
时间:2024-02-25 14:50:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

在…的基础上的英文短语包括: 1. Based on 在…的基础上

例如:This report is based on the results of the survey. (这份报告是基于调查结果得出的。) 2. Built upon 在…的基础之上建立

例如:The success of their business was built upon years of hard work. (他们的生意成功是建立在多年的辛勤工作之上的。) 3. Founded on 建立在…的基础之上

例如:The company's values are founded on integrity and honesty. (这家公司的价值观建立在诚实和正直的基础上。) 4. Grounded in 基于…的基础之上

例如:Her research is grounded in years of study and experimentation. (她的研究是基于多年的学习和实验基础之上的。)

5. Rooted in 根植于…的基础之上

例如:Their culture is rooted in tradition and history. (们的文化根植于传统和历史基础之上。) 6. Centered around 以…为中心

例如:The conference was centered around the theme of sustainability. (这次会议以可持续性为主题中心。) 7. Focused on 着眼于…的基础之上

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例如:The company is focused on providing quality customer service. (这家公司着眼于提供优质的客户服务。) 8. Anchored in 扎根于…的基础之上

例如:The team's success is anchored in their strong work ethic. (这个团队的成功扎根于他们强大的职业道德基础之上。) 9. Resting on 依靠于…的基础之上

例如:The project's success is resting on the expertise of its team members. (这个项目的成功依靠于团队成员的专业知识基础之上。

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