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A. Literal translation: It strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the original works and retains as much as possible the figures of speech. B. Free translation Free translation changes the original work’s figures of speech, sentence structures or patterns, but not the original meaning.

C. Domestication: it refers to the target-culture-oriented translation in which unusual expressions to the target culture are exploited and turned into some familiar ones so as to make the translated text intelligible and easy for the target readers. D. Foreignization:(异化翻 )retaining something of the foreignness of the original 一定程度上保留原文的异域性 (保留原文的语言和文化差异)

Her eyes sparkled with tears, her breath was soft and faint .In response, she was like a lovely flower mirrored in the water in motion, a pliant willow swaying in the wind. ___chapter three

(泪光点点,娇喘微微,娴静时如姣花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风。这是林黛玉进贾府, 与贾宝玉初次见面时宝玉严重的待遇形象。曹雪芹用泪光点点,娇喘微微 来表现林 黛玉的多愁善感,弱不经风并运用姣花照水,弱柳扶风两个比喻勾画出林黛玉娴静 雅致的形象) Mr. Yang used literal translation and translated as a lovely flower mirrored in the water and a pliant willow swaying in the wind .He reserved the original form and images to reflect the image of Lin Daiyu.

B. free translation

When the images or expressions are the same with English, Mr.Yang adopt to keep the original images and made it concise and clear. (意象或表达方式意义相似则意译当原文的

向或表达方式在中英文中有相同的意义,并非汉语所特有,杨宪益采取意译法,并保留 原文的意向.简约精炼,忠实清晰.)


1:黛玉便说“兔死狐悲,物伤其类”,不免感叹起来。 (57) 杨译:Daiyu exclaimed in distress and sympathy. 解析: “兔”与“狐”在中西生态文化中具有相同的含义。两种动物 是打猎的主要对象,英语中也有fox - hunting , hare- coursing的用法。这 两个意象并未包含非常重要的文化信息,所以跳脱未译,在杨译本中没有出 3:贾瑞急的也不敢则声,只得悄悄的出来,将门撼了撼,关的铁桶一般。( 12) 杨译: He crept out to try the gate and found it securely locked. Although Yang uses free translation in above examples, but it is quite accurate and is closed to the original version. C.Domestication

9: (平儿) “如今这事八下里水落石出了,连前儿太太屋里丢的也有了主儿。(61) :The fact is, this business ismore or less solved; weve even found out as well who took the

things missing from themistressp lace the other day. 10:虽不免大家赖一回,终不免水落石出。(73) 杨译: Though at first everyone denied ever having gambled, in the end inevitably they arrived at the truth; In use the phrase “水落石出”Mr. Yang did not keep the images of水”(waters)和“石”( rocks)This metaphor is frequently used in Chinese language and it did not contain particular cultural background, so Mr. Yang adopted the method of domestication which expressed the indicated meaning properly. It is quite simple and clear

D.Foreingnization Strategy

宝玉满面泪痕泣道:“家里姐姐妹妹都没有,单我有,我说没趣;如今 来了个这么一个神仙似的妹妹也没有,可知这不是个好东西。 杨译:Even this newly arrived cousin whos lovely as a fairy hasnt got one either. That shows its no good. 王夫人因说道“:你舅舅今日斋戒去了,再见罢。 杨译: Your uncles observing a fast todaysaid Lady Wang.You will see him some other time. Because the “神仙似” and “斋戒” are very particular in Chinese culture, so he used foreingnization strategy.

D. The combination of the above translation techniques

Examples: His face was as radiant as the mid autumn moon. His complexion fresh as spring flowers at down. The hair above his temples was as sharply outlines as if cut with a knife. His cheeks were as red as peach blossom while his eyes were as bright as autumn ripples.

______ chapter three 画如中秋月,色如春晓华,鬓若刀裁, 眉如墨画,鼻若悬胆,晴若秋 红楼梦第三回

本句子是贾宝玉的出场,曹雪芹苦心安排,通过林黛 玉的眼睛勾勒出宝玉的形象。杨宪益在翻译的过程中 采用了多种翻译技巧。“中秋之月”和“春晓之花”

别翻译为as radiant as the mid autumn moon and fresh as spring flowers at down 第二句采用 增译的技巧。接着他又采用归化的技巧增加了His cheeks were as red as peach blossom. 最后晴若 秋波的翻译又同时采用了释译和增译的技巧译为as bright as autumn ripples。让读者读来一气呵成, 达到原文的效果,使宝玉活灵活现的呈现在读者面前。

Yang said:I think that the translation can not contain too many explanations from the translator. The translator should be faithful to the original image neither exaggerate it nor add anything else to it. Of course, if the translator could not find something equivalent, it certainly will sacrifice some of the original meaning. But too much emphasis on creativity is not rightbecause such an action would not be translating but rewriting. He proposed faithfulness and expressiveness are indispensable for the translation. In the translation of 红楼梦,he also adhere to these principles of translation.

The translation features of Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang are expound. The couple followed the“ faithful and fluency policy in their translation practice, adopted the integration of literal translation and free translation with emphasizing the previous one, and took the integration of domestication and foreignization with emphasizing the later one.
