
时间:2023-03-01 23:04:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

(时间:60分钟 满分:100分)


四、按要求写词。10分) 1this(对应词) ____ 听力部分(30分)


he C二、听录音,选择正确的答句。10分)Xk b 1.C om I like a tiger.

It's an dog.

Yes,I do.

No,they are.

Good evening.

三、听录音,然后在横线上填入所缺的单词。10分) Helen: What's____English? x k b 1.c o m Mike: It's an____

Helen: Do you like____?

Mike: Yes,I do. What do you like? Helen: I like____

I 2that(复数形式)____ 3panda(复数形式)____

4small(反义词)____ 5thin(反义词) ____ 6don't(完整形式)____ 7a bus(复数形式) ____ 8are(单数形式)____ 9I'd(完整形式)____

10. I'm(完整形式) 标第 .单项选择。 (20)

( )1. Where____ my pen?

A. is B. are C. am

( )2. -Thank you. -____

A. All right. B. OK. C. Not at all.

( )3. -Do you like toys? -____

A. Yes,I don't. B. No,I do. C. Yes,l do. ( )4. -What's that?

-____ a fat tiger.

A. It's B. They're C. Theyis ' . ( )5. This is ____ elephant. | | | | |

A. a B. an C. they ( )6. What's this ____ English?

A. on B. in C. under ( )7. - ____is my ruler?

-It's in your pencil case.

A. Where's B. Where C. What

( )8. -1 like blue skirts.

-____ w W w.xK b 1. c om

A. Me too. B. OK. C. Great.

1 2

( )1.A.pen B.ball pen C.pencil ( )2.A.have B.here C.there ( )3.A.like B.look C.let ( )4.A.bike B.like C.look ( )5.A.your B.you C.know ( )6.A.she B ( )7.A.yellow B.blue C.orange ( )8.A.twelve B.eleven C.seven ( )9.A.dog B.door C.doll ( )10.A.pandas B.tigers C.lions ( )1.A. I like tigers. B.I like tiger. C ( )2.A. It's an egg. B.It's'an panda. C ( )3.A. Yes,l don't. B.No,I do. C ( )4.A. Yes,it is. B.No,it is. C ( )5.A. Good moming. B.Good afternoon. C
( )9. That's ____little pencil-box.

A. I B. my C. he

( )10. -Nice to meet you. -____

A. Hello. B. Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you,too 六、选择合适的单词填空。10分) 1. This is____ (I/my) father. 2. My apples____(is/are) big. 3. This is____ (a/an) elephant. 4I____( am/is)a girl. 标第

5. Do you like ____ (yellow/yellows)? 七、句子翻译。10分)


I’d _____a _____ _____ _____ 2.—你喜欢绿色的夹克衫吗? 一不,不喜欢。 7

_____you like_____ _____ NoI______ 标第

3.一那个是什么? —它是一匹可爱的马。 What's______?

It’s a______ ______. 八、阅读理僻。(20)

My school bag

My school bag is my good friend(朋友)lt's black and red. There is a blue cat on my school bag. The cat's eyes are big and the nose is whiteIt's very lovely(可爱的)!

My school bag is not big,but pretty and useful(有用的)My textbooks(教科书)my pencil box and my exercise-books(练习本)are all in my school bag.1 like my school bag.

A.根据短文内容,判断正(T)(F) ( )1. My school bag is blue.

( )2. A black cat is on my school bag. ( )3. The cat's nose is big. ( )4. The cat's eyes are big.

( )5. My school bag is not big.

B.根据短文内容填空(每空一词) ww w.Xkb 1.coM

My school bag is my good______.There is a______ ______ on my school bag. The cat’s eyes are______It's very lovely(可爱的)!

My school bag is not big,but my______,my penci1 box and my ercise_books are all in my school bag.1 like my school bag.

2 2
