论文 马东锋——摘要和英文摘要

时间:2022-05-06 08:46:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


家庭理财管理系统采用VS2005作为开发工具,采用SQL SERVER 2000开发后台数据库。该系统主要包含了用户登录模块、用户管理模块、数据库备份模块、收入模块、支出模块、密码管理模块、帐目统计模块、报表输出模块以及查询模块。用户能够通过这些模块所实现的功能,完成相应的操作,进而满足家庭内部对理财需求。




The Family Financial Management System is one of the typical Information Management System (MIS). The development process involves the establishment and the maintenance of database and the development of front application.It consists of establishing a database with strong consistency, high integrality and better security. The system has a good interaction, perfect function and good usability.

This system was developed using VS2005, and SQL Server 2000 as back-end database. It contains the user login module, user information management module, database backup module, income management module, output management module, user password management module, accounts statistics module, report exportation module and inquire module. Users can be satisfied by this system, which can complete the corresponding operation,and meet the internal management of the family financial management needs through these modules and the functions in this system.

KeywordMIS; Accounts; Financial; Management
