高中英语《A visit to the moon》优质课教案、教学设计

时间:2022-04-05 05:50:04 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


课型:Reading comprehension







1. To help them learn some important words and expressions, such as:

gravity, float, spaceship, pull, lessen, get the hang of 2. To improve their reading, speaking and writing skills.

3. To help them cooperate with each other and inspire their interest in space. 教学重难点:

1. To let the students use the useful words and expressions. 2. To improve their reading and writing skills.

3. To help them improve their ability of cooperation.

Preview 1.感到高兴

2.既然,由于 3. 悉,掌握 4.突发,爆发

5. 倍远

6. 近,接近

7.出发,动身 8.密切注视

9.非常幸运 10. 作一次太空旅行




Step1 : Scanning

True or False Questions

1. The force of gravity would change four times on their journey . ( )

2. When they were on the moon, they would not feel the gravity because there was no gravity on the moon. ( )

3. Since the gravity has changed, their walk didn’t need a lot of practice. ( )

4. “A visit to the moon” was not a real story but science fiction .( )

5. Their returning to the earth was frightening.

Step2 Skimming

1. The passage is mainly about A. the introduction of the moon

B. the gravity that the writer felt on his way to the moon C. the writer’s visit to the moon

D. the writer’s friend Li Yanping, an astronomer

2. Why were they pushed back into their seats when they were going up? A. Because their spaceship was too busy.

B. Because they were pulled by the moon’s gravity. C. Because their spaceship traveled too fast.

D. Because they were trying to escape the pull of the earth’s gravity. 3. How did the writer feel after the trip into space? A. Puzzled and bored B. Shocked but excited C. Exhausted but excited

D. Exhausted and disappointed 4. From the passage, we can learn that

A. it was the first time that the writer had visited the moon B. the writer became taller and fatter on the moon C. the writer was too frightened to speak D. walking on the moon was very easy

5. From the passage we can know if a man grows up on the moon, A. he will grow taller B. he will grow shorter C. he will become fatter D. he will become heavier

Step3: Careful readingFind out how the gravity changed for Li Yanping in different

times. The time The gravity changed

Left the earth

In space

On the moon

What about his weight? The time The weight changed

Left the earth

In space

On the moon

Step4: Discussion about long difficult sentences.

1. Last month I was lucky enough to have a chance to make a trip into space with my friend Li Yanping, an astronomer.(Para1, Line1)

2. Then we were off.(Para2,Line2)

3. When we get closer to the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us but it will not be as strong a pull as the earth’s. (Para2,Line8)

4. “walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.”(Para3,Line7)

Step 4: Retell the text

Last month I visited the moon with my friend. Before we left, I was told the force of g would change three times on our journey. Then we set off. As we left the earth, gradually the weight l . When I was in space, I felt as if there was no g at all . We f weightlessly in the spaceship and I c . When I was on the moon, I was surprised to find out even walking needs lots of practice n gravity changed. The

returning of the earth was very f . We were amazed to watch fire b on

the outside of the ship.

Step 5 Discussion & Writing



文介绍讨论的情况。 30%的同学认为:

1. 不值得探索; 2. 离我们及我们的日常生活太遥远;

3. 浪费金钱。这些金钱本可用来解决地球上的饥饿、污染等问题。70%的同学认为:

1. 值得探索; 2. 卫星已用来进行通讯传播、天气预报,使得我们的生活更方便了; 2. 有望解决地球人口问题、地球能源短缺等问题。词语准备:

1 be worth doing; be worthwhile to do on the one hand; on the other hand 30% of the students think; waste a lot of money ; solve the problems such as starvation and pollution;

be used for communication and weather forecast;benefit us a lot; make…more convenient find new resources the problem of energy shortages; 句式铺路:

1 We had a discussion on whether…is worth doing.

2 On the one hand,30% of the students think that … ; on the other hand, 70% believe that … . 作文模板:

Recently, students in our class on

whether . On the one hand, 30% of the students think that . They think that space is , and space exploration will Waste

, which can be used to .

On the other hand,70% believe that . As we all know , satellites have been used for , which . Besides, if resources are found , the problem of energy shortages . Homework:

1. Go on to rewrite your passage, and then exchange it with your partner in order to correct the mistakes or learn from each other. 2. Retell the text
