
时间:2023-02-02 02:02:12 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


The Snow in Yan ggua n Pass


Aimlessly walking along the endless

我在望不到边际的坟堆中茫 mounds, I was reminded of T.S Eliot'

The Waste Land.Here, the waste land of

前行,心中浮现出艾略特的《荒 原》。

这里正是中华历史的荒原: 如雨的马蹄,如雷的呐喊,如注 的热血。中原

慈母的白发,江南 春闺的遥望,湖湘稚儿的夜哭。 故乡柳荫下的诀别,将

军圆睁的 怒目,猎猎于朔风中的军旗。 着一阵烟尘,又一阵烟尘,都飘 远去。我相信,死者临亡时都 是面向朔北敌阵的;我相信,他 们又很想在最后一刻回过头来, 给熟悉的土地投注一个目光。于 是,他们扭曲地倒下了,化作沙 堆一座。

这繁星般的沙堆,不知有没 换来史官们的半行墨迹?史官 们把卷

帙一片片翻过,于是,这 块土地也有了一层层的沉埋。堆 积如山的二十五

史,写在这个荒 原上的篇页还算是比较光彩的, 因为这儿毕竟是历代王国

的边远 地带,长久担负着保卫华夏疆

的使命。所以,这些沙堆还站立 得较为自在,这些篇页也还能哗 哗作

响。就像干寒单调的土地一 样,出现在西北边陲的历史命题 也比较单纯。


Chinese history was in front of me: gallop

ing war-horses, thun dery roars and floodi

ng blood. I could see a

grey-headed mother wait ing, a mela

ncholy maide n longing and I could

hear a child crying in the ni ght. I could

even imagine how the warriors bid

farewell to their families, how the

general flew into rage with his eyes

the army flag was

glaring, and how north wind. But all

flying against the these images have

drifted away like

smog with the passing time. I believe

that all the warriors were facing north

toward their en emies the mome nt whe n

they died, even though they were so year

ning to catch the last glimpse of their homeland in the south. Then, the warriors

fell down with regrets and dusted into a

waste mound.

I did not know if these waste mounds had

bee n recorded in Chin ese history or not.

With the passage of time, historical books

have being turned over page by page so

as these waste mounds have being

covered by layers of dust. Chapter

about this waste land in voluminous

historical books are also radiating with

their own charms, for this waste land,

after all, was the border area of the past

dyn asties and vital to territorial sovereig

nty. That is the reas on why these

mounds have their own place in the Chinese history and why the recorded history about them is still read by

posterity. The history of the no rth-west border is as monotonous as the barren land there. While in the cen tral plain of China, things are differe nt. Here, eve n


了,山重水复、花草掩荫,岁月 的迷宫会让最清醒的头脑胀得发 昏,晨钟暮鼓的音响总是那样的 诡秘和乖戾。

the most reas on able man would be fasc in ated with the beautiful sce nery and making merry; and even the morning bell and

evening drum sound secretive and grumpy.



原文从语言到意境都具有极强的文学性, 遣词造句繁复跳跃,脱 离语法的束缚。这给译者带来许多障碍,首先就是理解上的障碍。要 读懂这类文章,需要译者具备一定的文学素养,能读懂作者的弦外之 音,与作者产生共鸣。

原文有以下理解难点: 1. “沙堆”

原文多次出现“沙堆”一词,其实“沙堆”指的就是第一句里的 “坟堆”。这些沙堆就是阵亡战士的荒坟,因为他们是尸体是自然风 化的,自然掩埋的,不是经过埋葬仪式,所以全文都将“沙堆”一词 处理为“ waste mound (荒坟)”

2. “于是,他们扭曲地倒下了,化作沙堆一座。”

该句中的“扭曲”不太好理解,若直译为字面意思显得很牵强。 译者是联系上文来理解该词的。上文提到阵亡的战士临死前向回头看 一眼故土,但却最总选择了面向敌阵,这就说明了战士死时心有遗憾, 未能看故土最后一眼。所以,这里将“扭曲地倒下”理解为“心怀遗 憾地死去”。全局解释为:战士心怀遗憾地倒下,自然风化成一堆荒 坟。

3. “史官们把卷帙一片片翻过,于是,这块土地也有了一层层的 沉埋。”

这句话是用形象的语言来描述抽象的事情。“史官们把卷帙一片 片翻过”说明史官在记录历史,而时间在向前发展; “这块土地也有

了一层层的沉埋”说明随着时间的流逝,这些沙堆越积越厚。简而言 之,就是作者用“史书的翻过”和“沙堆的累积”这两个意象来表明 时间在流逝。在翻译时,最好要保留原文的意象,将“卷帙一片片翻 过”、“一层层沉埋”表现出来。

4. “所以,这些沙堆还站立得较为自在,这些篇页也还能哗哗作 响。”

这句话也需要联系上文来理解。上文指出西北边陲在历代是军事 要地,战略价值意义重大,所以“这些沙堆还站立的较为自在”是在 说这些阵亡的战士在历史上有一席之地;“这些篇页也还能哗哗作响” 说明这段历史还有人阅读,还有价值。

翻译策略 根据纽马克的文本类型分类理论,该源文本明显属于“表达型” 文本。作者主要通过该文本来表达自己的思绪和心情, 所以遣词造句 富于表现力。 译者在翻译时要透过词句揣摩作者的心情, 用对应的目 标语来再现作者的心情。所以翻译时主要采取“意译” ,即不拘泥于 词句的表面意思和形式, 而要挖掘其
