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中国的行政区划:4个直辖市:北京、上海、天津和重庆。 23个省。5个自治区:内蒙古自治区、宁夏回族自治区、新疆维吾尔自治区、西藏自治区、广西壮族自治区。2个特别行政区:香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区。



China's full title is People's Republic of China, is one of four big ancient nations.The land area 9600000 square kilometers, its land domain is compared with by the image the rooster.The population 1,300,000,000 (2008), the official language is Chinese standard spoken Chinese.Capital Beijing, National Day is on October 1, the national anthem is the March of the Volunteers, the national flag is the Five-Starred Red Flag.The main city is Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.

China's administrative regionalization: 4 municipalities: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing. 23 provinces.5 autonomous regions: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Xizang Autonomous Region, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.2 special administrative regions: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region.

The great Chinese nation already passed through 5000 the civilized course, was the vast in territory multinational country, was composed by 56 nationalities, biggest was the Han Nationality.Yan Di and Yellow Emperor the first ancestor who regards as Chinese nation.

The People's Republic of China legal tender is Renminbi (RMB), moreover, in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region legitimate circulation Hong Kong dollar (HKD), Macao Special Administrative Region legitimate circulation pataca (MOP), Taiwan area legitimate circulation new Taiwan dollar.



春节 中国最传统的节日,每当这个时候人们都会吃饺子,这个节日叫? 教师节 我们为感谢老师而特定的节日? 中秋节 全家团聚的日子,是什么节日?

劳动节 专为我们广大的劳动群众而设立的日子,全世界都有的,是什么节日? 元旦 当一年结束的时候我们都会为新的一年的到来而庆祝的节日? 故宫 中国古代的黄帝居住的地方叫什么? 鸟巢 北京奥运会开幕式在那里举行的?

珠穆朗玛峰 中国最高也是世界最高的山峰叫什么名字? 兵马俑 秦始皇的陪葬物,像真人的陶俑,叫什么?

长城 中国也是世界上修建时间最长、工程量最大的一项古代防御工程,而且举世闻名,它叫?

孔子 中国古代儒家代表人物?

汉语 大多说中国人用什么语言交流?

诗歌 像散文一样优美,可唱可读的一种文学载体? 小说 篇幅较长,像讲故事一样的文学形式 作家 创作诗歌,小说等等文学作品的人? 饺子 中国最传统的食物,过年时一定要吃的

豆腐 白白的,软软的,一种食物

冰淇淋 天气热的时候你会吃的一种冷饮?

北京烤鸭 北京一种很有名的食物,把鸭子烤熟之后食用,这种食物叫? 月饼 中秋节,全家团聚时大家经常吃的食物?


西安 她位于关中平原中部偏南,是我国西北地区最大的城市。她距离重庆约500公里,曾是中国十多个王朝的国都,如今是世界著名历史文化名城,具有深厚的文化底蕴和独一无二的历史地位。她拥有很多旅游胜地:悬空寺、太白山自然保护区、半坡博物馆、钟楼、鼓楼、秦始皇陵、大雁塔。她还以秦腔闻名,同时她还是中国古代丝绸之路的起点。如果你想去旅游,最好是在春秋两季。当然,如果你去了那里,一定不能错过的地方就是——兵马俑。

It is located in middle plain of central south, is the largest city in the northwest. It distances chongqing about 500 km, was the capital of more than ten dynasties, is now the world famous historical and cultural city, has a profound culture and unique historical position.

It has a lot of tourist resorts: Xuankong Tower, Taibaishan nature reserve, Banpo site, Zhonglou, Gulou, Emperor qinshihuang and Dayanta. It is also famous with qinqiang and its the start of the ancient silk road. If you want to travel there, youd better be in spring and autumn. Of course, if you go, one place you must not miss is - Terra Cotta Warriors.

大连 她位于中国辽东半岛最南端,东濒黄海,西临渤海,拥有1906公里的海岸线。并且冬无严寒 ,夏无酷暑。她是中国优秀旅游城市、卫生城市、园林化城市,200165日被联合国授予中国唯一、亚洲第二个“世界环境500佳”城市。1999年在大连建市百年之际,江泽民同志为大连题词:“百年风雨洗礼,北方明珠生辉”,国家旅游局局长何光纬为大连旅游题词“浪漫之都”。


She is located in the southernmost of liaodong peninsula, est near Huang Sea and west near Bohai Sea, it has 1906 kilometers of coastline. And winter is not too cold, summer is not too hot.. She is Chinas excellent tourist city, sanitation city, lines city, In 2001, June 5, it was awarded by the United Nations, the only one of China and the second one of Asia one of the 500 world good environment cites. In 1999 on dalians built 100 years anniversary, comrade Jiang Zemin captioned for Dalian: "百年风雨洗礼,北方明珠生辉", the national tourism administration bureau chief HeGuangWei captioned for dalian tourism "romantic city".

She also has many tourist attractions: Golden pebble beach, Port of lushun, BingYuGou, XingHaiWan, Tiger beach polar ocean animals hall, Shengya ocean world, Shells exhibition hall. 三亚
