8-19日Malasyia: ISSUE:116"With the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication, there is no doubt that every aspect of society—including education, politics, the arts, and the sciences—will benefit greatly from international influences." ARGUMENT: 133, The following is a memo from the principal of Academia High School. "Academia High School should abolish its after-school performing-arts programs and replace them with computer-technology programs. When nearby Techno High School did so last year, total enrollment in all of its after-school activities remained about the same. Moreover, on entering college, many Techno students chose a major directly related to their after-school activities. On the other hand, last year only 10 percent of Academia's graduating seniors chose performing arts as their major field of study in their first year of college, clearly indicating that most students do not have a strong interest in the performing arts." 类比机井有一些跟之前类似的,我记的是: INEXPERIENCED:NEOPHYTE= SOPORIFIC: ALERTNESS= anesthetic: pain LUDICROUS: BUFFOON= AIMLESS:PURPOSE= 反义的题干是: TOPICAL: SEQUENTIAL: HARROW: LOQUACIOUS: COMPUNCTION: PIED: LAUD: 填空: 1. That the historian pointed out that the forgotten writers’ works____ on … makes her work different from her peers: those ____ renowned writers. Answer: crucial………confined to 2. 许多立法者____(填一个表态度的动作) the fact that 很多的事情对不同的人群有不同的意义; 但是,他们(指立法者)仍然从他们所代表的阵营的利益来处理问题。 还有其他的暂时不太记得了,想到了就补上来。 阅读: 长阅读是说一个作家Cather的作品不被美国的20世纪文学评论家所接受,理由写了几点,包括:一是她没有选用当时流行的素材,另一个是。。。。。。;后来,女权主义者产生了,他们认为这个作家的作品选材特别选择male narrator是一个。。。。。原因,所以对这个作家和其作品的观点与当时的评论家们不同。至于题目,一个是问文章的大意;另外的都是细节题,问一下评论家和女权者在哪方面有分歧; 还有两道是针对作品的提问。 第一篇短阅读是写关于脊椎动物的软骨起源的原因有争论,一种是说起保护作用,所以进化出软骨,另一种是说起捕食作用;后来找到了一个最早有软骨的脊椎动物化石,它的软骨是起捕食作用的,其实就是口腔里的类似牙齿的东西。 题目一分别是文章写了是么样的争论;题目二不太记得。 还有一篇短阅读在第11题就出了,暂时没有太深的印象,比较简单。 数学不是有太多机井,记得: 图表题1:给一个几个国家的GDP,和教育占GDP的比例,求某个国家和别国相比,教育投入的经费多少; 图表2: 给了一个人均二氧化碳排放量和人口数量在1990和2001的数量情况,进行比较增加多少?另外,给出一个气体重量换算的公式,求某年某国排除多少重量气体。 3 给出一系列VALUE, 告诉你每个对应的percentile, 然后求median, 4 一个教授给一个班级的学生打分,有A,B,C,D,F五个等级,问至少有6个学生是相同等级的情况下,这个班至少要多少学生? 5还有一个送书的快递公司计费的方式,一次快递收4美金,一本书收0.5美金,问如果一次快递若干本书的活动中,总共收X美金,恰好等于以上这种计费方式的M倍,问这次快递中递送了多少本书? 还有一些题目希望其他同学可以帮忙补充。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4d0ee41384c24028915f804d2b160b4e767f81e5.html