Wish you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long. 编写人: 教 学 预设 成 果 指 标 思 维 导 引 初三英语学业纸 Unit 5 Section B Reading 姓名: 小组: 成果指标自评等级: 任务 活动 规则 规则与 评价 1.我能准确理解圣诞节的真正含义. 2.我能通过阅读策略的指导,完成层层递进的活动,把握文章大意3.我能学会去分享爱与礼物,并说出自己最喜欢的节日,阐明原因。了解成果指标, 力争当堂达成 凡事预则立,不预则废 Activity 1 :Try to describe:乐于分享 关于节日知多少规则:任意选择数字卡,尝试描述背后的节日 It’s a eastern or western festival. We can eat/play…… Activity 2: (A gift for you)发动脑筋这是哪个节日呢 评 价 : 课前自学,有理有据展现自我选择。+3 分 个人得分: 思 维 碰 撞 任务一: (Before reading) 准确理解圣诞节的真正含义 Activity 1 :小组合作 Talk about something about Christmas and 评 价 : 积极share your ideas with your classmates. Finish the mind map. 回应,每回答Date Christmas Symbols Stories Activities 两 个 单 词 +1 分,小组共享自己的见解, 完 成 导 图 +2。 : Activity 2 单词魔方 Try to say the words as quickly as you can (速度与质量的较量) 个人得分: 任务二:(While reading) 通过阅读策略的指导,完成层层递进的活动,把握文章大意。 Extensive reading(泛读) What’s the true spirit of Christmas? 攻读课文想想圣诞节到底要干点啥呢 评 价 : 1. 能积极回答问题 +1 分 2.回答正确者 +2 分 个人得分: Intensive reading(精读) Activity 1:Read Para 1&2 and do true or false. (1) ( ) We probably think of gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus when we think of Christmas (2) ( ) A Christmas Carol is a famous long novel written by Charles Dickens. (3) ( ) Scrooge is unfriendly to others. (4) ( ) Jacob Marley used to work together with Scrooge. (5) ( ) Jacob Marley wants to help Scrooge. 规则: 找准关键词,迅速锁定答案 Activity 2: Groupwork 小 组 , 小 组 动 起 来 Read Para 2& 3, Novel:finish the o utline. Writer: 文声音要洪亮,注意发音。认真完成,积极展现。 规则: 朗读课 Two characters 主角: Relationship 关系(两大主角的恩怨情仇): 1 What does scrooge see when he’s with Three ghosts: Past: Present: Yet to come: Wish you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long. Example 评 价 : 小组 有 效 合 作 +1 分,正确回答 一 个 问 题 +1 分 个人得分: Activity 3 :Read para2& 4 and answer the question 规则:敢想敢猜,用至少三个单词回答以下问题,我的见解棒棒哒 Q: What did scrooge used to be? like at present? Q: What is Scrooge 评价: 用词准确,流 利表达自己的 独 到 见 解 +2 分 个人得分: 思维迁移 任务三:( Post reading)分享爱与礼物,并说出自己最喜欢的节日,阐明原因 举一反三 你领悟到圣诞节的真谛了么 Activity 1: Role play : Work in groups. Try to play the conversations between the three ghosts and Scrooge. 评价: 感情充沛的表达出与三位圣诞之神之间微妙的情感变化 +3 分个人得分: I am ghost of Christmas…… I am Scrooge……… 规则:分工明确 放飞自我 感情充沛 通过角色扮演体会吝啬鬼与圣诞之神的情感变化 Activity 2: summary 我是分享小能手 我来分享你来读 思维导图 规则:课下完成 美句收集 选派代表 共同分享 Draw your mind map according to what you have learned and try to retell the passage using the mind map. 问题 Do you still have any questions? Please write them down and try to solve them. 2 Wish you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long. 单 3 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7f9e86f27c192279168884868762caaedd33bae0.html