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代写英语论文所选题目 鲁滨孙漂流记》主人公性格分析 An Analysis of the Hero's Character in Robinson Crusoe

The purpose of the thesis, the status of the topics and significance of the research

This thesis focused on the study on the "Robinson Crusoe", the character of the Robinson that was the hero in this book was analyzed. Although many people have written similarly about the thesis, the social phenomena and the characteristics of the times was often investigated only from one side, which was reflected from this book. Based on the more comprehensive discussion on the hero's character, the current world situation was considered, the contemporary significance was also presented. The main content and outline of the thesis

The book was divided into three parts for analyzing Robinson's character. In first part, the background of the times of "Robinson Crusoe" was introduced from the three areas: the status of the book, the link between author and times, and the effects of the book on people. In second part, Robinson's character of bravery, fortitude, never giving up and good thinking was described, as well as the related stories. In third part, the link between the hero's character and the book was summarized, so did the decisive role of the hero's character.

In the final, conclusions were summed up. It considers that it is important of the book for people to understand Robinson's character, and it has some reference to know the current international and personal situation. Outline: Introduction

1. Background of "Robinson Crusoe"

1.1 The status in the literary history of the United Kingdom 1.2 Daniel• Defoe and "Robinson Crusoe"

1.3 The effects on the people of this book at that time 2.The character of Robinson

2.1The events embodying the hero's bravery 2.2The events embodying the hero's fortitude

2.3The events embodying the hero's character of never giving up 2.4The events embodying the hero's good thinking

3.The link between the hero's character and the book, its decisive role 3.1The link between the hero's character

3.2The key role of the hero's character in the book

ConclusionIt is important of the book for people to understand Robinson's character, and it has some reference to know the current international and personal situation. The research method

The method of this thesis is basically description, close reading and analyzing step by step. The Main Reference

Daniel• Defoe "Robinson Crusoe". Beijing: Foreign language teaching and research press, 2007. Chen Cun. History of Western Literature[M]. Chengdu: Sichuan People Press,


Xu Xiacun: "Robinson Crusoe"BeijingPeople’s literature press, 2008.

Geng Shicheng. when you are in an impasse, you should be sturdy"Huang Dao Yu Sheng" [J]. Secondary language Corner (Junior high school version),2004,(6). [9]

Li Funing. English literature essays[C]. Shanghai: Foreign language teaching and research press, 1997.



本文从《鲁滨孙漂流记》一书着手,分析了这本书中主人公——鲁滨孙的性格特点。虽然不少人已经写过类似该主题的论文,但是往往仅从某个侧面分析该书体现的社会现象和时代特征。本文在较全面的探讨书中主人公鲁滨孙的性格特征的基础上,联系当今世界局势,挖掘其当代意义。 论文主要内容和提纲

本文分三部分分析《鲁滨孙漂流记》这本书主人公鲁滨孙的性格特征体现。第一部分从这本书的地位、作者与时代的联系以及该书对人们的影响三方面来介绍《鲁滨孙漂流记》这本书的时代背景。第二部分介绍主人公鲁滨孙勇敢、坚毅、永不放弃、善于思考的性格特征及其相关故事情节。第三部分综述主人公的性格特征与这本书的联系及其决定性作用。结论部分总结全文,认为这本书不仅对人们了解和认识鲁滨孙的性格特征具有重要意义,而且它对于人们认识当前国际社会和个人所处的形势也具有一定的参考价值。 引言

1 《鲁滨孙漂流记》这本书的背景 1.1 这本书在英国文学史上的地位 1.2 丹尼尔笛福与《鲁滨孙漂流记》 1.3 这本书对当时人们的影响 2 鲁滨孙的性格特征

2.1 体现主人公勇敢性格特点的事件 2.2 体现主人公坚毅性格特点的事件 2.3 体现主人公永不放弃性格特点的事件 2.4 体现主人公善于思考性格特点的事件

3 主人公的这种性格特征与这本书的联系及其决定性作用 3.1 主人公的性格特征与这本书的联系 3.2 主人公的性格特征所起的关键性作用

结论:该书对于人们了解和认识鲁滨孙的性格特征具有重要意义,而且它对于人们认识当前国际社会及个人所处的形势也具有一定的参考价值。 主要参考书目:

Daniel, Defoe "Robinson Crusoe". Beijing: Foreign language teaching and research press , 2007. Chen Cun. History of Western Literature[M]. Chengdu: Sichuan People Press, 2003. 徐霞村:《鲁滨孙漂流记》,北京:人民文学出版社,2008年。

耿世诚.身处绝境 贵在坚强赏读《荒岛余生》 [J].中学语文园地:初中版,2004,(6). [9] 李赋宁.英国文学论述文集 [C].上海:外语教学与研究出版社,1997.
