A∶朋友们,我感到很沮丧,我的电脑坏了不能使用了。 My friends, I feel so depressed. My computer is down and I can't use it. B∶听到这个消息,我对此表示难过,是什么原因导致你的电脑出现问题了呢? I'm sorry to hear that. What caused the problem with your computer? A∶是因为我下载了个软件后,突然发现电脑中病毒了,现在电脑都是蓝屏的无法使用。 Because I downloaded a software, suddenly found a virus in the computer, now the computer is blue screen can not be used. C:原来是这样子,现在很多软件都含有病毒,下载之前需要安装个杀毒软件才行的。 Is this appearance originally, now a lot of software contain virus, need to install before downloading an anti-virus software to just go. D∶我的电脑之前也中过病毒,不过还好我下载了杀毒软件,问题很快就解决了。 I've had viruses on my computer before, but luckily I downloaded anti-virus software and the problem was soon fixed. A∶现在电脑开不了机,下载不了杀毒软件了,这个怎么办呢? Now the computer can not open the machine, can not download the anti-virus software, how to do this? B∶我觉得你可以把电脑送去专门的维修店看一下,维修师傅能帮你解决这个问题的。 I think you can send the computer to a special repair shop to have a look. The repair man can help you solve this problem. C∶我认识一个学校附近的维修店的师傅,他的电脑技术非常高超,肯定能帮你把电脑修好的。 I know a repair man in a repair shop near the school. His computer skills are very high. I'm sure he can help you repair your computer. D:我还有一个办法,就是重装一下电脑系统,不过这个方法弊端就是电脑的软件数据都会消失。 Another option I have is to reinstall the computer system, but the downside of this approach is that all the software data will disappear. A∶那我还是将电脑送去维修店吧,谢谢你们的建议。 I'd better take it to the repair shop. Thank you for your advice. BCD∶不用谢,希望你的电脑能尽快修好。 You are welcome. I hope your computer can be repaired soon. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6a9166da92c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec4dad75d.html