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1. 在质量方面,其它牌子的商品很难和我们的相比。

In terms of quality, other makes can hardly match ours.

2. 由于我方急需此货,故请在收到订单后40天内交货。 3. 按照你方要求,我方给你方报实盘如下。

4. 八月份以前必须装船,否则我们就赶不上销售季节了。

The goods must be shipped on board before August, or we will not catch the selling season.

5. 你方的报价比我们能接受的价格高出15%

Your offer is 15% higher than the price we can accept.

6. 请告知详细的广州成本,保险加运费价、折扣及付款方式。

7. 我方很高兴通知你方这批货已装上“胜利”号,明天从防城港启航至香港。 8. 很遗憾不得不通知你方,你方所需货品我方无库存。

We regret to say that the goods required by you are unavailable.

9. 对于给贵方造成的不便之处,再次表示歉意。 10. 此信用证715日到期。

This credit expires on July 15.

11. 打开这个箱子,发现里面的货物完全不对。

When we opened this case we found it contained completely different articles.

12. 经详阅,我们对第276号信用证按贵方要求作了必要的修改。

On perusal we made necessary amendments to the L/C No.276 according to your request.

13. 感谢你方416日报盘,我方向你方下订单如下。

Thank you for your offer of April 16. We place with you an order as follows.

14. 降价是有限度的,我们不能再降价了。

There are limits to price reduction; we really can’t make any further reduction.

15. 很抱歉通知贵方,我方用户发现贵方价格太高。

We regret to inform you that our clients find your prices much too high.

16. 我方接受订单并随函给你方寄去我方第354号销售确认书一式两份 We accept the order and are enclosing our Sales Confirmation No.354 in duplicate.

17. 请注意,货物的包装应该与合同的规定一致。

18. 至于支付条款,我们通常采用保兑不可撤销即期信用证。 In terms of payment, we usually accept confirmed irrevocable L/C.

19. 关于贵方718日的来信,我方很高兴得知你们对我们的手工艺品感兴趣。
