
时间:2023-05-19 20:24:12 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


【期刊名称】《计算机应用研究》 【年(),期】2017(034)012

【摘 要】目前诸多社团划分算法往往面向一般意义的复杂网络,针对具体问题应用时需要筛选和改进.为了提高国际贸易网络社团划分的准确性与合理性,考虑现实国际贸易主体平等、联系普遍、流量悬殊、市场依赖、贸易组织重叠、社团相对稳定和贸易波动等特性对社团划分的影响,提出一种引入贸易依赖度权重的派系过滤算.将该算法应用于海上丝绸之路贸易社团划分,通过检验算法结果的社团结构可辨识性、模块度Q值、现实契合度和可解释性,验证了该算法的有效性.%In allusion to common complicate networks,current community partition algorithms may have limitations in applying to specific problems.In order to partition international trade communities exactly and reasonably,this paper presented an improved algorithm called dependence weighted clique percolation(DWCP).It took into account the influences of characteristics of real international trade networks,in which equal countries widely connect and depend with each other with quite different and fluctuant trade flows,constitute overlapping organizations and relatively stable trade communities.Then,it was used to find the trade communities on thc Maritime Silk Road,and compared with several other common algorithms.The result proves the valid of this algorithm through

comprehensively testing community structure identification,modularity degree,degree of consistent with reality and the interpretability. 【总页数】5(P3708-3712) 【作 者】郑军;张永庆;黄霞;沈爱忠



【中图分类】TP301.6;N941 【相关文献】

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