO2 46.80 H2O 37.04 N2 30.68 CH4 52.59 Ar 21.0 Cm=∑Yi·Cp=0.1264×46.8+0.0228×30.68+0.4430×29.34+0.1642×30.68+0.0015×21.0+0.0031×52.59+0.2390×37.04 =33.696kJ/(kmol·K) =8.048 kcal/(kmol·℃) M=16.109kg/kmol Cp=8.048÷16.109=0.500kcal/(kg·℃) 雷诺系数的计算: Re= = Gdm 20.33536000.02 0.0831=17618.773 Pr== mCmm 0.08310.500 0.0761=0.546 则:a内=0.0230.80.4RePr d0.0761=0.023××(17618.773)0.8×(0.546)0.4 0.02=171.293 kcal/(m2·h·℃) 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 设备的计算 3.3.4壳侧对流传热系数计算 壳侧对流传热系数的计算公式[1]如下: 00.36deRe0Pr00.5513 壳程水在水的平均温度为:209055℃ 2在《化工原理》查得55℃及压力0.83MPa下水的物性数据如下: 导热系数: λ=65.04×10-2 W/(m.℃)=0.5592kcal/(m2·h·℃) 热容: Cm=4.176kJ/(kg℃)=17.484 kcal/(kg·℃) 粘度: μ=50.9110-5PaS =1.83276 kg /(m2·h) 换热器中心附近管排中流体流通截面积为: d0.019A0hD100.150.61m20.0366t0.032 式中 h折流挡板间距,取300mm; t管中心距,对252.5mm,t32mm。 因为W水=所以 234.090183.794.436㎏/s 3600u0Vs4.4360.121m/sA010000.0366 由正三角形排列得: 4(de32233.14td0)4(0.03220.0252)24240.05md03.140.025苯Re0deu00.050.12110001188450.91105 因为 Re0在2103~1106范围内,故可用下式计算0 1300.36 deRe0Pr00.55 43 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and Pr0Cp4.17610350.911053.2690.6504 在本计算范围内,由于温度对气体粘度变化影响不大,故校正项可以忽略不计[1]。 0.6504所以 外=0.36h·℃) (11884)0.55(3.269)31211kcal/(m2·0.05153.3.5总传热系数核算 以管外表面计的总传热系数[4]为: K0=1dd11d0R00Ri0外dmdi内di 列管平均直径:dm=0.0250.02=0.0224m 0.025ln0.02列管导热系数λ=34w/(m·℃)=39.535(m·h·℃)/kcal 垢层热阻R0Ri=0.00258m2·℃/w=0.003 (m2·h·℃) /kcal 所以: Ko=110.00225251250.0030.003121139.53522.420171.29320 =66.981 kcal/(m2·h·℃)=77.885w/(m2·℃) 3.3.6传热面积的核算 以水的吸热来计算 从前面主换热器的计算中可知水吸热为:Q4-Q2 则实际转热量为: Q= (Q4-Q2)×3.79=(.234-.162)×3.79=.141kJ/h 计算两流体的平均温度差 逆流时平均温度差[4]为: Δtm=ψΔtΔtm’ 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 设备的计算 Δtm’=t2t1 t2lnt1=3809026020 38090ln26020=93.57℃ 查得[4]: ψΔt=0.98 Δtm=ψΔtΔtm’=0.98×93.57=91.70℃ 传热面积: F0 =Q Ktm =2281402.141 77.8854.186891.70 =76.295 m2 设富裕度为30%,实际需换热面积为 F实=76.295×1.3=99.184m2 列管长度计算 取换热管的中径计算换热面积 列管长度 L= 99.184=2.859m 0.0250.00253.14491合理的换热器管长应为1.5m、2m、3m和6m, 所以实取列管长3.0m(加上管板厚度需要的管长) 45 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 4汇总 4.1物料汇总表 表4.1.1 物料衡算汇总表 基准:3.79tNH3/h 设备 物料 组分 CO2 CO H2 N2 Ar CH4 H2O 合计 续上 设备 物料 组分 CO2 CO H2 N2 Ar CH4 H2O 合计 kmol/h 88.034 15.899 308.529 114.329 1.069 2.138 166.461 696.459 入口气体组成 Nm3/h V% 12.64 2.28 44.30 16.42 0.15 0.31 23.90 100 kmol/h 101.803 2.134 322.294 114.329 1.069 2.138 152.695 696.822 低变炉 入口气体组成 Nm3/h 2280.352 47.796 7219.393 2560.964 23.934 47.868 3420.346 15600.635 V% 14.62 0.31 46.28 16.41 0.15 0.31 21.92 100 kmol/ h 43.710 60.223 264.235 114.235 1.069 2.138 210.785 696.489 入口气体组成 Nm3/h 979.128 1349.020 5918.168 2560.964 23.934 47.868 4721.571 15600.653 V% 6.28 8.65 37.93 16.42 0.15 0.31 30.26 100 kmol/h 88.034 15.899 308.529 114.329 1.069 2.138 166.462 696.459 中变炉 出口气体组成 Nm3/h 1972.005 356.143 6911.046 2560.964 23.934 47.868 3728.693 22827.55 V% 12.64 2.28 44.30 16.42 0.15 0.31 23.90 100 1972.005 356.143 6911.046 2560.964 23.934 47.868 3728.693 15600.653 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 汇总 续上 设备 物料 组分 CO2 CO H2 N2 CH4 Ar H2O 合计 kmol/ h 43.710 60.223 264.235 114.329 2.138 1.069 151.221 636.925 入口气体组成 Nm3/h 979.128 1349.020 5918.168 2560.964 47.868 23.934 3387.388 14266.470 V% 6.86 9.46 41.48 17.95 0.34 0.17 0.41 100 kmol/ h 43.710 60.223 264.235 114.329 2.138 1.069 309.730 1035.061 废热锅炉 出口气体组成 Nm3/h 979.128 1349.020 5918.168 2560.964 47.868 23.934 4721.571 15600.653 V% 6.28 8.65 37.93 16.42 0.31 0.15 30.26 100 主换热器和调温水加热器中物料组成与中变炉出口气体组成一样,且物料的量在设备内无变化。 