中国古典诗歌是中华民族的文化遗产,是中国古代文明的精粹。在向西方英语世界传播中国文化的过程中,中国古典诗歌代表着中国历史某一时期的文化意识,她的英译占有很大的比重。下面是由带来的杜甫诗歌的英文翻译,欢迎阅读! 【篇一】杜甫诗歌的英文翻译 杜甫 春宿左省 花隐掖垣暮, 啾啾栖鸟过。 星临万户动, 月傍九霄多。 不寝听金钥, 因风想玉珂。 明朝有封事, 数问夜如何。 Five-character-regular-verse Du Fu A NIGHT-VIGIL IN THE LEFT COURT OF THE PALACE Flowers are shadowed, the palace darkens, Birds twitter by for a place to perch; Heaven\'s ten thousand windows are twinkling, And nine cloud-terraces are gleaming in the moonlight. ...While I wait for the golden lock to turn, I hear jade pendants tinkling in the wind.... I have a petition to present in the morning, All night I ask what time it is. 【篇二】杜甫诗歌的英文翻译 杜甫 月夜忆舍弟 戍鼓断人行, 秋边一雁声。 露从今夜白, 月是故乡明。 有弟皆分散, 无家问死生。 寄书长不达, 况乃未休兵。 Five-character-regular-verse Du Fu REMEMBERING MY BROTHERS ON A MOONLIGHT NIGHT A wanderer hears drums portending battle. By the first call of autumn from a wildgoose at the border, He knows that the dews tonight will be frost. ...How much brighter the moonlight is at home! O my brothers, lost and scattered, What is life to me without you? Yet if missives in time of peace go wrong -- What can I hope for during war? 【篇三】杜甫诗歌的英文翻译 杜甫 天末怀李白 凉风起天末, 君子意如何。 鸿雁几时到, 江湖秋水多。 文章憎命达, 魑魅喜人过。 应共冤魂语, 投诗赠汨罗。 Five-character-regular-verse Du Fu TO LI BAI AT THE SKY SEND A cold wind blows from the far sky.... What are you thinking of, old friend? The wildgeese never answer me. Rivers and lakes are flooded with rain. ...A poet should beware of prosperity, Yet demons can haunt a wanderer. Ask an unhappy ghost, throw poems to him Where he drowned himself in the Milo River. 本文来源: