顾客满意程度调查表Customer Satisfaction Survey 编号 Form No 顾客名称地址 Customer Name Address 联系人 电话、传真 Contact Phone , Fax Person 订购产品的时间、订购方式、产品型号、规格、数量等:Time of Order, Method of Order, Item Code, Specifications and Quantity : 对本公司产品的满意程度:Level of Product Satisfaction 质量 Quality: □很满意Very Satisfactory □一般化 Satisfactory □不满意 Dis-satisfactory 价格 Price: □很满意 Very Satisfactory□一般化 Satisfactory □不满意 Dis-satisfactory 交货期 Delivery Schedule:□很满意 Very Satisfactory □一般化 Satisfactory □不满意 Dis-satisfactory 请分别说明原因(可另附纸) Please explain (use additional pages if required): 对本公司服务的满意程度 Level of Service Satisfaction: 售后维修、保养服务 After sales repair, maintenance: □很满意 Very Satisfactory □一般化 Satisfactory □不满意 Dis-satisfactory 咨询及对顾客使用、维护培训 Response and training from manufacturer:□很满意 Very Satisfactory □一般化 Satisfactory □不满意 Dis-satisfactory 备品、备件供应Spare parts and supply: □很满意 Very Satisfactory □一般化 Satisfactory □不满意 Dis-satisfactory 请分别说明原因(可另附纸) Please explain (use additional pages if required): 对代理商的满意程度 Level of satisfaction with agent □很满意 Very Satisfactory □一般化 Satisfactory □不满意 Dis-satisfactory 售后维修、保养服务:After sales repair and maintenance □很满意 Very satisfactory □一般化 Satisfactory □不满意 Dis-satisfactory 咨询及对顾客使用、维护培训Response and training from manufacturer :□很满意 Very satisfactory □一般化 Satisfactory □不满意 Dis-satisfactory 备品、备件供应 Spare parts and supply: □很满意 Very satisfactory □一般化 Satisfactory □不满意 Dis-satisfactory 请分别说明原因(可另附纸)Please explain (use additional pages if required) : 其他意见、要求或建议,如其他厂家同类产品的差距、市场信息、改进的建议等(对于好的建议一经采用,本公司将对顾客给予奖励)(可另附纸): Other comments, requests and suggestions, including comparisons with other suppliers, industry information, recommendations for improvement (suggestions that are applied will be rewarded) (use additional pages if required) 请贵单位填好此调查表并于2周内传回我公司营销部,电传: Please return this survey to our sales department within 2 weeks. Fax : 02158126012 编制 Recorded by: 时间 Time: 审核Audited by: 时间 Time: 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/59eaf687de3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b071b0e3.html