模块整合训练 Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A Protecting animals that are in danger is not a big priority for young people,according to a recent survey. Compiled(汇编) by the aircraft maker Airbus,the survey was announced at London Zoo on 16 May,a week ahead of the UN's International Day of Biodiversity(生物多样性)on 22 May. Forty percent of the 10,000 5-to 18yearolds who participated ranked watching TV or playing computer games higher than saving the environment. School reporters from Mayfield School and College in Barking,London,commented on the possible future effect of the survey's results. Fardus,16,said,“I do care about animals becoming extinct,as each animal is involved in a circle of life.Without each animal the world would lose its function.”He added,“We are the future generation and we need to live on the resources that animals give us.” Sophie,16,said,“Animals are basically like us.They've got to live.They've got to eat.And it's important to look after them as well as they look after us.”She believed one reason for young children's lack of awareness(意识) was their addiction to computer games and other electrical products. Naila,16,said,“No matter how big or small they are,animals play a really important part in the earth.”She added,“If all the animals are extinct,the future generation of children won't have anything left,and it will be the adults' fault because they're not thinking about the children's future.” “You can't blame young people for not caring,”she said,“Because the generation are already here to teach us not to care by hurting animals and causing environmental damage.” 【语篇解读】 英国一项针对青少年进行的调查显示,大部分青少年对于野生动物保护还不够重视,这种意识还有待加强。 1.What does the underlined word “priority” in Para.1 most probably mean? A.Something useful. B.Something popular. C.Something important. D.Something interesting. C [词义猜测题。根据下文可知,当今青少年对于保护动物这件事情不够重视,因此判断这里的priority一词意为“优先之事,重要之事”。] 2.What do we learn about the survey? A.It was aimed at teenagers. B.It was conducted by London Zoo. C.It was announced on May 22nd. D.Half of the participants were from middle schools. A [细节理解题。根据第三段“...10,000 5 to 18yearolds who participated...”可知这项调查是针对青少年进行的,故A项正确。该调查的结果是在5月22日(国际生物多样性日)之前在伦敦动物园发布的,但并不是伦敦动物园发起的,因此B、C两项错误,D项无依据。] 3.Which would be the best title for the passage? A.Young people pay less attention to protecting animals B.Young people spend much time on TV and computers C.Wild animals are in great danger D.Wild animals are part of the earth 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/60b4a07f01768e9951e79b89680203d8ce2f6a97.html