
时间:2022-12-05 19:20:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

把这个写下来,感谢去年分享复试经验的学姐~ 328

13,午休醒来,11楼人大学姐的宿舍匆匆往面试地点赶。 1317,科研楼的电梯慢吞吞的落下来,终于把我带到了302试考场。门前已经聚集了好几个来复试的同学,还有大三的准备考研来请教经验的学妹。因为我是第一个要进去面试的,此刻有点小小的紧张,稍微整理了一下头发,深呼吸平静了一下心绪。Calm down! your opportunity is coming now!


第一步,抽专业课题目,暂时将此纸条放在桌子上,先面试英语 首先,英文自我介绍,这个我早有准备,想当初考研冲刺的时候,背书背的腻味,为了走出那种疲倦感,就开始自言自语的练习英文自我介绍,象着眼前就是人大的面试老师,我大声的反复练习:Good afternoon,I am glad to have this interview,first,let me introduce myself briefly,my name is @#@,I am from Anhui university and my major is sociology,my home town is in Anyang,Henan province,It is famous for its long history and beautiful senic~


“Do you have any experience about social research?"老师问。这个问题也是考研背书时准备的调味品,所以我就轻车熟路的开始讲。

”As a student whose major is sociology,I have a lot of opportunities to do social research. For example,in the year 2007, two teachers ,three students,including me,we went to Chu zhou city ,Tianchang county and Quanjiao county to do a social research. we distributed 500 questionares that time ,we spent

four days on that investigation,and at last we suceeded in doing it.."


我先看了题目,”Full circle -Sociology".然后飞速扫描了这三段的首句,大意是社会学研究经历了三阶段,本文为总分结构,鉴定完毕,接下来抓紧时间为构建起来的骨架组织语言填充血肉。


“Our study about sociology can be devided into three stages,first,we think more highly of social research and pay more attention to the applycation of sociology,however,years later we spent more time on the study of pure theory .As time goes by ,the voice of social research aslo came into our attention,we think social research and pure theory are both important,so the history of our study about sociology has experienced a long way just like a "full circle"That's all,thank you!" “Good."老师微笑的赞赏说。(个词汇让我陶醉,接下来的专业课面试就没这么幸运喽。) 第二步,专业课面试。

