大 连 枫 叶 国 际 学 校 Dalian Maple Leaf International School 入学申请表 编号No: APPLICATION FORM 申请就读年级 Desired Grade 申请人姓名 Applicant Name 国籍Nationality 特长/爱好 Specialties 性 别 Sex 出生日期 Birth date 获奖/荣誉 Honours 男M 女F 照 片 Photo 年Y 月M 日D 毕业/就读年级 Present Grade 毕业/现就读学校 Graduate/Present School 通讯地址/邮编 Mailing Address 联系电话 Telephone 父亲姓名 Father,s Name 母亲姓名 Mother,s Name 紧急情况联系人 Emergency contact person 手机: 固定电话: 传真/电子邮件 Fax/E-mail 职 业 Occupation 职 业 Occupation 紧急联系电话 Emergency call 特殊要求 Special request 声 明 DECLARATION 我声明本申请表所填写的内容是真实的、有效的、完整的。 校方填写 School Admission Office only 准考证号(报名发票号) 原校成绩单情况 入学考试成绩 面试意见 是否录取 I declare that the above is complete and true. 签名SIGNATURE: 年Y 月M 日D 备注 1 大 连 枫 叶 国 际 学 校 Dalian Maple Leaf International School 入 学 须 知 Admission Guide 学费标准:(1)小学学费:寄宿生:2.2万元人民币/学年(免宿费、餐费);外国及港澳台学生:4500美元/学年。走读生:1.9万元人民币/学年(免午餐费、课间间食费);外国及港澳台学生:4200美元/学年。 (2)初中学费:寄宿生:2.5万元人民币/学年(免宿费);外国及港澳台学生:5000美元/学年。走读生:2.2万元人民币/学年;外国及港澳台学生:4700美元/学年。 (3)高中学费:3.5万元人民币/学年(免宿费);外国及港澳台学生6000美元/学年。 学校对中途转学、退学的学生,其退费办法按照大连市教委、市物价局大委字[1999]93号文《大连市民办中小学退费暂行管理办法》执行。 入学条件:凡入我校学习的学生必须符合下列条件: 1、身体健康、品德好、无犯罪记录、无劣迹; 2、通过本校入学水平考试和面试; 3、具有同级学习(学历)证明或转学证明; 4、服从学校的管理,遵守学校的规章制度,接受学校现有的学习生活条件、课程设置、考试规定、学籍管理规定及本简章的内容; 5、付清学费。 录取原则:公开公正,择优录取。 录取程序:按下列程序录取; 1、报名可采用到校报名、函邮报名、E-MAIL报名,任选一种,报名费人民币100元。外国及港澳台学生报名费人民币150元。2、填入学申请表、交一寸照片2张,提交有关学历证明。3、确定考试日期,凭准考证参加入学考试。就读小学一年级学生只需面试;二至六年级只考语文、数学(英语按其水平分级施教);就读初中学生考语文、数学、英语;就读高中只考英语,但必须提供当年真实的中考成绩单或现在的学习成绩。4、学校根据学生成绩由高分到低分依次录取,发给录取通知书,成绩不及格的不予录取。5、被录取学生在指定时间内到校报到。 纪 律:对弄虚作假,伪造成绩的行为一经查实,学校不予录取,如已入学,立即将该生清退。 学校工作人员在招生中要做到:廉洁公正负责,不以权谋私,不徇情枉法。学校衷心希望广大学生及其家长和社会给予监督。 Tuition Standard: 1、Elementary boarding students (including residence and meals): Chinese students RMB22, 000, Foreign students US$4,500. Chinese elementary non-boarding students RMB 19,000 (including lunch & snack); Foreign elementary non-boarding student US$4,200 (including lunch & snack). 2、Junior High boarding students (including residence): Chinese students RMB 25,000. Foreign students US$5,000. Chinese Junior High non-boarding students RMB 22,000, Foreign Junior High non-boarding students US$4,700. 3、Senior High School students (including residence): Chinese students RMB35,000, Foreign students US$6,000. Students who leave the school or transfer to the other schools, the school will refer to the No. 93 document [1993] issued by Dalian Education Committee, for refund. Requirements for Admission: 1、 Be in good health, no records of infectious decease, and no criminal record; 2、 Pass the school entrance exams (both written and oral) at the school; 3、Hold an equivalent certification or diploma of studies; 4、Obey the school rules and regulations; 5、Pay the tuition fee. Recruitment Principle: Just and fair to choose better students basing on entrance examination. Enrollment Procedure: 1、Registration (including coming to school in person or through post and e-mail.). Registration fee is 100 RMB, overseas student RMB 150; 2、Complete Application Form, attach one current photo and submit the identification certificate of diploma; 3、Set a date for entrance exam ; 4、Come to school for entrance examination. Students entering grade 1 need an interview only; Grades 2-6 require entrance exams in Chinese, Math. (English can be chosen depend on student’s English level); Chinese, Math and English are required for those applying to Junior High School. Senior High School students must take the municipal examination, and these marks along with the most recent school marks; 5、The school will issue acceptance letters to the student; however, the school reserves the right to select the most qualified applicants; 6、The enrolled students come to school for registration before the deadline. 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/52266a7001f69e3143329426.html