4.2热量汇总表: 表4.2.1 中变换炉热量平衡表 反应放热/kJ .645 表4.2.2 低变换炉热量平衡表 反应放热/kJ .328 气体吸热/kJ .202 热量损失/kJ 714.126 气体吸热/kJ .575 热量损失/kJ 45561.07 表4.2.3 废热锅炉热量平衡表 转换气 水 ∑Q 带入热/kJ .905 .578 .48 47 带出热/kJ .410 .655 .065 热损失/kJ -------- -------- .415 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 表4.2.4 主换热器热量平衡表 转换气 水 ∑Q 带入热/kJ .146 .162 .308 表4.2.5 调温水加热器热量平衡表 转换气 带入热/kJ .383 带出热/kJ .072 放出的热/kJ .856 热损失/kJ .455 带出热/kJ .383 .234 .617 热损失/kJ -------- -------- .691 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 汇总 4.3主要设备一览表 表4.3.1主要设备一览表 序号 1 名称 废热锅炉 规格 图号 E-201 数量 1 材料 Cr16 Ni32 备注 ,L=8287mm, F=130m2, 换热管38×390根, 25×2.5 2 中温变换炉 Dg2800 H:9000 操作温度≤400℃ 操作压力≤1.78MPa 催化剂装量11.40m3 C-201 1 12CrMo 催化剂床段数:1 3 中变换热器 Dg600 管程数 I 换热面积108.102m2 长度 3000mm 管子排列方式:六角形 E-202 1 钢 4 温水调节器 Dg400 换热面积:25m2 管子排列方式:六角形 E-203 1 钢 5 低温变换炉 Dg3200 H:8619 操作温度≤260℃ 操作压力≤1.7MPa 催化剂装量11.39m3 C-202 1 16MnR 催化剂床段数:1 49 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 设计评述 设计评述 CO气变换工段工序既是原料气的净化过程,又是原料气造气的继续,是合成氨生产中较为关键的一步。因为合成氨后面的所有工序能否正常运转依赖于是否能生产出合格的变换气。因此,必须控制一定的工艺条件,使变换气的组成,满足的工艺生产的要求。 在本设计中,根据已知的转化气组成,操作条件,采用了中变串低变的工艺流程路线。首先对中,低变进行了物料和热量衡算,在计算的基础上,根据计算结果对主要设备选型,最终完成了本设计的宗旨。设计中有中温废热锅炉,中变炉,主换热器,调温水换热器和低变炉共五个主要设备。 在本设计中,主要参考了《小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册》、《无机化工工艺学》和《化工设备设计手册》这三本书。由于时间有限,设计可能不完善,请各位老师指出。谢谢! 50 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, "a responsibility of three", "six systems" requirements of the management system, responsible for "a responsibility of three" system and the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company "a accountability three of" system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 参考文献 [1] 梅安华,汪寿建,林棣生.小合成氨厂工艺技术与设计手册(上册)[M].北京:化学工业出版社,1995 [2] 刘光启,马连湘,刘杰.化学化工物性数据手册(无机卷)[M]. 北京:化学工业出版社,2002. [3] 陈五平.无机化工工艺学[M]. 北京:化学工业出版社,2005. [4] 夏清,陈常贵.化工原理[M].天津:天津大学出版社,2005. [5]上海市化学工业局设计室编.3000吨型合成氨厂工艺和设备计算[M]. 北京:化学工业出版社 [6] 刁玉玮,王立业.化工设备机械基础[M].大连:大连理工大学出版社,2003. [7] 化工设备设计全书编辑委员会.化工设备设计全书—塔设备设计设计[M].上海:上海科学技术出版社,1988. [8] <化工设备设计手册>编写组.化工设备设计手册1—材料与零部件[M].上海:上海人民出版社,1973. [9] <化工设备设计手册>编写组.化工设备设计手册2—金属设备[M].上海:上海人民出版社,1973. [10] 张成芳.合成氨工艺与节能[M].上海:华东化工学院出版社,1988. [11]陈声宗.化工设计[M]. 北京:化学工业出版社.. [12]自贡鸿鹤化工股份有限公司.合成氨工艺操作规程:中国.[P]:p35-47. [13]上海化学工业设计院石油化工设备设计建设组,化工设备图册.上海: 上海化学工业设计院石油化工设备, 1974. 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 致谢 致谢 毕业设计这段期间,我得到了老师和同学的帮助与指导,这是我能够顺利完成毕业设计的重要保证,使我感受到了的团结合作的氛围。能够成功完成自己的课题,首先要感谢老师花费很多宝贵时间来耐心指导我,他不光为我提供了良好的毕业设计的环境和条件,而且由于他的耐心指导使我在这次毕业设计中不仅学会了更多的书本及实践知识,更让我学会了做事要认真,避免马虎。也非常感谢我寝室的室友们,他们在我的设计过程中提出了许多建设性意见,并给我解决了一些专业性问题,他们的帮助使我受益匪浅。 在多年的学习生活中,还得到了许多老师的热情关心和帮助,用言语无法表达我的感激之情,只有在以后的工作中更加的努力,把种精神继续发扬下去,来回报你们! 衷心地感谢在百忙之中评阅论文和参加答辩的各位专家、教授! 52 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2105b538cf7931b765ce0508763231126edb77f4.html